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Jimin was helping Jungkook pack up his office. He picked up a photo frame of Jungkook when he was a child. Both of his mothers in his picture. He smiled at it, admiring the beauties that Jungkook can claim as his mothers. Jungkook had a huge smile as his mothers held him while kissing his cheeks.

"Hey, which box did you put-" Jungkook starts as he walks into his office.

Jimin looks up before quickly placing the frame into the box on the desk. Jungkook laughed.

"What're you looking at?"

"Nothing." Jimin mumbles as he collects the rest of the things on his desk.

Jungkook walked over before taking the frame out of the box.

"Were you falling in love with my mothers?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow.

"No!" Jimin reached for the frame as Jungkook stretched his arm up.

He leaned down to eye Jimin.

"Then with me?" He smirked as Jimin punched his arm.

"You were a baby!"

"Doesn't mean you couldn't realize how amazing I am, even as a baby." Jungkook exhaled as he flipped his imaginary hair.

"Oh shut up."

Jungkook laughed as he put the photo back into the box then looked to see Jimin smiling down at Prince's baby photo. It was a photo of Prince in the nursery. His little fists were balled up and his eyes were shut. Jimin looked up to Jungkook who had a small smile looking down at the picture.

"He was born not that long ago when that picture was taken. He's very pink isn't he?" Jungkook chuckled as Jimin handed him the photo.

"You know, I've always wanted to have a baby." Jimin smiled sadly to himself.

"Is there anything preventing that, other than not having a partner?" Jungkook asks as he places the frame into the box, folding the flaps.

He notices Jimin's silence and turns to look at him and sees Jimin biting his lip as his eyes grew glossy.

"Hey, what's wrong? If you don't want to tell me you don't have to."

Jimin shakes his head and sniffles.

"It's just, the doctor said it's risky for me to have a baby." Jimin nods as he walks away from the desk to start packing the books in the bookshelf.

"Jimin." Jungkook calls softly.

"My health isn't the best so going through the intensity of pregnancy isn't safe for me or the baby." Jimin nodded with his back to Jungkook as he took books off the shelf and packed them into the box.

Jungkook frowned as he walked over to Jimin, worried that if he touched the omega, he might just break.

"And that took a toll, huh?" Jungkook whispered as he slowly placed his hands on Jimin's shoulders.

"Ah, but it's whatever now. They said if I do end up pregnant I have to be careful and think it through." Jimin sniffled and smiled at Jungkook.

"Look at you! All sad and worried. I'm fine." Jimin laughed as he wiped the small tear that fell.

Jungkook hummed before walking back to his desk to finish packing everything as Jimin placed the rest of the books into boxes.

Stupid. You always say way too much. Jimin cursed to himself as he shut his eyes tightly.

Liz looked at Taehyung who was picking up all of the clothes scattered on the floor.

"Why do you always come here and clean, but never clean your own house?" Liz watches as Taehyung throws the clothes into a hamper before standing up.

"Because I won't let my shit pile up like this. But you? You will." Taehyung points at him with the laundry hamper.

Liz rolled his eyes before sitting up and eyeing him as he sat the hamper down.

"Are any of these even washed?" Taehyung asks as he turns to Liz.

"I doubt it."

"That's disgusting." Taehyung cringes as he takes the hamper to the laundry room.

Liz laughs as he gets up and walks after Taehyung.

"Why do you spend more time at my house than your own?" Liz sighs as he leans against the doorway to the laundry room.

"Because it's lonely." Taehyung pouts to Liz who rolls his eyes and walks off after the doorbell sounds through the house.

He opens the door with wide eyes.

"Pa. Dad. Hi." He forces a smile onto his face.

"May we come in?" Halo asks with a smile.

"Oh um, it's kinda messy so just gimme a second." Liz slammed the door in their faces then ran into the laundry room.

"You have to hide!"

"Why?" Taehyung stood up after shutting the washing machine door.

"My dad is here."

"Oh? Cool, your dad loves me."

"No! My other dad! They're both here." Liz explains, panicked.

Taehyung's eyes widened as Liz dragged him into his room and shoved him into the closet.

"Do not come out! I swear to God!" Liz whispers to him as he shuts the closet door.

Liz runs back to the door and opens it with a smile, welcoming his parents.

"How have you been?" Halo smiles as he sits on the couch next to his husband.

"Papa, you saw me two days ago." Liz chuckles as he sits in front of them.

"Did you spray something in here?" Leo asks, sniffing the air.

Liz freezes, somewhat panicked as he realizes Taehyung's scent is covering the house.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Found this new fragrance at the store and decided to try it out." He smiles, nodding to Leo who hums.

"Well, it smells like that boy." Leo grumbles.

That boy? Well, that boy is gonna jump out of this closest and shove his foot up your ass! Taehyung growls to himself.

"Ah, dad, it's fine."

"I thought you didn't associate with him anymore?" Leo leaned forward, elbows on his knees as his arms were crossed.

"I told you I did. We don't talk." Liz nods.

"If we do see each other it's because Jimin's around." Liz smiles fakely as he feels his hands begin to sweat.

Halo pats Leo's back before sighing.

"We didn't come here to talk about Taehyung."

"Oh, yeah. What are you two doing here?" Liz tilts his head.

"I wanted to talk about the alpha your brother brought to the party." Leo sits up, throwing one leg over the other, eyes flashing a bright red.

Liz held his hands together in his lap, gripping them tightly.

"O-okay. What about him?"

"Who is he?" Leo inquires.

"Well, he's a friend of Jimin's-"

"He's not." Leo interrupts.

"What?" Liz whispers.

"That's not one of Jimin's friends. All of Jimin's friends are omegas except that boy. I know that the alpha he brought with him, is not a friend." Leo sighs.

Liz sits up straight and scoots forward.

"Dad, I am telling you the truth. When Jimin was evicted that man, his friend, allowed him to live at his house."

"Liz. Do not lie to me." Leo's eyes turned a bright red.

"And I tell you, I am not lying." Liz's eyes turned a bright yellow.

"Hey, calm down. Honey, he told us he's just a friend." Halo rubs Leo's back.

"Yeah dad, why don't you believe me?"

"Because you've lied to me before."

"To help my brother." Liz defends.

"You were keeping me from protecting your brother." Leo argues.

"Oh please! He was a grown adult!"

"Does it look like I care? Whatsoever?"

Liz growled as he stood up and left the room.

"Leo!" Halo huffed before standing up and following after his youngest son.

Leo scoffed as he crossed his arms.

Halo touched his son's shoulder before turning him to look at him. He saw how frustrated his son truly was.

"Why doesn't dad listen? He wonders why Min left and never talks to him. He's so stubborn!" Liz huffed as Halo held his cheeks, rubbing them with his thumbs.

"I know, honey." Halo frowns. "I'm sorry."

"Has he always been this stubborn? Even before you got married."

Halo sighs.

"No, it only grew when I was pregnant with your brother. You know, alpha's being possessive." Halo shook his head.

"That's stupid." Liz pouts.

"Alphas are stupid." Halo laughed.

Liz chuckles and nods in agreement.

"I believe you."

Liz looks up. "Hmm?"

"The relationship between your brother and that alpha. I believe you."

Liz smiles.

"Thanks pa."

They walked back out into the living room to see Leo looking at the pictures Liz has around the house. Lots of the pictures were of Liz, Jimin, Taehyung, and Chung-ha. Then more recent pictures had Hye-jin, Rosé, Mani and Seokjin.

"What are you all doing for New Years?" Leo asks as he turns around to look at the two omegas that approached.

"We've got things planned." Liz mentions. Refusing to go into detail.

Leo hummed before snapping his head to Liz's room when a sound came from the closest.

Taehyung! Liz panicked in his head.

He held his breath as he watched Leo turn to walk to his room. He rushed past him and shut his bedroom door.

"Ah! It's messy." Liz nods.

"I think there is an unwelcome guest in your room." Leo raises an eyebrow as he reaches for the doorknob.

Liz yells.

"I'm sure it's nothing, there's nowhere to hide, you know?" He says somewhat loudly as he hears Taehyung scramble out of the closest and rush to his bathroom.

"Son, move aside."

Liz bit his lip before stepping aside. Leo threw the door open and looked around, sniffling the air. Liz started to breathe faster.

"It smells like that boy in here too."

I swear to God! If you call me that one more time! I will jump out and hit you! Taehyung huffs as he hides in the bathroom.

"You're right, it is messy." Halo frowns.

"And I'll clean it! As soon as you two go home." Liz nods with a huge smile as he pushes his fathers outside.

"Bye bye! Love you both. See you another time."

He gets them out the door but Leo stops him from shutting the door.

"One last thing." Leo looks down at his son.

"Yes?" Liz smiles awkwardly.

"What's the alpha's name?"


"Jimin's friend."

"Oh..." Liz is quiet.

"His name is Jeon Jungkook."

Leo hums before leaving with Halo on his arm. Halo looked back and blew his son a kiss before they got into their car.

Liz shuts the door and groans as he leans against the door. Taehyung walked out of his room and leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed.

"You really ratted him out."

"There was no point in lying. All we can do is hope dad doesn't do anything stupid."

"All we can do is hope Jimin doesn't do anything out of anger."

The omega walked quiet down the dark hallway as she approached two big double doors. She pushed them open and reached a desk where an alpha sat with an omega next to her. They were kissing at the moment so the omega just stood there, waiting for them to finish. The alpha pulled away first then eyed the omega that had just walked in. She grinned before standing up.


The omega bowed.

"Any news for me?"

"I haven't been able to speak with him. He's been busy."

"What a pity." The alpha frowned before approaching the omega, shooing the omega from before.

She walked away with a pout before the alpha caressed the omega's face. Smiling at her before whispering in her ear while pulling her head back by her hair.

"If you have no information for me, why the hell are you here?" She growled as the omega squeezed her eyes shut.

"I wanted to see you." She whispered out.

The alpha released her head before throwing her down.

"What we did was your reward for being a little rat. Snitching on your boss. I won't just give it to you." The alpha laughed. "Are you stupid?"

"Please, madam. I just want you to hold me." The omega whimpered before looking up to the alpha.

"You must take me for a fool."


"Don't call me." She spat.

"You must genuinely think I'm a fool! I'm not your boss, omega! I don't let just any pass under my radar." She laughed before leaning down to ghost the omega's lips, her eyes flickering between the omega's.

"If you can give me the information I need about your boss, then maybe, I'll give you what you want." She smiles before pushing the omega down.


"Are you listening to me? Huh? When will he be home?"

"Everyday this week."

"Perfect." Jesibelle smirked to herself.

Jungkook slid the last box into the back of the truck before slamming the door down. He walked to his car where Jimin and Prince were waiting and got in.

"What's the new house like?" Jimin asked as he leaned on the armrest of the car, looking over at Jungkook.

They were sitting in a white tesla with a black and white interior. The new house was far from the old one but was still close to Jimin and Jungkook's work. Not close to Prince's daycare so they took him out and were going to enroll him in another one, closer to their new house.

"You'll find out when we get there." Jungkook grins to which Jimin rolls his eyes.

The car ride is just Prince singing to the radio as the moving trucks follow behind Jungkook as he drives to their destination.

He clicks a few things on his phone as they approached a steel black gate with beige brick walls protecting the house. The gates slowly opened and Jungkook drove through. In the front yard all of his cars had already been parked. The grass was a bright green as well as the bushes and trees. Jungkook drove up to the white marble stairs leading up to the white and golden doors. He turned the car off as he looked up at the building.

He exhaled as he got out of the car. Jimin got out a little later, helping Prince out of his carseat before placing him on his hip, following Jungkook up the stairs to the building. He unlocked the door and pushed the huge doors open. They looked around. The layout was different. A lot different. There were stairs on both sides leading up to the second floor as soon as you walked in. A chandelier hanging proudly on the ceiling.

There was a kitchen to the left and a fireplace to the right. Under the stairs were plenty of rooms. There also was a door to the right leading to the pool area. A door under the stairs all the way down the right of the hallway lead to the backyard. Upstairs had bedrooms and bathrooms. There was a balcony that had a gorgeous view of the horizon beyond the home. Jimin was holding Prince on his hip as they admired the view. He heard Jungkook speak with all the men that came in and out of the house bringing in boxes and furniture.

They did leave some furniture. They made it seem like people still lived there so whoever was blowing up the house went through with it, thinking Jungkook's dead. It would buy them time. Jungkook also needed to know who was planting the bombs. He knew who called the attack. Who else? But who gave her the power to get this close? He personally thinks he has a rat in his mafia. When he finds them, he'll kill them.

"We have to go furniture shopping." Jimin tells Jungkook as he hands him a water bottle.

"Yeah, I know." Jungkook grunts as he slams the leg piece onto a playground toy for Prince.

It clicks into place and he sighs. He takes the water from Jimin and pops the top off.

He was wearing a grey wife beater which was soaking in sweat. Sweat glistened against his tanned skin as his muscles were bulged and his veins we're on full display. The wife beater clung to his chest and waist.

Jimin didn't even notice he was eyeing the alpha while biting his lip until the alpha stood up, placing the playground toy down. Jungkook was placing the slide next to the latter he just finished putting together. His back muscles flex.

Jimin once again eyed the alpha as he bit his finger. He caught himself and looked away taking a deep breath.

What the hell was that? Jimin thinks to himself with wide eyes.

"When do you want to go?" Jungkook stands up, eyeing the swing set he also recently put together before turning to look at Jimin.

Jimin looked up to Jungkook who was walking across the yard and walked up the wood stairs to where he stood.

"We can go today." Jimin nods as Jungkook stands in front of him, towering over him.

"Alright, I'll go shower first."

"M'kay." Jimin smiles as Jungkook walks inside.

Jimin looks to the swing set, slide, and seesaw that sat on one side of the huge backyard.

"Did he do all this by himself?" Jimin asked himself before walking inside.

"Prince! Get over here!" Jimin bit as he grabbed Prince's arm and tugged him over to the cart.

Jungkook was parking the car, leaving Jimin to deal with the hyperactive pup. Running at anything he found interesting. Prince would see some sort of home decor and run to it. Causing Jimin to panic and grab the pup by his arm, pulling him back to him. Jimin eventually got tired of it the last time and just propped the babe onto his hip. Being able to hold him easier if he tried to run off.

"Where is your father?!" Jimin huffed as Jungkook just then walked into the store.

Jungkook was wearing a black t-shirt with a leather jacket and black ripped jeans paired with black shoes. His hair was messy as he ran his fingers through his hair approaching Jimin. Jimin was wearing a white spaghetti strap shirt and a pastel yellow off the shoulder sweater over it, black jeans that were ripped at the knees only, the crotch area a light grey. He paired the outfit with grey boots with red bottoms and a black choker.

"How long does it take to park a car?!"

"I parked it where it wouldn't get hit by someone else's car. Which was hard as it's super busy in here." Jungkook explained as he looked around at all the people walking around.

Jimin grumbled before looking up to Jungkook as they walked around the store.

"We should look for couches first."

"Why not some chairs and tables?"

"Because the couches are right there! I wanna hurry before Prince tries to run away again."

Jungkook snorted before taking Prince from Jimin, Prince was looking around quickly. Jungkook sat Prince in the front seat of the cart, Prince's legs swinging. He doesn't normally see this many people nor is he outside of the house.

"Mrs. Jones told me you normally don't let Prince leave the house." Jimin starts as he looks around at all the furniture, pushing the cart.



"You know why."

"I don't know why, so maybe you should tell me." Jimin smiled mischievously.

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"This job comes with plenty of enemies. Enemies that would do anything to hurt me. If that includes hurting a five-year-old just because he's a piece of me? They sure as hell would do it."

Jimin hums in understanding before squeezing Jungkook's shoulder.

"You're hard on yourself about this. Relax. You're a great dad."

Jungkook laughed before shaking his head.

"I'm a dad trying his best."

Jimin laughs with a nod.

"Of course."

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