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Prince was reaching down to tie his shoes. He just tugged at the laces with a pout.

"What're you doing?" Jungkook raises an eyebrow as he looks down at his son, pulling on his laces.

"Tying my shoes!"

Jungkook snorted as he squatted down and took Prince's foot, placing his foot on his leg. Starting to tie his shoe.

"Guess what?"

"What?" Prince asked excitedly.

"Samiah is going to take you to daycare."

Prince gasped out.

"Is she here now? Is she? Is she?"

"No, not yet. They'll be here soon, okay? Go get your backpack." Jungkook smiles as he finishes tying his son's shoe.

Prince ran off to get his backpack from his room.

"Young Master." A servant calls.

Jungkook turns around and acknowledges a serious and calm Yoongi, smiley Samiah, and gloomy Ryan.

"Prince! I'm here!" Samiah called.

Within seconds little feet were thumping and making their way down the flights of stairs. Prince came zooming into her legs hugging them tightly with a grin.

"Miah!" Prince smiled.

"You ready, kid?" Samiah bends down and picks him up.

He nods happily before turning his head to his father and reaching out.

"Daddy." He says seriously.

"Son." Jungkook says with a small smile.

"Kiss." Prince answers equally as serious as before.


Jungkook walked over and pecked his son's forehead.

"Lets go~!" Prince smiles.

"Samiah." Jungkook calls just as they were about to leave.

She turns around and looks at him.

"There's a danger around us now. Pick him up on time. But if you can't text someone so we can go get him. He cannot stay there." Jungkook informs as he slides his hands into his pockets.

Samiah nods, "Gotcha Mister Suspenders." She laughs as she walks out.

Jungkook sighs and rubs his eyes. Suspenders. Nice one.

He watched as they walked out then brought his attention to Yoongi and Ryan. He eyed Ryan.

"I know you want to get her out of this but she's a danger so she can't. I know you may think I'm going to have you kill her but don't worry." Jungkook smiles as he pats Ryan's shoulder. "All you have to do is watch."

Jungkook smirked as he watched Ryan's eyes darken before leaving the house.

Ryan may hate him for a while but he'll get over it. He always does.

Samiah was scrolling on her phone as she walked hand in hand with Prince who was kicking his feet out as he walked. He looked up as they approached his daycare and he noticed all the kids with their two parents. They all had normal lives. Went to public school and could stay after school to play with their friends. But he had to leave immediately. Why? Well, daddy says its too dangerous. Prince never questions his father. He's never thought too. He knows his dad is serious and hard working. His dad is tall, strong, and has a lot of drawings on his body. His dad has a lot of friends so that must mean he's a nice guy. Well okay then if he's a nice guy why doesn't he have a mommy or daddy? Everyone at school has two parents while he only has one. Some kids even have three or four. He wants someone to hold him and sing to him, play with him whenever other's couldn't, style his hair. He wants that greatly but doesn't ask his father. Because the last time he did that, Jungkook got cold and told him to never speak of it again.

So he didn't but that didn't mean he didn't still desire another parent. Sure he's happy with just Jungkook and him. But something in him wants more.

He was taken out of his thoughts when Samiah squatted down in front of him with a smile.

"I'm off to school now. Be good, okay?"

Prince nods with a smile before running off to meet a few kids he's befriended. Samiah watched him for a little longer before leaving herself and heading to school. She's most definitely ready for her test. Note the sarcasm.

Jimin sighed as he looked over the slip of paper again. It was taped to his door six days ago. He has two weeks to pack all his things and leave but where can he go? He hasn't talked to his parents in a long time and he couldn't burden any of his friends. He doesn't have the money to even rent a new apartment. He had so much stuff, he'd need to ask someone to help. But he doesn't want to tell any of his friends or ask them. He was stuck, confused, and scared. He wouldn't dare ask Liz. He knows how close his younger brother is with their alpha father. He wasn't going to risk a thing. Axel sensed his distress and rubbed his head against Jimin's thigh, who was sitting on his bed with his head in his hands, elbows on his knees. Jimin looked up and smiled at him.

"What am I gonna do, huh?" Jimin pouts as he rubs Axel's head.

Axel huffs and Jimin sighs.

Suddenly his door bell rings and he gets up. He was wearing a crop top with long puffy sleeves and high waisted ripped jeans. The hood attached to his crop top was atop his head, just barely. He had on white ankle socks and slid to the door. He still had the eviction notice in his hand as he opened the door.

"Yes?" His eyes slowly turned to the door as he opened it.

His eyes widened as he quickly hid his hand behind his back, holding to eviction notice tightly as he made eye contact with his omega father.

"Papa. W-what are you doing here?"

"You know it's your dad's birthday tomorrow." He smiled sadly to his eldest son.

"Yup. It's marked on my calendar. I'll send a card with Liz like I always do." Jimin responded quickly as he looked to the calendar next to the door on the wall.

"He wants to see you."

Jimin chuckled.


"You know he does." Jimin's omega father sighed before looking to the bag in his hand.

"May I come in? I brought some tea."

Jimin bit his cheek before nodding slowly and moving aside so his dad could enter.

"Uhm, my friends and Liz are coming over soon so if you could make this quick-"

"Why don't you want to come back home?" The omega frowns as he looks to Jimin.

"Papa-" Jimin chuckles as he covers his eyes.

"Your father said he'll forget about it if you just come home." The omega reached for Jimin's hands.

Jimin avoided his father's touch, his eyes widened realizing he just dodged his dad's touch. He looked to the omega and saw the sadness in his eyes.

"Just-" Jimin started as he pulled his hood off. "Just gimme a second."

Jimin walked into his room and hid the slip of paper in his bedside drawer with a frown. He walked back out and to his father.

"I'm not going back home. That man said he'll forget but I know he won't. He won't forgive nor apologize." He argued as he walked into the kitchen, watching his father place two slices of cake onto two small plates.

He put those on a tray before pouring the tea into cups and placing those onto the tray as well. He was about to carry the tray into the living room until Jimin rushed to take it.

"Here, pa, give it."

Jimin took the tray into the living room and sat it on the table. Axel walked out of Jimin's room and sat next Jimin's father. The omega smiled and rubbed the doberman's head.

"You don't even have to come into the house, you can just-"

"I'm not going, pa. End of story. Until that man apologizes first, I don't wanna see him."

"You were in the wrong too, you know?"

Jimin laughed humorlessly.

"The hell are you talking about? It was my problem, my life. None of his fucking business. He has two omega children and chose to watch over the eldest one like I need his guidance. Well, I fucking don't." Jimin huffed as sat the cup down.

"Jimin-ah please."

"Papa what aren't you understanding! Your son doesn't want to see your husband. Is that clear enough for you? Please just drop it!" Jimin yelled.

The omega's eyes widened as he brought his hand to his chest.

"I know. And it hurts me. I remember you and your father were so close and would do everything together and now you flinch at the sound of each other's names." The omega frowned trying not to sob out.

"Come on, papa, don't cry." Jimin rubbed his eyes.

"If not for his birthday, then for Christmas. Please? I want both my babies." The omega reached forward and touched Jimin's hand.

"Fine, papa. I'll see what I can do."

The omega smiled and pecked Jimin's cheek. As the omega opened the door, Taehyung fell forward with a thud and a groan.

"Oh! Dear are you okay?" The omega bent down to pick up the alpha.

"Oh! Hey Mr. P, how have ya been?" Taehyung smiled.

"I'm fine. And you?" The omega smiled back.


"Is everyone behind you?" Jimin coughs.

Taehyung nodded.

"I brought alcohol so we can drink our feelings away!" Mani yelled as she walked in the apartment holding a bottle of vodka and tequila while Liz walked in holding a bottle of white wine and red wine.

"Yeah! Pizza and alcohol!" Liz grinned walking into Jimin's home.

He sat the bottles down then noticed his father.

"Papa!" He smiled and hugged his dad.

"Oh. Mr. Halo. How have you been?" Chung-ha smiled as she walked in setting the pizza box down.

"I'm fine. It looks like you all will be enjoying yourselves." Halo nods.

He greeted everyone that came in before getting ready to leave. Jimin stood at the door as he watched everyone hug Halo before he walked to the door.

"Please, Minnie, think about it." Halo held Jimin's hand's

"I will. But I won't promise anything."

Halo nodded then kissed Jimin's forehead then left.

Jimin shut the door before turning around and watching his friends smile and laugh along with his brother as they poured themselves drinks and slapped slices of pizza on their plates.

"Min! Make the chicken!" Hye-jin whines.

"Oh shut up. I'll make it." Jimin laughs as he walks into the kitchen. He heard someone follow behind him.

"Papa asked about coming home didn't he?"

Jimin didn't turn around and just nodded.


"So? So what? I don't wanna see that man."

"Bro, that's our dad."

"I don't give a fuck honestly, Liz. I really don't." Jimin laughs as he throws the chicken in a bowl.

"Are you serious, Min?"

"Hey, look, we aren't ruining today with our family bullshit."

Jimin turned around and looked his younger brother dead in his eyes. Looking from his right eye to his left before whispering to him.

"Drop it, you hear me?"

Liz was quiet before looking from Jimin's left eye to his right.

"Fine. I'll drop it."

"Let me out of here!" A tired and hoarse voice screamed.

Ryan slowly but surely felt nothing as he heard her screams.

His best friend could've died and his boss' son could've been hurt too. Who knows what Jungkook would do if his son ended up hurt, or worse dead. Ryan didn't wanna find out.

Jungkook walked into the room as the omega screamed.

"Should I kill you? Or just hurt you? Really, really, bad." Jungkook smiled as he licked his teeth walking towards the omega.

"Ryan! Oh my god! Please help me!"

Ryan looked at her blankly before shaking his head slowly.

"What? What do you mean, no? Ryan!"

"King, can you hurry? Please? I don't want to hear her cries anymore." Ryan whispers.

"Why do you look so shaken? You're a trained killer." Jungkook sighs as he shrugs before turning to him.

Pressing a gun against his chest.

"Kill her."


"Kill. Her."

Ryan looked down at the gun then back up to Jungkook.

"You've killed hundred before. I know this isn't anything new."

Ryan sighed.

"She could've killed, Samiah."

Something flashed in Ryan's eyes before he quickly took the gun and shot Rina in the leg. She screamed out and shook her hands in the restraints.

He growled out as he shot her other leg. Jungkook smirked at him as he walked off behind him. He left the room hearing the gun go off and the omega scream until her screams were silenced. Jungkook was leaning against the wall next to the door. He watched as Ryan walked out.

"You good, man?" He laughed.

"Here." Ryan hands Jungkook the gun before walking out.

"Death." Jungkook calls as he walks behind the speeding alpha.

Ryan stopped and turned around.

"Let's spare."

Everyone in the building that were in the vicinity of the two gasped out. Ryan himself had wide eyes.

"Spare? You haven't spared with anyone in a long time. And with me?"

Jungkook shrugged.

"Sure, why not. Unless you don't want to."

"No! I'd love too." Ryan smiled.

"Alright then, let's go."

Jungkook's fist came flying at Ryan who ducked in response and grabbed the alpha's fist. Jungkook used his other hand and pulled at Ryan's wrist that connected to the hand that held his own fist. Ryan staggered back as everyone watched around and cheered. He heard shouts for him and shouts for Jungkook. Everyone knew more than likely Jungkook would beat Ryan, the best Ryan could do is get Jungkook's knee down, if anything. But Ryan would take it.

"Fist up, Death!" Jennie called.

"Shut the hell up, Kitty!" Ryan yelled as he ducked down as Jungkook's foot came up to the side of his head.

Jungkook landed his foot on the ground and just spun around, using his other foot and kicking Ryan in the stomach. Ryan went flying to the ground.

"Shit. You okay there, Death?" Jungkook laughed as he looked down at him.

Ryan shot his hand up with his thumb out.

"I may have a few broken ribs, but I'm fine."

Jennie and Lisa jumped over the barrier and helped Ryan up.

"So you aren't pissed at me, King."

Jungkook shook his head with his arms over his naked chest. His chest littered with scars. Arms scattered with scars as well as tattoos.

"Samiah is still alive and doesn't seem too phased. My son is fine. As well as everyone was unharmed. Just don't be stupid, kid."

Ryan nodded.

"Got it."

"Minnie, what's this?" Rosé asked as she lifted a slip of paper up.

Jimin turned to see her lift the folded eviction notice and got up quickly and took the paper.


"It's a love confession. It'd be embarrassing for the person who wrote if you saw it." Jimin lied as he held the paper to his chest.

"I could use a laugh." Taehyung shrugs as he snatches the paper from Jimin.

Jimin yells as he tries to get the paper back but Taehyung is already unfolding it with a smile that slowly dies.

"Tae please give it back! Taehyung!" Jimin is close to tears as he now knows everyone will know of his situation.

"Taehyung!" Jimin yells.

"Jimin why didn't you tell us?" Taehyung turned to look at Jimin with a hurt expression.

Jimin snatched the paper as everyone crowded around the two.

"Tell us what?" Chung-ha asked as she reached for the paper.

"No-!" Jimin turned away with the paper to his chest.

"Jimin's being evicted." Taehyung whispered sadly.

"What?" Seokjin screamed as he snatched the paper from him.


"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Seokjin sighed as he pulled Jimin into a hug.

"I didn't want to worry any of you."

"Minnie, you can always ask appa-"

"I'm not asking that man for anything." Jimin hissed.

"Jimin where are you going to live, huh?" Hye-jin wondered out loud.

"Where are you going to put all your stuff. What about Axel?" Rosé asked question after question.

"I don't know okay! I have no idea but I'll figure it out." Jimin takes the paper back.

"Come live with us." Rosé smiles.

"No. You already have three people not to mention your house isn't that big. It just has enough space for you three."

"Jimin." Taehyung calls.

"I'm not living with you either. Your house couldn't possibly fit all my stuff and Axel. It's fine."

Jimin say how Hye-jin's lips separated.

"Don't even think about it! Our apartment's are the same size and I've been in yours. There's no room at all!" Jimin laughed.

Everyone was sad and quiet.

"I won't be homeless, guys. I can get a second job or something." Jimin laughs, trying to lighten everyone's moods.

"Hey what about me?" Mani frowned.

"You live with your step-brother." Jimin raised an eyebrow.

Mani snorted. "Shit, I forgot about that."


"No Liz. I won't depend on my little brother. Nor will ask for our parents help. It'll work out don't worry."

"You're too optimistic. You are literally a club singer with ass pay and getting evicted in a week." Taehyung scoffed.

"It's the only way to keep from crying."

Everyone awed before hugging him and telling him everything would be fine.


Samiah groaned as she looked up at the clock before raising her hand.

"Yes?" The teacher hummed.

"I need to make a call."

"Ms. Min, you are in detention. You can't use your phone."

"Yeah well, I'm gonna get beat if I don't make this call."

"Ms. Min, we already called home."

"I don't needa call my granny or brother! I need to call my brother's boss, Ms! If my brother's boss' son isn't picked up in two minutes he might get hurt!"

"That's a little dramatic don't you think?" The teacher chuckled.

Samiah's face was stone cold.

"I'm fucking serious. If his son is hurt, you might be the first person he picks off." Samiah hissed.

The teachers face dropped.

"Go to the principal!"


Samiah grabbed her backpack and quickly called Jungkook.


"King! I'm so sorry! I kinda got into some trouble so I can't pick up Prince."

"Fucking hell, Samiah. Okay, fine. Your brother and grandma are somewhat busy. I'll get you after picking up Prince."

"Thank you!"

"Yeah yeah."

Then he hung up the phone.

Samiah sighed as she walked into the principal's office.

"Ah. Ms. Min."

"Hi, Mr. Jones." Samiah smiled awkwardly.

Jungkook walked into the daycare. Passing all the parents waiting for their kids. Jungkook leaned against a wall before he heard little feet hitting the ground followed by little pants.

"Daddy!" Prince smiled as Jungkook bent down to pick him up and kiss his cheek.

Jungkook slid his sunglasses up into his hair.

"How was your day?"

"Great!" Prince smiled.

"Woah, Prince! Is that your dad? He's so cool and tall!" A young girl was in awe as she looked up at Jungkook.

Her father rushed over and pulled her arm.

"Don't stare!"

The omega looked up at the alpha. He too, staring.

"Daddy, no staring." The little girl sassed.

Jungkook snorted before bowing to the omega and walking off.

"Bye-bye Prince!" The girl shouted.

"Bye-bye Jessi!" He shouted back.

Jungkook sighed as he walked into the quiet high school to the principal's office. He knocked and opened the door after he heard a soft "come in."

"What'd she do this time?" He sat down in the chair next to Samiah.

"She punched a student. Well, two students."

He looked to her disappointingly.

"Samiah." He sighed. "Only two?" He whispered so only she heard.

She tried not to smile or laugh.

The teacher may not know this but he's talking to a literal mafia king who's not only punched two people, but killed plenty.

"She says they were talking about her, you, and her brother. She always mentioned that they touched her first so she defended herself." Mr. Jones explained.

Jungkook put his fist out to Samiah under the table and she subtly bumped it.

"And the security proved this right so I'll let her off. She was already in detention, besides, she's passing all her classes with flying colors."

Jungkook smiled and ruffled Samiah's hair. "Good job, kid."

Samiah grinned up to him.

"Is that all?" Jungkook asked.

The principal nodded.

Prince leaped into Samiah's arms, holding onto her neck as they walked out and to the car.

"You grandma is in the car." Jungkook informs.

Samiah stops walking.

"Front seat or back?"


"I'm so gonna die."

Once in the car, Brenda started yelling.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to take you ass anywhere near trouble?"

"I'm sorry granny!"

"It's always sorry but you do the same shit every time. That Ryan is a bad influence."

"He literally tells me not to do this stupid shit. Besides! You still let me hang out with the mafia as if their any better. No offense."

Jungkook chuckled as he turned a corner. "What offense can I take?"

"Samiah, I know your an alpha so you're rowdy, but your still small. Be careful."

"I will, gran. Don't worry so much, Brenda." Samiah jokes with a grin.

"Don't make me come back there and beat you."

"Okay gran! I'm sorry!"

"So?" Samiah asks as she flops on the couch next to Ryan who was scrolling on his phone.

"Did you save her?"

"I realized more when I saw her that she actually could have killed you if King wasn't there. Sure everyone else was there but we all know they would've acted impulsively. So, no I didn't save her. I killed her."

"Aw! Stupid actually cares." Samiah pouted mockingly.

"I'll hit you." Ryan threatens.

"Kinky." Samiah laughed out as she began running from Ryan who started chasing her around Jungkook's living room.

"Hey be careful!" Brenda yells.

Prince waddles over to Lisa and sighs.

"Daddy listens to you." He flops on the ground with a pout.

"He listens to you too. More even." Lisa laughs.

"Tell daddy to get me a mommy or daddy!" Prince whines.

Jennie snorts and chokes on the water she was drinking on the floor next to Lisa. Jisoo laughs out loud, holding her stomach as Lisa covers her eyes.

"Do you want me to die?! King hates talking about having a relationship!"

"But doesn't even daddy need a Mister Cotton."

Mister Cotton is Miss Cotton's husband. He's always there for her and comforts her. He's always there for her making sure she's okay. Basically, they compliment each other. Also, they're fictional characters from Prince's favorite TV show, "The Lovely Tales of the Cotton's."

"Sure, yeah. Even King needs a Mister Cotton. And maybe one day they'll come."

Prince nodded.

"The next person to be super nice to daddy is my new parent!" Prince nodded.

Lisa laughed.

"That's not how it works, bud."

"Hmph!" Prince pouted.

"Prince, time for lunch, pup." Jungkook called as he walked out of the kitchen.

"Don't tell daddy about this!"

Jisoo, Lisa, and Jennie all made a zipping motion over their lips.

"Not a word will get to him." Jennie smiles as Prince nods before running to his dad.

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