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"That guy, he was holding his side as blood soaked his shirt. That lady was a doctor." Taehyung whispered concerned as he bit his lip.

"Blood?" Jimin asked as he sat up.

"A lot of blood." Taehyung nods.

It wasn't Jimin's business and he knew that. But that didn't stop him from getting up and rushing to where he saw Jungkook and the woman walk off to.

He heard Jungkook yell and a voice say sorry quickly and repetitively. 

"I told you I should medicate you."

"No. Waste of time. Just do it."

It was quiet until Jungkook yelled again.

"Fuck!" He was huffing and yelling.

Jimin was going to open the door but just stood next to the door. Leaning against the wall. He cringed each time Jungkook yelled.

After about fifteen minutes of Jungkook huffing and yelling the door opened. The doctor walked out quickly leaving the door open. Jimin peaked in to see a shirtless Jungkook who's chest was rising and falling as he eyes were shut tight. His face was scrunched up in pain. There was white bandages around his torso.

"Jungkook?" Jimin whispered.

Jungkook opened his eyes and turned his head to see Jimin. He swore as he gasped out closing his eyes. He looked back up at the ceiling, eyes flickering quickly.

"What?" He bit as he was breathing hard.

"What's wrong-"

"Okay, Mr. Jeon. The knife wound isn't that deep. It should heal in two days. I'll give you these..." She trailed off as she noticed Jimin standing next to the door in the room.

"Knife wound?" Jimin turned to look at Jungkook who just sighed as his jaw clenched.

"Two days?" He asked the doctor ignoring Jimin.

"Yeah." She says slowly as she walks to Jungkook handing him a bottle.

"I want you take two of these right now then two when you wake up and one before you go to sleep." Jungkook nods as he takes the bottles.

Jungkook slowly sat up wincing before taking two of the pills from the bottle with a glass of water the doctor had brought him. The beta bowed to him when he told her she could leave.


"It's none of your business." Jungkook hissed.

"You were cut, Jungkook. I can't be concerned?"

Jungkook turned to look at him.

"What's going on? First those people attack the club the one day you come there. You have all these people here that act like body guards or something. You had a gun on you at the club. The people out there refer to you as "King." And now you come back with a serious wound."

"It's not serious."

"It's still a wound!"

"Why do you care so much?!" Jungkook finally asks as he stares Jimin deep into his eyes.

"I don't know, maybe because it's just human nature to worry for someone when they get hurt?!" Jimin sassed back as he approached Jungkook who was laying on a bed like sofa.

"Well stop worrying. You only need to worry about my son, that's it. Stay out of my business and my affairs. They're none of your concern." Jungkook stood up holding his side.

Jimin didn't know what he was doing or what he was saying but slowly, yet surely he slowly heard himself say a few words.

"I took a bullet for you! I feel like I should know what happened!"

"Those two do not correlate at all and you should know that! You will not hold that over my head, omega!" Jungkook yelled as he turned around, extremely close to Jimin's face.

Jimin's eyes flickered from Jungkook's left eye to his right. He was breathing hard before he spoke.

"Omega?" He whispered.

"That's what you are, is it not?" Jungkook responded as he still kept eye contact with Jimin.

"Why don't you let anyone worry about you?" Jimin's face slowly softened.

"Why do you ask so many questions?" Jungkook responded before leaving the room. Leaving Jimin to watch his back as he walked off.

Jimin huffed as he rubbed his hand over his face before leaving the room. Everyone watched as he walked quickly past everyone and rushed up the stairs before slamming his bedroom door. Everyone jumped except Jungkook when the door slammed. All of Jimin's friends and Liz ran up the stairs trying to get him to open the door.

"You okay, King?"

"It's fine. Just another scar. You all head home."

"You sure?"

Jungkook nods. Everyone bows before heading home.

"Daddy! What's that?" Prince asks pointing at the bandages.

"Daddy just got a little hurt but I'm okay. Let's go get you a bath then ready for bed." Jungkook smiled. Fake.

Prince nodded none the less and held Jungkook's hand as they walked up the stairs. Jungkook ignored the group crowded around begging for Jimin to open the door. Jimin wasn't super pissed nor was he offended. He was finding a way to find out what happened. He's stubborn.

Jimin slowly opened the door and everyone rushed in concerned.

"Guys. Head home."

"Are you okay?" Liz asked as he held his brother's face.

"Pfft, I'm fine."

Jimin managed to convince everyone to head home. He locked the door and listened to the silence of the huge estate. Jimin walked back up to his room and flopped on his bed staring up at the ceiling then looking to the newly painted walls. His affairs were none of his business huh? Interesting.

The next day Ryan decided to visit Samiah and ask for her help on how to woo the omega he started pining for. He knocked on the door and waited. The door opened revealing Brenda who eyed him.

"She's in her room."

"Thank you." Ryan bowed before rushing off up the stairs to Samiah's room.

"Hey bit-" Ryan said excitedly as he opened the door to her room.

He stared at Samiah. The alpha was sitting in a pool of money in a black one-piece swimsuit with a wine glass filled with orange juice.


"King gave me all the money he owed. He wanted to talk to me so we could calculate the amount. Two-million-seven-hundred-thousand-dollars." She smiled as she took a sip of her orange juice through the straw in the glass. She pulled her sunglasses down.

"Can I help you?" She asked as she eyed him up and down.

"Um, yes actually. I need to talk to you about the omega from yesterday."

"Ryan, I don't wanna talk about your weird fascination with the guy."

Ryan rolled his eyes before sitting next to the blow up pool Samiah was sitting in.

"What do you think would impress him more? Flowers or jewelry?"

Samiah sighs as her head falls back.

"I see him wear jewelry a lot so maybe don't do that. So, I guess flowers?" Ryan smiles before standing up.


"You just got injured." Jimin reasoned as he held Prince on his who was eating a pop-tart.

"Like I said yesterday. None of my affairs are your concern."

"Your son is my concern and if you're dead what about him?" Jimin whispered as he covered Prince's ears by covering one then pressing his head against his shoulder to plug the other.

"I'm not going to die from a petty little cut."

"You needed stitches."

"And I'll be fine." Jungkook turns around to look at Jimin who was holding his son.

"You should rest. What if you rip your stitches?"

Jungkook crossed his arms as he stared at him.



"Why won't you let it go?"

"Because I head your yells when you were in pain. I know you're hurt. Just relax."

"With my job there is no 'just relax.' I have too many things to do." Jungkook walked over and kissed his son's forehead who was still concentrating on his pop-tart.


"You keep nagging me like you're my husband or father. But are you either of those, Park Jimin?" Jungkook turns around.

Jimin shuts his mouth before turning away from Jungkook who then walked away. Jimin sat on the couch with Prince. Prince watched TV as Jimin was on his phone. Like normal, the same people came to the house. Stayed for a little bit and talked before leaving for hours. They always smelled like blood, gun powder, and some other scent that changed each time. Jimin was growing concerned that he may have gotten involved with the wrong people.

Jimin didn't even pay the group any mind when they came through the door. He could care less. Jungkook might leave this house and get himself killed. But that's none of Jimin's business is it? Jungkook said himself not to meddle into his affairs.

Jimin noticed someone walk towards him. He looked up and saw the same beta from the day before smiling with a bouquet of flowers. Jimin's eyes widened as he stood up.

"Hi." The beta smiled.

Jimin looked at the flowers then back up at the beta. He failed to notice everyone watching the exchange.

"Um, hi. W-what are these?"

"Flowers." The beta chuckled.

"I'm Ryan."

"Oh um, I'm Jimin. Are these for me?"

"Yeah." Ryan smiled.

"T-thank you but-"

"You're gorgeous, you know." Ryan says as he gets lost in Jimin's eyes.

"Death!" Whee-in calls.

Ryan turns around and nods before handing Jimin the flowers. Bowing to him.

"I hope we can become good friends."

Then he walked off. Jimin stood in shock as he held the flowers. What is he supposed to do with these? If he kept them the beta might think he's accepting the clear feeling he's growing for the omega. But if he threw them away, he'd seem rude. He looked up and watched as everyone left. Jungkook being the last to leave, eyeing him and the flowers. He snorted before shutting the door.

"What just happened?" Jimin asked himself dumbstruck.

Jungkook walked into the loud and busy club. The Black Doves split up and were littered around corners of the club. Jungkook walked around and happen to lock eyes with the woman he was supposed to be killing. She had silky black hair and a red dress fitted to her body and red lipstick that matched her dress. She wore black stilettos. She ran her hand up her body, pulling her dress up as she noticed Jungkook's eyes on her.

He smirked then walked past her. He could hear her following behind him so he took a seat in a red sofa chair. A little later he felt a pair of slim hands slid down his chest. She was wearing red pointed acrylics as she whispered in his ear.

"I saw how you were looking at me."

"Is that so?" He looked up to her as she got close to his face, biting her lip.

"Mhm. Do you want me?"

Jungkook grabbed one of the hands on his chest.

"Yeah. Is there somewhere we can go?"

She nods as she drags Jungkook along to a secluded room. He made eye contact with both Jennie and Yoongi as she pulled him away. There are two other people they need to kill in this club as well. She sat him on the bed as she went back and shut the door. She walked back to him and smirked as she got on his lap. She started kissing his neck and he slowly reached for his gun. She began grinding against him and he rolled his eyes and felt his gun. He slowly pulled it from his side just as she kissed him. She was huffing in the kiss before she felt the nose of the gun against the back of her head. She moved back and stared at Jungkook. She chuckled.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm just doing my job." He smiled as his eyes darkened.

"You were in love with this woman and you felt she was paying more attention to her daughter than you. So you payed to have her killed. You killed her seven-year-old daughter. I have a son of my own who's only four. I don't know what I would do if the person I loved murdered my pup." Jungkook spoke as he pushed the nose of his gun harder against her head.

"She's paying me to kill you. It's good money. How could I not take it?"

"You don't wanna kill me-" She laughed awkwardly.

"Shut the fuck up." He barked before shooting her.

Her skull shattered as her brains flew out. Her blood staining Jungkook's shirt and a little getting on his face. After his gun popped off he heard a few more shots before hearing screaming. Jungkook threw the body off of him and onto the ground. Dragging her by her leg out the door. He walked past all the screaming and running people to the back of the club where Jennie and Yoongi were dragging two other bodies.

Jungkook yawned. It was about 7pm. Jungkook truly wanted to just go home and cuddle his son after a nice shower. He threw the body in front of the young alpha woman who stared down at the body in front of her.

"The money." Jungkook spoke as the two other bodies were thrown before her.

She dropped a bag in front of him. He reached for and opened it. He counted the stacks of money before grabbing the bag.

"Nice doing business with you." Jungkook nods as he wipes his mouth, the red lipstick smudging.

After a long drive back home, Jungkook and the rest of the mafia arrived and walked into the Jeon mansion. Jimin and Prince no where in site.  Jungkook was talking with everyone like he always does. He took off his button up shirt which had blood and lipstick stains on it. He wiped the rest of the blood and lipstick off with the shirt.

"So tomorrow, we visit that gang in the area near that convenience store?" An alpha asked.

A new addition to their group. Who was being trained and learning more and more. This was his second job and the second client he's experienced. 

Jungkook nodded as he walked up to him.

"You'll be the main one working on that one, I suggest training with a few other members."

He nods before looking at the bandages around Jungkook's torso. He was going to mention it but he's new. It was none of his business. But before anyone knew anything was happening, Yoongi screamed while pointing.


Jungkook looked to where he was pointing to see Prince, who had pulled the new alpha's gun from his side. The gun was poking out of his shirt and Prince pulled it out, interested with what it was. He had pulled it and had the nuzzle towards his face. Jungkook felt his soul leave his body as he saw his son hold a gun towards his face. Unaware of how dangerous that thing in his hand is.

Jungkook gasped out as he smacked the gun out of Prince's hands, picking him up quickly as he kicked the gun away. Holding his pup tightly to his body as his eyes shook.

"Prince." Jungkook whispered.

"Yes, daddy?" Prince's tiny voice ringed through Jungkook's ears, muffled by Jungkook's shoulder.

"Where did you get that?"

Prince leaned back before pointing to the new alpha.

"It was poking out of his pants."

Jungkook looked up to the alpha. He saw the fear in the alpha's eyes as he tried to explain himself. Jimin just so happen to walk down a little after and approached the group. Jungkook turned to him and handed him Prince. Jimin took Prince with furrowed eyebrows. He watched as Jungkook slowly picked up a gun. His eyes widened as his hand held Prince's head.

Jungkook was poking his inner cheek with his tongue as he opened the round and poured the bullets out.

"Come with me." Jungkook whispers as he walks away.

The new alpha is visibly shaking. Lisa taps his shoulder.

"Do you have any family that'll miss you?"

The alpha's eyes widened as he shook his head.

"I-I have no family."

Everyone cringed.

"I was nice knowing you, buddy." Yoongi frowns.

The alpha shook violently as he walked to where Jungkook was. Jimin was looking at the ground as he swayed holding Prince.

"What the fuck is going on?" He asks with a shaking voice.

The Black Doves all looked to Jimin who's eyes were shaking. Jimin turned around and ran upstairs leaving Prince in his room. He walked back downstairs to see the group of people talking with themselves. He snuck past them and listened for the voices of Jungkook and the new alpha.

"I thought we all told you that the guns stay in the training area." Jungkook's sinister dark voice spoke.

It gave the feel of a snake circling it's prey.

"I-I know, King! But I just f-forgot!"

"You didn't forget because we told you when we went in and when we went out." Jimin could hear the alpha breathe heavily as Jungkook's shoes clicked against the wood flooring.

"So, there's no way you forgot. Did you just not listen?" It was quiet before something was thrown on the ground followed by crying.

The alpha sucked up his sobs as Jungkook spoke again.

"I told your ass I have a four-year-old son. He's young and doesn't know a lot yet. He likes to reach for things and grab them. Pull them. I told you that if he saw something sticking from your side he might just grab it. He might just hurt us, or worse himself." Jungkook spoke spitefully.

Jimin approached the door and peaked through the crack between the door and doorway. He watched as Jungkook grabbed the man's throat. Just holding it, not even squeezing his throat. The man gasped as he looked up to Jungkook.

"Who are you?"

"What do you mean?! I-"

"You refused to get a marking of my mafia. I saw you already have one. What is it?"

His eyes widened.

"Please don't kill me!"

"Who do you work for?"

"Madam Fairy." He sobbed.

Jungkook stared deep into his eyes.

"She w-wanted me to kill your son." His eyes began to burn as he sobbed.

"You're an idiot." Jungkook whispers.


Jungkook punched the alpha in the stomach as the knife he was holding slide across the ground. He groaned in pain as he fell to the ground. Jungkook kicked him the face as he fell to the ground. The alpha reached for the knife and charged Jungkook who grabbed his hand and made him stab himself. He screamed out. Jungkook pulled the knife out, the blade slicing past organs and flesh. The alpha felt every tear. He brought the knife to the man's throat.

"Bastard." He smirked before slicing his neck. Jungkook threw the man back so none of his blood touched him. The man choked and gargled on the blood. He was grabbing his throat before he died.

Jungkook stared at his lifeless body before throwing the knife down towards his body, stabbing his corpse.

"What the fuck?" Jimin opened the door and stared at the corpse then back up to Jungkook.

Jungkook groaned. "What are you doing here?"

"Mafia? Guns? What the fuck!" Jimin gasped out as he looked to Jungkook.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

Jimin was quiet. He took a deep breath in. Before he snapped.

"Why the fuck would you bring in this house if you were doing something so fucking dangerous? Why the fucking hell would you tell me I should come into this world you are apart of, where I could easily get hurt. Cover up all this bullshit with the label of 'work' and 'affairs' and passing it all as just watching your son. There's a damn dead body on the ground right now. You were fucking stabbed yesterday. I was shot because of your stupid affairs. Your stupid job. What were you going to do if your son was hurt because of this stupidity? If I got hurt? Oh but let me guess, you wouldn't give two fucks if it was me. You're raising a young son in an environment that is not good for him. He's a damn four-year-old and you're stupid self still keeps him around dangerous people. Dangerous environments. You didn't tell me because you knew I'd say no? Is that it? You're a fucking idiot for killing this man while your son is still home. You're a fucking idiot for bringing a person who has nothing to do with your shit, into your shit. You're a fucking idiot for not even telling me I should be prepared for this kind of bullshit!" Jimin spat at Jungkook who stared at him blank faced.


"Alpha?" Jimin sassed back to Jungkook.

"Watch your tone." Jungkook warns.

"Or what?! Will you put your hands on me?"

Jungkook exhaled hard through his nose as he stared at Jimin.

"I want the truth."

"The truth is none of your business."

"I'll leave."

"And go fucking where?"

"I'm not an idiot. I'm not leaving for good. I'll just leave for today. Maybe leave tomorrow. Maybe have your son bother the fuck out of you because he hasn't been seeing me recently." Jimin shrugs as he looks to the corpse before looking back to Jungkook.

Jungkook scoffed. "Unbelievable."

"I want the fucking truth." Jimin barked.

Jungkook sighed before walking past Jimin, Jimin followed behind him.

"King?" Whee-in turned around.

"Body." Jungkook nods to the room.

Whee-in, Jessica, and Yoongi all went to the room.

"Once you're finished head home."

Everyone nods as they dispersed.


"Shut up. I'll tell you." Jungkook bit as he walked past Jimin up stairs.

Jimin watched as everyone left the house, saying their goodbyes to Jungkook. Ryan walked to Jimin and smiled.


Jimin looked to him lazily.


"You look tired." Ryan frowns.

"I am." Jimin rubs his neck.

"How about we go to a nice coffee shop tomorrow? It's not a date or anything. Just a way to relax." Ryan smiles.

Jimin looks up at him. Jimin laughs with a soft smile.


The beta nods with a smile. "See you tomorrow, then."

Then off the beta went.

After everyone was gone Jungkook shut the door then sat down in front of Jimin on the couch across from him.

"Where do you want me to start, since you want to know so badly?"

Jimin exhaled slowly.


Jungkook nods as he rubs the bandages over his wound.

"I run a mafia. I became the leader after my parents passed away. I run the most powerful mafia and I own plenty of buildings, plenty of companies." Jungkook explains.

"That man you killed."

"He worked for a mafia who's leader hates me. She wants me dead."

"So, you have all these mafias after you?"

Jungkook nods.

"Those tattoos I notice everyone has."

"Every person in the mafia gets a black feather. While the leader has a black dove. A marking of identification."

Jimin sighed.

"I would ask for out of this but I've already promised that little babe I wouldn't leave him."

Jimin pinched the bridge of his nose before looking at Jungkook with droopy eyes.

"I really should've asked more questions before agreeing to do this."

"Too late for that huh?" Jungkook smirked.

"Shut up." Jimin cut his eyes at Jungkook.

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