Happy Birthday, Lexi!

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F/n was seen personally training Nebula in a bit of sword fighting for the Vytal Festival.

F/n used his swords to block Nebula's downward attack from her crossbow/sword. With the opportunity open, he then forced himself up and pushed her back from him. Then, he slid down to the ground, locked his legs around Nebula's own, and forced her to the ground. The two then laid there.

F/n:*sighs* Hm, rather adept at swordsmanship huh?

Nebula:Swordswomanship, F/n.

F/n:*chuckles* Whatever.

The girl then crawled to her boyfriend and kissed his cheek. Then suddenly, he got a text from Dew. Taking out his Scroll...

F/n:Huh. What could she possibly want at this time?

F/n read the text before he raised an eyebrow.

Dew:Hey, F/n. Lexi told us her birthday is coming in two days. Thinking of getting her something?

F/n:Oh. Looks like I have another job as a father...and that's getting my little girl a present.

Nebula:Why's that?

F/n:Lexi's birthday is coming up.

Nebula:*sits up* Oh, really? Well, a birthday isn't complete without a cake.

F/n:Hm, good point.

Nebula:I'm gonna make it for her if that's what you'd like.

F/n:*chuckles* What is that? A motherly instinct that you've been praticing or something?

Nebula:*hits him* Maybe.

F/n:Okay, we can make this work. I'll get Lexi a present and you can make her cake.

Nebula:*kisses him* You're such a sweet person under that stoic cover, you know that?

F/n just nodded and returned the gesture to her.


The next day, F/n has been thinking of what to get Lexi for her birthday, but nothing came to his mind. As of right now, he was working on the weapon's of his four second-year girlfriends, current working on Gwen's knives and Nebula's crossbow/sword.

F/n:Geez, what could a seven-year old girl like Lexi want?

As he was filling Gwen's knives with Dust, he then remembered something.


F/n walked into the sleeping quarters of his team dorm and saw Lexi reading something with really high interest.

F/n:Hey, Lexi.

Lexi:*looks up* Hi, Daddy.

F/n:What's that you're reading?

Lexi:Just a book about animals. I really love animals. Aren't they fascinating?

F/n:*ruffles her hair* I agree, Lex. I agree.

<<==>>Flashback End<<==>>

F/n:Animals. Lexi loves those, especially watching those animal documentaries on T.V. *taps finger against chin* Maybe I'll get her a pet.


Later, F/n was seen searching for a pet that Lexi would like. But, he was not lucky at all. The good breeds of dogs weren't anywhere in Vacuo, he thought cats were quite boring as they weren't as active as dogs and Lexi was an active child, and birds? Nah?

F/n, as of right now, was seen slaying Grimm in the desert to relax for a bit.

F/n:Nothing. Why isn't there any animals who can be as active and playful as Lexi is?

As he finished off the last Grimm, he then got on one knee and took out a bottle of water to drink. Then...

!! BARK !!

!! SNARL !!

F/n looked forward and saw a Beowolf pup and a baby Ursa looking at him. Taking out a sword, he then saw them cower.

F/n:*raises eyebrow* Friendly?

The two baby Grimm did their respective sounds in response. F/n just shrugged and took a few sips from his water bottle. Then, he heard whining. He looked at the Grimm.

F/n:What's wrong with you all?

They whined again and looked at his water bottle.

F/n:What? You two thirsty or something?

They made their respective sounds in response. Shrugging, F/n held the bottle over their mouths and poured the cold water in them, giving them both a turn. After that, they licked his face as to say thanks.

F/n:Sure, whatever.

F/n then stood up and began to leave, but...

The baby Grimm attacked his legs playfully.

F/n:Hey! What's up with you guys?

He tried to leave, but they kept bothering him.

F/n:What's with you guys?

The Beowolf pup barked at him and the baby Ursa snarled at him.

F/n:Lonely or something? *gets an idea* Do you guys want to come with me?

They both happily barked and snarled.

F/n:*slightly smiles* Follow me then.


F/n walked into the kitchen of his team's dorm and saw Nebula, making the cake she said she would make in an apron that said "Kiss The Cook".

F/n:Hey, Nebs.

Nebula:*turns to him* Hey, F/n. See the apron?

F/n:*looks at it* Yes.

Nebula:Well? Kiss me.

F/n rolled his eyes and kissed Nebula on the cheek, before getting the same gesture back.

F/n:How's the cake?

Nebula:It's going great actually.

Nebula bent forward to retrieve the cake...while shaking her ass at him as a sexual gesture, making his face go red. Then, she took the cake out and showed it to him.

F/n:Mmm. That looks pretty good.

Nebula:Thanks. Never knew I had it in me.

F/n:Well, I got the present.

F/n pointed down and Nebula saw the Browolf pup and the baby Ursa by his legs.

Nebula:What are those?

F/n:Just a pair of baby Grimm I came across earlier. They were thirsty, so I gave them some water and then they just started following me.

Nebula:Are you adopting them?

F/n:Yes...for Lexi. They're her present now.

Nebula:You think she'll like them?

F/n:Yeah. I mean, Lexi told me she loves animals.

Nebula:I mean...yeah, she did tell me. I'm sure she'll love them.

F/n:She will. I hope so.


A day later, F/n was seen holding Lexi in his arms as he walked her to his dorm.

F/n:Did he have a good day, Lexi?

Lexi:Yeah. Thanks for taking me out and getting me this teddy bear.

This is the teddy bear Lexi is holding.

F/n:No problem, sweetheart. Anyway...

F/n opened the door to his dorm, which was completely dark.

Lexi:Daddy? Why is it dark in here?


Suddenly, the lights came on and streamers came out, decorating the floor. Then, NDGO came out with the cake Nebula baked for Lexi yesterday, except it had an 8-shaped candle on it.

NDGO(in unison):Happy birthday, Lexi!

Lexi:*gets surprised* Really?

F/n:Yep. Just for you, kiddie.

Lexi:*almost cries* Th-Thanks.

F/n:*kisses her cheek* It was nothing.

Nebula:You want some cake, Lexi?

Lexi:*nods her head fastly* Yes.

While Team NDGO and Lexi enjoyed their cake, F/n got the two baby Grimm he found for Lexi.

F/n:*walks in the room* Lexi? You ready for you present?

Lexi:*nods* Yes.

F/n:Okay. *turns around* Come out, you two.

The two baby Grimm then came in the room, surprising Lexi immensely.

Lexi:Are those...

F/n:Baby Grimm, yes. Well, come and greet them.

Lexi was a bit scared, but went closed to them slowly. When he crouched in front of them, the two Grimm sniffed her hands before they began to lick her face. Before he knew it, Lexi began to play with them both.

Dew:Do you like them, Lexi?

Lexi:I LOVE them, Auntie.


F/n:We're like a small family, Dew. That being said, I'm the father obviously and the rest of you...I would say Nebula is the mother while the rest of you are aunts to her.

Gwen:*shrugs* That works for me.

Octavia:Me, too.

F/n:Good. *turns to Lexi* You have any names for them?

Lexi:*thinks* Uh, yeah. The Beowolf will be Alpha and the Ursa will be Spike.

F/n:*ruffles her hair* Nice ones.

Lexi:Thanks, Daddy.


The screen then went black.

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