Chapter 28

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Hi Darlings, I am back with an exciting and twisted update..
Hope you enjoy the chapter.



Brushing the dark strands back, I cast a quick glance at the clock seeing it strike past six.Doing my black tie, I came out of the washroom and picked up my office stuff.Ready to leave for work.Pulling the jacket over my shoulder, I looked at the empty room.

Where was Amal.

Fresh and warm breakfast greeted me on the dining table.Sipping from the steaming cup of tea, I stuffed my mouth with bread already late for work.

"Amal, I am getting late.I've no time to finish breakfast, sorry."I called out to her.There was no response from her.She was probably in the washroom-I thought.

Going back into the bedroom, I unplugged my charger before walking out.Passing through the guest room, I found it unlocked.Mostly I kept it locked because it was empty except for some cartons.There was no bed or sitting arrangement in the room.The bathroom lights were fused and there was no window in the room and since the lights fused in the room too, I didn't get tike to replace them, so it was basically out of order.Shaking my head, I locked it before collecting my things from the table.

"I am leaving for work, I'll be a little late in the evening.Allah Hafiz."I said to Amal who was still in the washroom but nonetheless.

Closing the apartment door behind me.I inhaled in a deep breath.Walking through the corridor , I pressed the elevator button before impatiently waiting for it to come up.

As I reversed my rolls royce discovery, an unknown feeling pulled me back.Wanting me to go back up and see Amal.My stomach knotted but I pushed it back.Driving out of the parking lot, the car was on the roads of London.

Rubbing my forehead I thought about the last time I had a feeling like this.Never.The roads weren't busy but I wasn't racing against the roads because my mind was too busy in thinking.

Thinking about Amal.About Us.

Days and time didn't stop nor did they wait for us.They rushed upon us and one month passed.One month of us being married.But it wasn't a very casual month or time.These past week Amal had barely uttered five sentences.I hadn't gotten to know anything about her.Nothing at all.She didn't speak to me and it was infact clear that she didn't like my presence at all.

So gradually we didn't progress.But I still got her a new phone and saved my number already in it.While working in the office I would call her to check up on her but sometimes she'd missed the calls or other times she would talk a little and then hang up.A small smile curved my lips as I recalled the first time I called her,

"Hello."She spoke softly.

"Assalam O Alaikum, Amal."I said.

"Walaikum Assalam."She whispered.

"I was having lunch so I thought to know if you had lunch yet-"



"What did you cook?"

"I made salad."

Nothing more.No details.

"Okay.I'll see you at home then."

"Allah Hafiz."

And before I could reply she hung up as if I'll eat her through the phone.

A car behind me honked making me look up at the green signal.Pressing the accelerator, I drove through the familiar roads.Turning around the corner, I drove through the black gates seeing the guards salute me.Parking the vehicle I got out ready to attend all the meetings.


After lunch time, I thought to call Amal but a client called and I totally forgot to call her but when I remember, I rung her.She missed the call again and never called back.I smiled at her silly behaviour.Either she was too shy or she hated me.

Leaning back in my leather chair, I ran a hand across my jaw.My phone beeped indicating I had a new message.Unlocking it I found a message from Bashar.

Mom wants to have dinner.Don't wanna go alone, want to tag along??

I smirked at the man's straight forwardness.I replied instantly.

Sure.Text me the address and I'll be there.

He too typed back.


Bashar currently handled all the business of the new showroom.The business was a blast there and we were skyrocketing.The opening was grand.I wanted Amal to accompany me but I knew that mostly men would be attending the event so she wouldn't be comfortable.Afterall, we both were strangers even after living under the same roof.

Three hours later I sat staring aimlessly at my plate.Bashar and his mom were quiet too.Although the restaurant was super busy but a thick icy silence had formed around our table.Taking another bite of the stake, I looked around the lavish restaurant seeing families and couples enjoy their dinner.Making me instantly miss my family more.

"How's work?"Mrs.Johnson asked me.

"Good."I replied taking a sip of water, I smiled seeing her constant gaze at me.Moving my eyes to Bashar's face, I saw the man's clenched jaw as he ate silently ignoring his mother.

"What do you plan to visit your country?"She asked again.

I looked up at the skinny woman, her blue eyes adorned with liner and light makeup.She looked like a strict teacher and I looked like a kid caught stealing chocolates.

"I have no plans right now.I just visited my family a few months before."I smiled at the woman.

She hummed nodding her head.

I was almost done and so were the other two people.Pushing my plate aside I wiped my face, wanting to ran away from the very awkward dinner.

Well it wasn't the first time.

"How about some champagne?"Mrs.Johnson asked completely catching me off guard.I decided to stay quiet but the man besides me had other plans.

"Mom."He warned with fire blazing in his blue orbs.

"What son?"She feigned innocence.

"I've told you before, we don't drink."Bashar said.

"I am just offering a glass.Waiter-"She called out to the man in the uniform.

"Mom."Bashar's voice raised.

"Stop embarrassing yourself.Don't create a drama-"

"I am creating a drama?My son is dead and the other son doesn't visits me for months.He dammit doesn't even calls and you are saying I am creating a drama."Mrs.Johnson countered back gaining the attention of many.

"I am done."Bashar banged the table before standing up.Pulling on his coat he was making his way out of the restaurant.

The once busy place now remained silent as many turned towards our table.I pressed my lips together before leaning in my chair.

"Should I call a cab for you?"I asked the woman who glared in space with tears in her eyes.

"No.I'll have something to drink first."
She said making me nod and stand up.Before leaving I said to her.

"It was nice meeting you."

Pulling my warm coat over my jacket I made my way to the door.Opening the wooden door I stepped in the cold night, my eyes scanning for my friends form.The man stood at the side of the road with a cigarette in his hand.

Placing a hand on his shoulder, I spoke.

"Its okay.She's your mother-"

"she always does this-"He snapped shaking his head.

"Lets go home."I said.

"You go ahead I have some work."He said patting my back.Nodding my head I turned around before saying goodbye to him.

Driving back home, I rung Amal but she didn't answer.Twenty minutes later I stood before my apartment door.Unlocking the door, I twisted the knob but the files in my hand slipped making me crouch down to collect them.Standing straight I pushed open the door, not ready for what greeted me.


Black was all I could see.The lights weren't switched on.Not even a single one.Darkness was all around and the light from behind me only illuminated the doorway.


Switching on the light I closed the main door.

"Amal-"I called out loud.

No response.

"Amal-"I called out again.My heart dropped in my stomach as silence answered me.There was no sigh of her, where could she be.I pulled at my hair, mentally cursing myself for my carelessness.

Moving forward I looked in the kitchen, finding her phone on the counter as it was left this morning.My widened eyes snapped to the dining table finding the plates as they were this morning.Everything was untouched.

My heartbeats accelerated as I scanned the bedroom finding it empty.

"Amal-"I yelled.A sudden fear gripped me.

"Arghh-"I cupped my aching head.

"Where are you Amal.."I whispered to myself.

Pacing around in the bedroom, my eyes stopped at the guest room.Taking out the keys, I unlocked it fearing to find her here.

And there she was.

Curled in a corner she sat on the cold floor in the darkness.Her head snapped my way and I noticed her teary face.She shivered as her breathing got laboured.

"Amal-"I whispered.

She shook her head crying all over again.

"Please don't-"she said in helplessness.

I took a step forward taking in her vulnerability.She looked like a broken doll.Despite the darkness I could still see the woman clearly as she pushed herself in the cold wall with each step I took towards her.

"I am sor-"

"Please don't come any near."She yelled out, halting me mid-step.


"No No No "She cried out standing up.

"Please don't."She kept sobbing.

My heart raced wildly at her condition.She was thinking I was going to hurt her.I knew it because it was clearly written on her face.

"Okay.I am not moving.Look I am backing okay."I said softly to her.But she wasn't understanding any of it.

"No."She said and before I could even think she was inside the washroom and locking herself inside.

Snapping back to reality, I called out to her.

"Amal-open up"I said knocking the wooden door.

Her cries were only the reply.I could feel her body pressed against the door.

What have I done.

" the damn door"I banged angrily now.

"No no no no"she kept repeating.

I leaned against the door, pressing my forehead against the cold door.Defeated I sighed.

"Amal.I am not gonna hurt you.Never.I can never think of hurting you.I would kill anyone who would even think of hurting you.I'll protect you with my life.I'll do anything to protect you.I promise, please trust me.I will never hurt you."I spoke softly wanting her to realize the sincerity of my words.

"Amal please-"

The knob twisted from inside and I pushed open the door, stepping inside the washroom.

Amal's face was hung low as she bit her lips crying softly.I reached together her cold hand before wrapping it in mine.

"I will never hurt you.Trust me Amal."I said.

She pulled her hand back and walked passed me saying softly yet I could detect the pain behind her words.

"I want to sleep.Excuse me."

She went out of the room and I stepped back in.Sliding against the wall I sat on the spot next to where Amal previously sat.The floor was cold.Infact very cold and so were the wall.She had to spend the whole way in the darkness, on the cold floor, and in a sitting position.

I screwed up.

Another defeated sigh left my lips and I ran my hands down my face before getting up.areaching the bedroom I saw the lamps on as she lay in bed under the covers.She faced the glass wall and I knew she wasn't sleeping.

She was just getting away from me.

Pulling off my coat and jacket, I threw them on my side of the bed before moving towards her side.Her large eyes were fixed outside the window but as I kneeled on her bedside she shut her eyelids.

"Amal"I spoke.

Her skin looked pale against the black shirt she wore.Her eyelids were swollen probably because she cried all day.Her wet long lashes kissed her cheekbones as she acted to sleep.The redness shading her nose.Her hands were folded under her head as her black strands teased her delicate hands.

"I am sorry."I stated.

Her eyes opened as she stared straight at me.The large grey eyes lined with redness boring into my charcoal ones.She frowned but remained quiet.

"Do you trust me?"I asked unsure.

She shook her head.Disappointment filled me but I smile slightly but her words wiped the smile off.

"I don't know the meaning of that word.Its very foreign to me."Her voice was barely a whisper.

I clenched my jaw knowing why she was foreign to the word.Reaching towards her hand I took it in mine

"You can always learn.Learn to trust me Amal please."I said looking at the woman who remained neutral not showing any emotion.

"I am used to being locked inside dark rooms and then getting a good beati-"

Before she could complete I silenced her by pressing my index finger on her lips.Her breathed hitched and she moved her face away.

"I'll make you trust Amal but not by force.One day you will trust me yourself."I promised before getting up.

She sat up in bed looking at me.

"You must be hungry come I'll order takeouts."I said already calling to place an order.The woman nodded silently before following me into the living room.

That night as she ate her late dinner, I vowed that I'll return all her happiness.I'll protect her with my life and even protect her from me if needed to be.


And that a wrap for tonight.

How was the chapter?? Liked it ??

I hope you all are understanding Amal's condition, I hope you are understanding from where she coming-

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•And sharing the story with your friends.

Good Night !!

Until Next Time,


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