Chapter 39

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Hi beautiful ladies !!



The trees and the towering buildings passed by in a blur.The car moving forward leaving them behind.The weekend night was in full swing in the city, the winter adding only to the beautifulness.And not to forget the coming Christmas festivities, as the roads and streets were decoration to the finest.

My nervous fingers fisted the cloth of my pastel green shirt.I sure didn't know where we were going as the man kept all to himself, but gave me a hint that it was a fancy dinner night.After contemplating for hours, I decided for an Anarkali style dress with matching tights.The dress had dull copper sequence design, the material dress reached down my feet.It was beautiful with flowy material that allowed it to have more volume with all the plates running from up the shoulders till my midriff.

The scarf was plain pastel with copper thin lining running over the length.As I brushed my hair to tie them, the words kept dancing in my mind over and over again.

I like your hair.

I like your hair.

I like your hair.

And so I made a loose braid before folding my long hair in a low bun over the nape of my neck.The rouge strands shaped around my face as I covered my head loosely with the matching scarf.

The dress fitted me perfectly, tailored to perfection.As I dressed back home, I couldn't help but bless Rhea with loads of wishes because it was her choice to buy this dress.With kohl and mascara, I applied a light shade of lipstick before slipping in matching shoes and I was ready to go.Not making shrugging on a dark brown long coat.

Dark colours were my thing.I used to wear only dark blues, greys , blacks and whites.Because when life was covered in darkness there was no wish to wear colours on body.

Shaking the bitter thoughts away, I cast a glance at the man besides me.As always he was dressed in his expensive branded suit.The dark colour suit, adding more to his intimidating personality.His face was neutral as he drove through the busy roads of London.His dark strands brushed backwards as his stubble added to his masculine features.

Even as he drove, he seemed to not lose his aura.There was always a secondary layer around Arsalan.He had an aura, a personality.And he didn't need to say it, it just screamed from all around him.

The way he walked to the way to sat, or the way he ate.It was all pointed to perfection.But maybe he was  oblivious of intimidating aura.Or was he not.

" It's a nice turkish restaurant."The man's voice broke my chain of thoughts as I tore my gaze away from his devilishly handsome face.A fancy decorated building came into pur view as we drove through the parking of the restaurant.

Parking in the first row, the engine turned down as the man got down silently.I unbuckled my seatbelt with shaking fingers.

Was he leaving me in the car??

My heart jumped in my throat when my side of the door opened.My eyes shot up to my husband's face as he smiled extending his hand.


With a battle of my mind and heart, I placed my hand in his larger one.Helping me out of the car, we walked side by side inside the large restaurant.My eyes stared in awe at the beautiful place.

Firstly, the smell of delicious food wafting past my nostrils making me close my eyes and inhale some more air.The wooden floorboards and grey stoned walls gave the touches of some historical building.

The circular dining area was filled with tables and chairs.The bright chandeliers glowed the nights as the busy restaurant buzzed with people.Walking inside, I could see Arsalan talk to a man at the counter.

The man in the uniform guided us through the deeper hall, till we came into another hall that was less busy.The lightening was even low with fairy lights decorating the walls.I was no fool to realize that this was for couples only as there wasn't any family only cute romantic couples sat, talking to themselves.

My nervous eyes moved to the man besides me.My grey orbs glancing up at him as he placed his hand against the small of my back.Our host walked away as we sat down at the table besides the window.

The table was covered with red fabric.A candle stand was placed on it as the flickering flame glowed.Light music was playing in the background as some couples danced on the soft tunes.

The man before me looked at me making me look around.

" Shall we order?"He asked making me nod.Looking down at the menu, I tensed.Reading through the menu I couldn't decide what to order.

" Um-Can you please order for me.I don't know-"I trailed off seeing the handsome man smile.

" Sure.How about steak?"

I nodded.Soon the waiter came and we placed our ordered.As he went away.Looking around I could see the men and women smile among themselves.Their light conversations barely audibly.Looking at my husband I could see the man's eyes stare at me.

"He is not on the same land as us."The man spoke making me tense.I understood what he was talking about.Making goosebumps to arise on my skin.The fear crawling up my skin.

I looked down at my twisted fingers, my eyebrows drawing closer.I looked up at the man seeing his face flashing with anger before he masked it.His jaw clenching tightly.

" I am sorry.I shouldn't have said anything about that filthy-"

" Its okay."I said softly not wanting to talk about Jalal Khan anymore.Wanting to distract myself from my thoughts, I asked the man smiling.

" You're an underground fighter?"

The man in question chuckled loudly before he leaned in.His dark charcoal eyes that once shone with surprise at my question now filled with amusement.

" All this time-did you think your husband was an illegal fighter, woman."He asked with flickering amusement.Making me shake my head frantically.

" I fought for someone else that night.Bashar swore to never do anything of that sort after accepting Islam so I had to.I just had to fight from his side."He explained.His hand brushing through his growing dark stubble.

I smiled looking down at the candles.Just as the man started to say something, the waiter returned with our food.

We enjoyed our delicious dinner in complete silence unlike the couples around us.When dessert rolled in, I couldn't even take a bite more because of how full my stomach had gotten.But nonetheless I did took a big bite of the red velvet cake and turkish sweets.

As we stood up to leave, an old woman came by Arsalan's side making him halt.

" Handsome young man, may I have a dance with you."She said in her thick accent.My eyes widened at her words as my mouth parted.The smiling woman glanced at me, before raising a perfect brow at me.

" Would you mind if I steal him for a few minutes?"She asked.I shrugged my shoulders smiling.Seeing the man look at me intently.

" Sure."The man said politely keeping his hand in her small awaiting one.

" My husband's just seated there.But he's too boring to dance with."She said with a cute pout pointing to a table, few tables away from us.

I smiled as I pulled my chair back.

" I'll just be here."I whispered softly seeing the man glance down at me.

My husband led the old woman to the dance floor.As they danced, I thought about all the differences he and I had.How different he was from me.His personality just pulled everyone.

He was a charmer.The two laughed lightly on something as the lady with the snow white hair wrinkled her nose.Thinking about how handsome he looked, he could have any woman.But just not me.I wasn't meant for his happiness.

Attracting attention from everywhere, all the people looked at them making a smile to curve my lips.As if feeling my eyes on him, the man turned to look at me.Making me stared at him for the longest of times.

Being at a distance, his dark eyes still held me captive.Feeling warm heat flood my cheeks I looked away seeing a smirk to form on his face.The crowd clapped making me join along as my husband and the lady returned.

" It was a pleasure dancing with you."She said to Arsalan and then turned to me.

" You have a gorgeous wife.May God bless you both."She added smiling at me.I returned her gesture before she waved and returned back to her seat.

Standing up, I pulled my long coat on as my husband shrugged his own coat on.Walking besides each other, he walked out from the warm restaurant into the cold dark night.

As I walked absentmindedly towards the car, the man called out,

" Amal, lets walk for a little while."I smiled and nodded.Walking in the opposite from the parking lot we came into a clearing of grass which had lined benches.It seemed to be a park adjoined to the turkish restaurant with the bright lamps illuminating the night.

" Are you happy?"I asked suddenly not even knowing as the words left my lips.

The man stopped for a fraction of second before he resumed on his steps.

" What type of a question is that?"He asked as I turned my face to him.Seeing him look down at the grass beneath our feet.

I sighed in cold and stuffed my hands in my warm coat's pockets.

" Its just a simple question.Are you happy with the way we are getting along?"I asked again.

His eyes flickered to mine as he stared at me.An unknown emotion flashing through his face before he masked it.

" I am happy as long as you are comfortable."His answer didn't satisfy me.He should be thinking about himself not me.

" What are we Amal?"He asked in the starred night.Making me exhale a deep breath.My breaths turning high as we walked along one another.

Wetting my dry lips, I answered most truthfully,

" We are just two people that are tied in a knot.We don't know about each other.We are just someone that are not realistically acting as husband and wife."I said.

" Just because you fear a man who has consumed every fibre within you."He spat all of a sudden interjecting me.I slowed by steps and stopped.Reality hitting me hard.

Pain splurged through me making tears stung my eyes.

" Maybe."I said softly.

The man turned around and sighed.His hands running through his dark hair as he stared at me for the longest of time.

" Why do you fear so much Amal?"He asked.Pain straining his voice as he awaited for an answer.

Walking over to the dark wooden bench, I sat down.The man copying my gesture as he sat besides me.

" When a seed forms into a small plant, it burts the soil to come up to the ground.And then it start to grow.You cannot bury the fresh plant then."I said turning to the man seeing him look intently at me.

" Same goes with fear.I cannot just bury it right away.I need time."I added.His eyes looking through me as he answered,

" That plant brings hope Amal.It brings life."He said making me look down at my hands.

He was right.But I wasn't wrong either.

" What do you want us to be?"The man asked leaning back against the wood.

Gathering all the right words, I spoke with a new found confidence.

" I cannot give you much.Because I have nothing to give.But I can be someone who can look after you.Who can care for you.We can be someone that understand each other and I think that is enough."I whispered lastly.Turning to look at the man, I found him look at me with a small smile on his handsome face as if he was dazed.

" I can be someone who can gather you everytime you break.I want to be someone who can hold you together in the darkest of your nights."He whispered back.

The intensity and honesty of his eyes making my heart jump in my chest as I gulped and looked down at my hands.

" But Amal, if you run everytime then God help me."The man said muttering the last part to himself.His head shaking.Bubbling laughter filled my mouth and before I could control it, I laughed.

The cracks of laughter bubbling out of my parted lips as my hands clamped over my mouth.Turning to the man, I froze seeing an amuse look sport his face.

Making me tense as I stood up from my place.Heat spreading through my body.He chuckled behind me as he whispered as his hand reached towards mine.

" Now that was the best part of the night."Making me smile lightly.

As I lay in bed besides the sleeping man that night.I couldn't help but whisper the words, I may not be able to say to him.

" Thank you for everything.Everything that you've done for me.Everything you're always doing for me."

Little did I know that the man wasn't actually asleep as he muttered a small,

" You are welcome."Making a loud gasp to escape my lips.

The man was something else,

With charcoal captive dark eyes,

He made me feel hot and cold at the same time, teary and smiley at the same time.

Chills and shivers at the same time.

He was truly someone very different.


And that a wrap !!

I do hope you all liked the chapter :)

and sorry for making you all wait.

Beautiful ladies don't forget to shower your love upon Amal and Arsalan by ,

•Commenting loads


With loads of love and wishes :)

Until next time,


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