Hear No Evil, See No Evil

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Alex's POV

I'm a genie and lived my whole in a lamp. I saw my parents die in front me, luckily I'm an only child. Markus. I'll never forget him, he wished me free. I'm grateful for that. But that doesn't stop me from using my powers for my own advantages. Now that I'm free, anyone can wish for whatever they want, but there's always a fee.  

So, I walked to the family living class. I can't believe we're forced to do this. Some of us don't want a family and are content with not having one. I walked into the class and noticed there were a lot more guys than expected. But I guess that's fair cause it's a mandatory class. I took a seat next to a pretty attractive female. She had long brownish hair up in a pony tail with dark brown eyes. 

"Okay, I'm your teacher Ms. Kosher. I will be partnering you up and that person will be your for the rest of the year." Ms. Kosher is tall with medium length blonde hair and bright blue eyes. "Alex with Julianna."

I looked around trying to figure out who she was. Turns out it was the girl right next to me. She's shy, hasn't said one word to me. 

"Your first project will be to bake a cake together, without using your powers." Ms. Kosher said. 

Julianna and I looked at each other, I shrugged. 

"I'm Alex."

She just smiled, didn't say a word, but blushed a little.

"I haven't seen you around the dorms."

She nodded, "well, I live off campus."


We walked into the baking room, quietly, "look if you want to be antisocial, go do it on your own time. I might be a dick, but I like getting good grades."

"Sorry." She said. 

I sighed, "you're hot so I can't be that mean to you, but stop being a bitch."

"Excuse you?"

"You heard me."

"Um, yeah, I might not like to talk to people, but that doesn't give you the right to be mean." 

"Oh you got sass. Feisty." 

She didn't say anything.

"Aw, now you're shy again."

After the whole class of being me and her not talking, the bell finally rung. Julianna and I walked out at the same time. She was about to leave, but then turned around to me.

"Look. We might not like each other, but we're partners we HAVE to work together." 

I nodded, "true, so I'll be less of dick and you can actually talk."

She started to walk away.

"By the way, I'm a genie. So if you ever need to get a wish off your chest. I'm here." I smirked. 

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