Chapter One

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Harry Potter: boy who lived grew up to be the man who drank. The reflection in his whisky glass showed a pale man with nothing. His hands felt lighter without the wedding ring. The drink was never there long enough to weigh his wrists down. The bitterness burned his throat. For a few moments he felt invincible. 

"I'm only human after all," Harry said twirling the empty glass as he looked up to the bartender. "I'll have another one please."

Harry was always frisky with whisky and near a beer. His accomplishments at school were faded memories to him. With the alcohol, he had a crutch and he was in his own little world where nobody would take him out off.

He'd been homeless for months: walked out on his family. The demons in his head were too great. The headaches and aspiration was unbearable. Panic attacks had kept the family awake. One day he lashed out, he didn't mean to. Ginny spent a few days in hospital. Ron punched Harry in the face. He deserved it. They were good to him, he didn't deserve them.

He couldn't stay. He had to go.

He walked out on his aunt and uncle once before. It was different back then he had Hogwarts to go back to. The only places he could call a home now was a bar and a hotel room. Some days he wished he was a kid again.

Harry took his drink outside. The air of Camden Town and it's markets welcomed him. It didn't feel like England with its vibrant shops and street food from all over the world. A part of it reminded him of Diagon Alley where he used to get his school supplies.

The rain poured so he went back to his seat in the bar. The floor was sticky and dirty.The bartender advised Harry that he wouldn't give him anymore alcohol. He nodded, wanting to make sure his drink lasted.

"A bit dark in here isn't it, Potter?" said a voice behind him.

Harry turned around. "Malfoy?" Harry's heart jumped. He had no he didn't notice him when he went outside.

"Sorry, am I interrupting something?"

Harry shook his head.

"You won't mind if I join you."  Draco pulled the stool out.

"Actually..." Harry murmured just as Draco was about to sit down. He watched Draco hover board over his seat. He shook his head.

"What's up?" Draco tilted his head.

"Go ahead."

Draco sat down and squinted. "Damn it, Potter: you stink."

Harry shrugged his shoulders. "Thanks. You said a million times in fourth year."

The bartender leaned across Draco. "Can I get you anything?"

"I'll have a matcha latte please."


Harry thought his eyes were about to pop out. "I can't believe you're not ordering alcohol."

"Well I like to try new things once in a while."

"I never thought I'd see the day."

"Here you are!" The bartender gave Draco a green cup with green liquid with a white heart on it. "That will be £3 please."

Draco got his phone out to pay. "Cheaper than Starbucks. Also it's amazing what you can do with your phone nowadays."

The bartender nodded. "It's nicer here too. Enjoy."

"You know what, Malfoy?"

Draco lifted his cup. "Yes?"

"I think this is the first time I've ever seen you smile."

Draco smirked, wiping froth of his chin. "Come on, Potter, I know Hogwarts was tough, but I wasn't that miserable." He placed his cup down. "Okay, maybe I was. But so we're you. And you're looking pretty miserable now."

Harry waved his hands in the air, leaning against the cobbled wall. "Malfoy, I am perfectly fine..."

"I heard about it," Draco said.

"About what?"

Draco took Harry's glass and downed it on his behalf. "The divorce."

Harry clenched his fists and glared at Draco. "It has nothing to do with you."

"Our sons are best friends. Scorpius is worried about Albus. Whatever worries Scorpius, worries me too."

Harry stood up. "And your point?"

"First, you're being a twat..." Draco rapper Harry's shoulder and helped him back on his seat. "It has everything to do with me."

"You don't understand," Harry snapped, leaning his head on the bar.

"I do. I was like this when my wife died. It broke me. Scorpius is the one thing that keeps me going. He's the best thing that ever happened to me. He helped me realize that you and I are two sides of the same coin."

"Why does everyone I love either die or get hurt? I bet you love it when I'm like this!"

"Actually... I hate it."

Harry moved his whole body towards Draco and gulped."You're full of surprises."

"Anyway I'm a part of this club. It's a writing club I go to once a week upstairs. The club is run by a muggle but it's really good. Helped me clear my mind. I think it will help you too. It's on tonight at seven if you want to come. It would be good to have a familiar face."

Harry sulked in silence. He couldn't believe Draco Malfoy was inviting him to a writer's group. He was certain the whisky was playing tricks with his mind.

"I know you might not listen to me," Draco said, finishing up his matcha latte. "But if Granger was here, she'd tell you the same thing." Draco gave his empty cup to the bartender. "It would be good if you come. Anyway, I need to go. Hopefully see you, Harry."

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