Chapter Two; The Phantom

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       I waited for the sun to hit my face and make me open my eyes. But it never happened. I rolled over. No sun.  I opened my eyes to see it was about 11:00. Shouldn't the sun be shining by now? Or was it different in Banezzette?
      I rolled back over to see that the sun was shining....but something was different. I got dressed and pulled my boots on and went outside. Then I saw  it.... the shed was blocking the sun. My only piece of hope and confidence in the morning.
      I shuddered. Any time I went near the shed it gave me goose bumps. I saw a white tail swishing back and forth, just at the entrance of the shed. Cloud? He hates barns!
     Pulling myself together, I opened door and went into the shed. It was dark and dank inside, and cobwebs hung from the roof. A stone was in the corner, and beside it, Cloud was nosing it, with a look of sadness in his eyes. He looked up as I entered and nickered." Hey boy," I opened the gate.
" You want some grain?"
         Before I could take a step inside, Cloud barged in front of me, nearly knocking me over." Cloud!" I gasped, grabbing onto the fence and hoisting myself upright." What's wrong buddy?" I patted his neck.
         He nickered again, circling anxiously in his stall.
       " What, you want outside?" I asked." Well, the exit is just right there!"
          Cloud stared at me.
      " Come on boy!" And I stepped into the stall. But as I approached the entrance to the shed, it seemed I was starting to walk more slowly. Then I heard it....
         A long, angry, whinny.
         I turned, agonizingly slow, and saw a coal black mare, pawing at the stone, throwing up sparks. Her blue eyes were on me, angry, and furious. The eyes I saw last night.
        Then the mare charged, right at me. I turned around again, so slowly, I felt like a sloth. Then I ran. It seemed like a lifetime before I could throw myself out of the shed. I fell over on my back. I gave one last glance at the black mare. But she had vanished. All that stood there was the stone. And the writing on it said; The Devil Horse's Grave.

         Sorry this chapter is short but it was just a little filler. How do you like it so far?

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