Le Chapter 5

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~One Month and a Half~

What you need to know♡
Y/n = your name
F/c = favorite color
2F/c = second favorite color
H/c = hair color
E/c = eye color
H/l = hair length
F/a = favorite animal
R/n = real name (btw just make up a random name cuz it won't appear much in the story. Also if you want you can use you real life name but don't tell people)


Garroth pov

Laurance and Aaron woke up right after the person I stabbed fell to the floor. Laurance was limping and Aaron was clutching his arm with one hand and holding his bleeding head with the other. They came over and saw the person on the floor. The person was on their side grunting in pain. I felt horrible about doing this to that person. Even though they were attacking us, they didn't deserve to die a horrible, slow and agonizing death.

All the Boys pov

We were looking at the person. There was a huge puddle of blood around that person. Then the person put on a ring. A bright blinding light was shining for a second. Then we looked at th person, they didn't have the hole in the stomach anymore. We were all confused. Then the person got up and the hood of their cloak moved a little bit. We were then able to see the person's e/c eyes and their h/l h/c hair. Then we realized, we almost killed a girl. She then closed her eyes and collapsed on the floor. We all immediately went to her.

Dante pov

Since the other guys were pretty beaten up but u was untouched, we decided that I should carry her . I picked her up and carried her in my arms all the way to Aphmau's house. The girl  wasn't that heavy even though she was unconscious. When we got to Aphmau's house and I explained everything to her, she freaked and immediately told me to take her to her guest room downstairs. Once we got downstairs Zoey kicked us out and started to work on the girl.
《~~~~~~~~~~Le time skip~~~~~》

t's been an hour since we took the girl to Aphmau's house. I was looking out the window when Aphmau came into the guard tower.
"There's nothing we can do. We have to wait until the girl wakes up on her own,"  Aphmau told us.
"What?! So Zoey can't do anything to help her," I responded.
"No. Zoey can't do anything because the girl is healthy. She is just unconscious. It's probably because of the shock of almost dying. That's what Zoey thinks is happening,"  Aphmau told. Then she left.

《~~~~~~~Le time skip~~~~~~~~》

It's is now a month and a half later

Your pov

Ugh my head is going to explode. I opened my eyes slowly then I looked to my. Then I turned to my left and then I saw it.
"YAY you are finally awake!!!"
I heard a voice and saw someone with amber eyes. I got really scared and let out a high pitched scream.
Then I backed up a little only to fall and hurt my head. Then everything went black.

《~~~~~~~Le time skip ~~~~~~~~》
About 4 hours later

Your pov

Ugh. My head hurts so much. I have a feeling that this already happened. Oh well. I opened my eyes and I see and face in front of me. It has amber eyes and black hair.
I let out a high pitched scream. Then I back up put the person immediately grabs my wrist.
"It's okay. Calm down. Everything is alright. Don't fall again please,"  says the person. She let's go of my wrist and sits at the edge of the bed I am laying on.
"Who the heck are you and where in the world am I," I asked her. She thought for a while. Then she answered me.
"My name is Aphmau and you are in the village of Phoenix Drop."
"So what happened and why does my head hurt so much. Also my stomach is killing me. Literally."
"So you don't remember what happened?"
"Obviously. If I knew I wouldn't have asked."
"Well you don't have to be rude about. Jeez. I was just curious. You have been knocked out for about a month and a half. Do you remember anything?"
"Well I do remember three pairs of eyes. I also remember a jacket and a bandana," I told her. I actually lied. I remember waking up in the field of black roses. I also remember the roses, the forest, and the merchant. I didn't tell her because she shouldn't know about that. Then I remembered. My ring. My bracelet. Oh no. Just as I thought about that, a man with light brown hair and light blue eyes came in the room. I remembered those eyes. I also remember pain coming with those eyes.
"So she's finally awake," the man said
"Umm, not to sound rude or anything, but who the heck are you," I asked
"Well, my name is Laurence.  What is your name?"
" I am Y/n. So why am I here? You never told me."
"Oh, ummmm.... well... how do I say this?"
"What Laurance is trying to say is that you suffered a major accident. Apparently you do not remember it. Do you remember where you are from?"
"No. I only remember what I told you. I only remember the three pairs of eyes, the jacket and the bandana. I also remember pain. A lot of pain."
   After I said that Aphmau looked at Laurance with a worried look. Laurance also looked worried. Then they both looked at me.
"So Y/n, can you describe the eyes for me?"
"Yeah. Sure. One pair of eyes was the color of the ocean. They were beautiful and blue and they had a spark in them. They were also full of fear, sadness, pain, and guilt. The second pair of eyes were light blue. The were really pretty and looked as if a piece of the sky was put in then. They were full of pain, guilt, anger, and sadness. Lastly, there were a pair of gorgeous, dark blue eyes. The were dark but we're full of light. They were beautiful and were the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen. They were full of pain, guilt, mystery, passion, and fear. Does that help at all?"
"Wow. You are great with words. You also seemed so calm while speaking."
"I may have looked calm and peaceful, but appearances lie Aphmau. Inside I am distraught and pained. Do you know how much pain I am in right now?"
"No. And I am sorry for you having to be in that state."
"Don't be. I am in this state for a reason. I don't know the reason but I am sure there is one."
"Well I hope you gain your memories soon."
"Thanks Laurance."
"No problem."
"Oh um Zoey has them. She wanted to-"
   Aphmau didn't even get to finish her sentence because I was already out the door. Then I realized I didn't know who Zoey was or where she was. I ran back into the room where Aphmau was.
"In the room next door."

I hope you are enjoying the story so far. Thank you for reading. Have a great day and don't forget to smile! Baiiiii!


\ ( ^ U ^ ) /   Baiii

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