Let the adventure begin

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Just one day after the guards came in with the TV another group of guards came in. This time we got forced into some kind of wheelchair but with straps to make sure we couldn't move our hands, arms, legs and head. I even got sedated! I could not shape shift! I want my cat form! I feel comfortable in that shape.

When we were a bit further we went to a station where we got injected with something. I don't know what it was but I know that it hurts! Man I hope I never get injected with that again.
A little bit further we went outside. I heard one of the guards talk to someone "Listen to me, you're being transfert. I don't know to where. It's for mister J. You gonna tell him I took care of you?" As soon as I heard Mister J I knew it was Harley who he was talking to. And Harley spoke my thoughts when she said "You're so screwed." I could hear the laugh in her voice. I knew what she meant by that but he obviously didn't since he asked "What do you mean by that? What do you mean by that? Harley what do you mean by that." But Harley just kept on laughing and I grinned at his stupidness as well.
We got forced onto a plane to I don't know where. Once we were at our destination we got out of the plane and our wheelchairs were set in a row. We stood up and I stretched. I looked around and saw that everyone was there "Hi boys, Harley Quinn. How do you do?" Harley asked, but of course she was ignored. "Ha? What was that? I should kill everyone and escape? Sorry, the voices. Kidding geez. That's not what they really said." She said after that.

I heard the voice of the Bitch woman her lapdog saying "What do we have here? 12 pounds of shit and 10 pounds of sack." They opened up the bag and out came a man who as soon as he was fully out of the bag began punching everyone in his range.  He got forced back and then he said "What is this? One moment I was playing mahjong with me nana and the next I'm here." "Shut up, you were caught robbing a diamond exchange." the lapdog said. "I was not."
At that moment a black car arrived and the lapdog said "Here comes Slipknot, the man who kan climb everything." a female agent probably said something that pissed him of because he punched her in the face, hard and she fell down.
 After that lapdog started talking. "Listen up! The injection you got is a nanite explosive. The size of a rice grain but powerful as a hand grenade." I felt my neck, outch. "You disobey me you die, you try to escape you die. You otherwise irritate or vex me and guess what? You die." "I'm known to be quite vexing, just forehand warning you." "Lady, shut up!" Man that guy is in a bad mood.
"This is the deal. You're going somewhere, to do something that'll get you killed. But until that happens, you're myproblem." "So was that like a, a pep talk?" I heard Deadshot say. "Yep, that was a pep talk. There's your shit. Grab what you need for a fight, we're wheels up in 10." lapdog said. "You might want to work on your team motivation thing. You know Phil Jackson? He is the gold standard. Triangle bitch. Study." Deadshot reacted. I snorted at that. After that we went to our trunks and packed what we needed. It turned out we had to change. "Hey guys, can I get a curtain or something here? I don't like people staring at me while I change." a couple of the female guards came standing beside me holding up towels that functioned as a curtain. It was enough for me. I grabbed my stuff and changed into my outfit with some accessory and did my hair (If your hair is not long enough you can just imagine it lose).

(Diablo P.O.V)

As I am done putting my clothes on I turn around only to see (Y/N) doing her hair. 'Damn she looks sexy in those clothes' I make a surprised look 'Did I just think that?!' I can't come close to her though. I don't want to burn her. I turn back and look around

(Y/N) P.O.V)

as I am done with my hair I grab my weapons and position them at their regular places.

I did a bit long to put my weapons away, seeing that I got them from my friends, the daggers were a replica of those of Tauriel from The Hobbit, shacrams (the disks down right) from my best friend who knows I'm a big fan of The Mortal Instruments and the guns from my ex. We were in a relationship but he got shot protecting me from a drunk guy, I let a single tear slide down my face.

I was done changing quick enough to see the boomerang guy putting a pink unicorn plushie in his jacked. I ignored it, but what I didn't ignore was the fact that Chato was eyefucking me. So I gave him a smirk and a wink and did my make up.

Once that was done I went to the rest to hear Harley say "Good, cause something tells me a whole lot of people are about to die." "Yeah, it's us. We'll be lead to our deaths." "Speak for yerself mate. Hey what's that crap on yer face does it was of?" "Yeah, as much as this thing does." I said and lifted my shirt high enough for them to see my tattoo

"I took it right after my mom died, she loved tiger lilies." I said and put my shirt back in place.

"Hey if you liked a girl could you light her cigarette with your pinky? Because that would be really classy." I shook my head. Harley always. "You might wanna leave old boy alone. He could torch this whole joint." Deadshot said. "You got nothing to worry out for me. I'm cool homie"
And than captain lapdog came with a tablet "Behold the voice of god." And than the tablet showed the bitch woman.  For those of you who don't know me officially, my name is Amanda Waller. There is an active terrorist attack in Midway City. I want you to enter the city, rescue HVT1 and get him to safety." "I'm sorry, for those of us who don't speak good guy. What is HVT1?" "The only person that matters in the city, the only one you can't kill. Complete the mission you get time of your prison sentence, fail the mission you die. If anything happens to colonel Flag I'll kill every single one of you. Remember I'm watching. I see everything." And with that she was gone. "There is your peptalk." Flag said. "Compared to your shit she killed it." Deadshot reacted. I laughed at that. "So that's it? We're some kind of suicide squad"  "I'm notifying your next of kin" I saw that that struck a nerve. I know he has a daughter and that she is very dear for him. I can't imagine a little girl living without her father. My father never loved me so I don't know what it is like to have a real father. Floyd was the first father figure I had. 

Later we were in a helicopter. I was sitting between Chato and Harley when some woman kame in. She was wearing some kind of black suit and a mask with a red dot ot it. "You're late." Flag said. She said something in Japanese or Chinese or something but I couldn't make it out. Don't blame me, I'm just not a nerd. "This is Katana, she's got my back. She can kut all you in half with one sword stroke, just like mowing the lawn. I would advise not getting killed by her. Her sword traps the souls of its victims."  Than Harley put out her hand "Harley Quinn, nice to meat ya! I love your perfume, what is that? Stench of death?" Than Katana grabbed her sword. and said something.
"Woah cowgirl, it isn't that kind of mission have a seat." "She seems nice." Harley seid. 'Yeah, the kind of person who says sorry just after she killed you.'
After that we went to our destination.

'Let the adventure begin.'

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