Chapter 2 Blue Water

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The Ladybug has the power of creation. The Black Cat has the power of destruction. This world holds a scarce life force called "quintessince". Quintessince holds an element. This element can be used as a physical weapons for a paladin.

Keith walked into his room dropping his book bag on the bed and sat on his rolly chair.He moved the chair over to his desk. Keith was still blushing in the face from Lance smiling at him.He rested his chin on his knuckles while his arms underneath were upright. Lance had hit a nerve but they way he looked at him and waved goodbye, Keith could tell that he was sorry. Keith could always tell what Lance was feeling. His eyes showed so much expression and feelings. Keith knew that Lance was suffering in some way. But he wasn't close enough to the Cuban boy to know his problems. His gaze shifted to the pictures above his desk next to his aliens conspiracy theory cork board covered in red string.

Ones with him and Pidge eating ice cream at the park.Allura and Coran talking at a Christmas party, Keith
had been a least a year with Allura. Shiro sitting at one of the tables in the bakery sipping coffee. Of course there was multiple pictures of Lance.The Cuban boy flashing a bright smile in everyone of them his blue eyes sparkling with joy.Keith paid Pidge in bakery goods for those pictures. They had a HUGE sweet tooth and it took a lot of persuasion to get them to take the pictures. How or when they took them was a mystery but Keith preferred not to know.

Keith pulled away his gaze from the pictures after feeling Tikki nuzzle herself in his hair.

"Keith are you alright? Or are you still hopelessly swooning?"Tikki teased trying to bring the teenager from his dazed state. Knowing the boy this would change his current mood.
He scowled and mummbled as he
turned on his computer.

He opened up a Word document to at least start on his essay for Literature due next Monday. Allura would still be down stairs at the bakery for a little while.Afterwards they would have dinner and resume any activities that needed to be finished.

Once he knew Allura was fast asleep he would have to turn into Ladybug to run a night patrol with his Partner Chat Noir.Keith groaned thinking about the obnoxious, loud mouth flirt. Chat was really sweet sometimes but his flirting isn't needed.Keith knew he has a crush on Ladybug but frankly Keith didn't feel like he was Ladybug.

Ladybug was a respected hero while Keith was a grouch most of the time. Why he was chosen was a complete mystery to him.He didn't like how people idolized him but Tikki's nagging on being a polite paladin was etched into his brain.So he had to suck it up and deal with it.Keith wasn't exactly happy about being a super hero but at least he was helping innocent people from the evil Zarkon.

He was the cause the cause of why people turned into Akumas.But that isn't the worst part.He had a league of henchmen that were akumatized and followed his every command, they caused themselves Galra.Keith still wasn't sure how Zarkon got all of this to happen but he didn't want the lives of helpless people on the line.

He needed a hero growing up and never got one until Allura came into his life.Keith really owed a lot to her.She was so kind and caring to everyone no matter what.The Korean often thought that she deserved the Ladybug miraculous more than him.

Of course Keith could never tell any one how he felt.Pidge is a great listener but they can't understand the conflicts of having a double life. If Allura knew she would flip out.Not only would she worried for his safety she would be burden to know this secret and keep it forever. He didn't want to do that to her.

Tikki strongly advised to not tell anyone his secret identity. For once he did agree with her.No matter how much weight it was on his shoulders. He had to create a perfect image for the people.He had to hide away his true self for the greater good.Sometimes Keith thought why him?Of course it's amazing to be of help but at the cost of shoving away shreads of himself?

Keith shook his head trying to shake the selfish thoughts.He continued to write out the essay on his computer.
Tikki often just watched him type out his home work.Keith was very good at all his classes but just had an unappealing attitude. At heart he was a good kid just kind of cold at first.

As soon as Lance got out of the school range he ran to his home.He still had to clean the place and be there for when his siblings would arrive.

Quiznak!!!!!!!I gotta get home!Marcos ,Carlitos, and Tina will be arriving soon! Mierda!! Calm down Lance what is the worst that can happen? Everything!!! Shhh it's okay no worries you got this.You will be there to pick up the kids and tell them to do their Homework while you cook dinner.You got this.

Lance reached his apartment and entered the building. It wasn't a extravagant building but there where couch's and a front desk on the first floor.The mail was in those boxes that you opened with a key.No one ever really was at the front desk.

Lance ran up the stairs to the fourth floor.To him it was easy since his long lanky legs did help a lot. Back in Cuba he use to run track for his middle school years.He would have joined in his first year but things happened and he needed to help his family. Then even more tragedies came and they moved here to Paris.He was just glad that they were trilingual. He grew learning Spanish, English, and French so that is a bonus for him.

Lance reached his apartment and fished out his keys.He unlocked the door and entered the house. In at least eight minutes Marcos's , Tina's, and Carolitos's bus would arrive.

Carlos and Tina were twins and shared the same thick black hair, bronze skin, and chocolate brown eyes. Tina was the oldest by tweleve minutes yet Carlitos was the taller twin,both on the thin side. The nine year old twins were close but Tina was more independent and Carlos hang out more with Macros. Marcos looked more similar to Lance. They had the same cropped brown hair,tan skin, and lanky Figure. The seven year old had the same brown eyes as the twins and their mother. Lance sadly was the only living family member with blue eyes.

He heard the bus's loud engine and ran down stairs to be their when the kids came through the front door.Their mom use to do this back in Cuba.Now that she is busy with work, Lance stepped in to be their role model.

The children poured out and ran to Lance telling him about their days in school. He wouldn't have his life any other way if it meant being with the ones he loved.

Lance had made dinner while he sent his younger siblings to do their homework.Lance was a pretty good chief but not as great as Hunk Garrett, his best friend. Once Carlos, Marcos, and Tina finished they sat down to eat at four. Plagg was kept hidden in Lance's room.Plagg didn't mind, he was playing around with Lance's phone and nibbling on cheese. After finishing their meal Marcos and Carlos went to go watch a movie in the living room. Tina stayed at the table to help clean up. Her older brother never ate with them.He always waited for their mom to eat with her.Tina amired Lance for lots of reasons and often was by his side. Soon she ran off to her shared room with their mom to read a book.

5' o clock came and went then the door opened to reveal a middle aged woman walk in. She was short compared to Lance and had thick black hair with gray hairs hidden tied up Into a bun.Bronze skin and the same brown eyes as her younger children.

"Mama! Ya llegaste!" said Lance from the kitchen already getting the plates to serve his mom and himself dinner.
"Sí mijo. I am here." she said as she sat at the table with her son and food patiently waiting.

The conversation between the too was long and filled with laughter. She told him of the mishaps that working at a bakery held. Apperantly working at Altea Bakery was very entertaining. Rosa was only 46 years old and she had six kids two of them were already old enough to be on their own and stayed back in Cuba. Lance and the younger ones came with her.

When the sunset went down it was time for them to go to bed. Rosa and Tina went to their room and Marcos and Carlos went to theirs.Lance being in highschool needed his space and his mom decided to give him his own room.Which made being Chat Noir easier. When he heard the house filled with the snores and breathing he called to Plagg

"Plagg the close is clear.Let's go"
Plagg came out and stretched.
"Come on kid let's go patrol!"
"Plagg Claws Out!"
Lance's blue jeans, white and bleue baseball shirt and army jacket were replaced by a leather suit complete with black boots and gloves.His belt came out like a cat tail and cat ears rested on top his head.Of course it would be a complete cat suit without a bell at the neck.His blue eyes now resembled like one of a feline's and covered by a black mask.Plagg has transformed Lance by being sucked into his silver ring. He got out his baton and opened his window. Chat Noir jumped out and his baton activated and extended it.The baton let him travel out.


The night fell serenely over Paris.The lights of the city shone brilliantly. The bussling of cars never stop. But is calming to some. The night was where the people took their rest.

Keith knew Allura had fallen asleep in her room when he heard the light snoring and steady breathing.

He whisper yelled
"Tikki spots on!"

His black jeans and shirt where replaced with a red footed spandex suit with black spots.His yoyo was wrapped around his waist. A red mask with black spots covered his eyes. Tikki transformed him and was sucked into his earrings for his powers.

Ladybug opened his window and swung his yoyo like a grappling hook and flew out.He was headed to the Effiel Tower since that was Chat's and his meeting spot.The Korean Thought he beat the cat to it when he arrived.
Chat was already there he was Lance and he need to make an entrance.
Chat stay in the shadows and leaned against the tower.

"Purrfect evening we are having, isn't that right mil' lord?"

That starttled Ladybug and caused him to turn around and face a sly cat.

"Well if it isn't my favorite kitty?"

Chat almost lost his composure but tried not to make it obvious. Chat Noir's heart began to beat faster. It was obvious to all of Paris that he had feelings for Ladybug except for Ladybug himself. Chat Noir was bisexual but he didn't really know the spotted hero's sexuality. Ladybug never really showed any emotions, his face looked constantly annoyed and mad. But Chat knew that deep inside he did care about Paris.

"So how was your day, Chat?"

This caught Chat off guard but answered

"It was ..... alright"

Chat really did want to spill what had happen that day. The stress of being a a parental figure to his siblings. The need to be happy for the sake of others. He hated himself for not being the absolute best. Lance still felt bad for causing Keitb to lash out. Lance didn't know much about his rival but he must of opened up some old wounds for him to act out like that. He could of caused an akuma....
If he caused Keith to be akumatized he couldn't live with being Chat Noir. Hopefully Keith was doing alright.

"Well good to hear that but we got to split and search. I'll take the north you'll take the south got it?"

"Got it, good luck."

"But I am good luck? You need it more than I do." Ladybug looked at Chat Noir questionably.

Chat couldn't contain his laughter sometimes Ladybug was so literal. Of course Ladybug was indeed confused and shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay then Space Ranger, bye"
Chat Noir jumped off the Effiel tower and extended his baton to land on the roof closest to the tower. Chat started running and jumping roof to roof. As soon as Ladybug couldn't see him anymore, he took out his yoyo and swung it to hook on to an antenna of some sorts.Ladybug leaped off the building and zipped by.

There is chapter 2 of Black Spots and Blue Eyes. I got kinda back tracked in my weekly up dates because of Finals.Hopefully I ace them. (╥_╥) We got to see more of Lance's home life. I did indeed name his mom Rosa.If you get the reference. Also yes she does work at Allura's bakery and we will see more of her later.I kinda suck at action scenes so bear with me next chapter.There might be an akuma there might not.Who knows.Thank you for reading and see you later.

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