Chapter 8 Silver Linings

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There were only four Alteans that survived the destruction of Altea. With them resides the box of Miracle stones. The Galra and druids still look for miracle stones to obtain absolute power.

Lance was fast asleep in his bed. The glow stars subtlety illuminating the darkness of his room. Then there was a soft pattering of rain out his window. The pattering got louder and louder. The softness was gone and replaced with thundering clouds and heavy downpour. Lance was serene in his sleep. Not a worry and not a care in the world. Plagg was fast asleep in a light blue basket containing fluffy black towels. He practically blended in with them and was sandwiched between two towels.

The door to Lance's room cracked open slightly revealing Marcos in his pajamas with his brown hair sticking out in odd ways. In his hands, he clutched a stuffed brown bunny. His chocolate eyes widened in fear as a loud Crash shouted from the sky. Marcos let a loud gasp and rushed over to Lance and started to shake him.

"Lance, Lance, Lance, Lance! Please wake up. Wake up. Lance wake up! Please Lancy Lance!" He said frantically.

Lance suddenly jolted up and took a quick breath. He looked around the room and his eyes landed on little Marcos. He rubbed his right eye with his Hand, then stretched. Marcos had his head down on the bed, his hands clutching the sheets. Lance decided to softly stroke Marco's brown hair attempting to calm his little brother down. He spoke softly to Marcos.

"Marcos? Que Paso? Porque Estas despierto? Shouldn't you be in bed?"

Marcos didn't speak for a while and took a shaky breath.

"I was but then I had a bad dream. I woke up and I didn't want to bother Carlos. He would get mad, and won't listen to me. And Mama and Tina sleep in the same bed, there is no room for me. I came in to ask if I can I sleep in your bed tonight?"

Lance gave Marcos a tired smile and moved over a bit. He patted the space beside him and said.

"Come on in."

Marcos looked up and nodded. Marcos climbed in and with the help of Lance got under the covers. He hugged his rabbit tightly. He was tense and Lance noticed that. No way Marcos was going to sleep if he was fretting. His big brother senses were tingling. He knew just what to do.

"Marcos? Do you want to talk about the dream? It might make you feel better." Lance asked his younger brother gently.

Marcos took a deep breath and bit his lip nervously.

"I was dreaming about daddy."

Lance automatically knew where this dream was going. Lance went through that countless times.

"What was he doing in this dream?" he asked his heart aching.

"He was with mama, they were dancing. Remeber when they use to dance at parties?"

"Yes... I remember."

"Mama looked so happy. Kaitlyn and Tony were there two and actually with us. Tina, Carlos, you, and I were playing cops and robbers on our old beach... I miss our old Beach. But then it started to rain really hard! Like the d-ay daa-daddy didn't come home. Then the accident happened all over again. I w-woke up to the r-rain and got -scared " Marcos told Lance in a quiet voice. As he got towards the end his voice wobbled and trembled. Hot tears spilled from his eyes as he relived it all.

Lance turned over and hugged his little brother tightly. Marcos held on and continued to let it out. Lance rubbed small circles on Marco's back to try a sooth him. Rosa would normally sooth her children but Marcos wanted his older brother. He no longer had tears but kept sniffling.

"Lance, can you tell me a happy story?" He asked quietly, wanting a story to help him sleep.

"How about the story of how Grandpa and Abuela fell in love?" He suggested Knowing Marcos would want to hear that timeless story.

"Daddy's parents?"

"Yes... Dad's parents."


"When Grandpa was 20 he moved to Cuba from Scotland to try and branch his business in Whiskey. Grandpa at the time was tall, pale, had dark hair and blue eyes. He also loved the ocean and wanted to move somewhere close to a beach. To him Cuba was perfect. He spent about three years starting up his business and learning Spanish. He ends up speaking fluently it."

"Hey were is Abuela in this story?"

"Hold on I was just getting there! One day he was sitting at the edge of a shipping doc when he first laid eye on the fisherman's daughter, Our Abuela. She was tall compared to other women. Abuela had short black hair at the time and tan skin. She was often alone and didn't care much for people. Grandpa said it was love at first sight but Abuela said she fell in love him after their third date. Grandpa was such a romantic. Abuela's dad wasn't so sure he could trust grandpa. He tried to interfere as much as he could but in the end, they overcame. Grandpa would often sneak Abuela to the beach at night. That's where they shared their first kiss and later where he proposed to her. They knew that Abuela's father wouldn't allow them to get married so they set up a private wedding then ran off. They invited a couple of friends and siblings. Now as husband and wife they eloped to Varadero. They got a small house on the beach, and Grandpa continued His whiskey business there. Abuela two years later had our dad and he made the two of them very happy." Lance recalled.

He had heard this story countless times. He has seen the photographs his Abuela showed him. He wished he could go back and see them. That would be impossible now, they have nothing to go back to.

Marcos was now fast asleep slightly snoring. He maintained a grip on his bunny. He was huddled under the blankets with a now peaceful face. Lance closed his eyes and began to run his fingers through Marco's hair. The softness comforted Lance as he began to reminisce about the past. The cookouts on Varadero Beach, the stars lighting up the sky, his mother smiling genuinely. Nothing could have changed what happened that rainy day. Lance now had a bittersweet feeling about rain. He often realized that rain calmed him but also was a reminder of that day.


Keith wasn't able to sleep that Night, he kept working on his essay. Tikki could only watch and help correct his grammar. His violet eyes showed that he was tired, with dark circles underneath them. Keith was dressed in the dark blue sweater with cat faces patterned all over it and black sweatpants.

Lance's old dark blue sweater...

The rain was patterning outside got heavier and heavier it wasn't guaranteed to stop that night. The news said it could be raining the entire weekend. Keith didn't care. The rain wasn't his favorite thing the world but it wasn't the worst thing ever either. At least it wasn't snowing.
Keith had stopped typing, snow. Something so pure and beautiful but cold and deadly.

Snow..... Marilyn... Why.......

Keith couldn't help but think of his old friend Marilyn. His thoughts swarmed with the past. His adventures in the unforgiving cold. Trying his best to lead the orphanage after Marilyn...
It was already too late, Keith's eyes started to tear up. His best friend and mentor is gone forever.

Tikki hugged his cheek and tried her best to wipes away his tears. On nights like this that was the one thing, she could do. She respected his privacy and never pushed Keith into telling her his past.

One day you will be ready, Keith. I will be waiting to hear your tale.


Saturday Morning brought only gray clouds and cold wind. There were no children in sight. Last night's rainstorm discouraged most parents from letting their kids out. However, the McClain family had other plans. Valentina and Carlos were dropped off at a friend's house. Rosa, Marcos, and Lance walked to Altea Bakery. Lance was hoping and praying that he would not run into Keith. In reality, Lance really wanted to be friends with Keith but somehow he always messed it up. 

Marcos in his bright yellow raincoat and red bookbag jumped and leaped over puddles and giggled happily. His smile looked so much like his father's. Rosa felt a little pain in her heart. The love of her life was gone and there was nothing she could do about that. She shifted her gaze to Lance and looked into his eyes. Blue just like the Cuban ocean. Rosa's husband lived through her children even though he is no longer alive. She knew that at least he was at rest in the skies above them. He always did love to soar in the sky.

Allura was already at the counter when the McClain family arrived at the bakery. She sighed in relief upon seeing Rosa.

"Rosa! Thank goodness you are here! Oh hello Marcos and Lance, it looks like you two are joining us today!" 

"Yeah Yeah! " said Marcos jumping up and down excitedly.

Allura looked at Lance and smirked. A devious idea had popped into her head. Her lilac blue eyes shifted pink and Lance thought he was just seeing things.

"Hey, Lance do you mind working at the counter today? I need your mom's help to finish a wedding cake order. I'll pay you!" She said in a spokesman type manner.

This offer was one Lance couldn't refuse.

"Really okay yeah sure! I'll work the counter!" He said in excitement.

"Oh thank you! You are a blessing!"

Rosa already knew they had a wedding cake order but she couldn't help but smile. She knew what Allura was up to and she wanted to join in.

Allura handed Lance an apron with the Already Bakery logo. He happily took it and put it on. Allura tied the back of it while she explained some things to Lance. Marcos sat at one of the tables looking out the window. It was still raining. He kinda felt bad for that couple that was going to get married in that kind of weather. He took off his raincoat and bookbag off to be more comfortable. He opened his bag and took out a box of crayons and a notebook. Marcos started to scribble all over the page. First he drew a bird then a palm tree, a daisy, the Effiel Tower, and a cupcake.

Hours went by customers came and went. Marcos got hungry and thirsty around noon. Rosa took a small break to make him a ham and cheese sandwhich with chocolate milk. Lance was doing well at his job. So far no problems. Most people that came in wanted to get coffee or some kind of pastry. He had to admit it was kinda fun. Marcos was suck and couldn't figure out what to draw next. Lance was wiping the counter and the other tables and eventually go to the table Marcos was sitting at.

"Lance what should I draw next? I can't think of anything." Marcos said slightly annoyed.

"Hmm I don't know? What about something that inspires you?." He said unsure of himself while taking away Marcos's dirty dish and cup.

"Something that inspires me..." Marcos said to himself trying to look into the idea. Then it hit him.

"I got it!" He exclaimed as he got his blue and green crayons from his crayon box.

Lance was kinda curious so say the least. What would an inspiration mean to a small child? But he could see that whatever it was it meant a lot to Marcos.

When Marcos was done he proudly walked up to the cashier to show Lance. It was a drawing of Chat Noir well from what he can tell. The picture showed Chat Noir ready to use his Cataclysm. Lance was absolutely awestruck. Out of anything Marcos decided to draw him in his alter ego. He honestly felt like tearing up.

"Chat Noir is your inspiration? I would have figured you would have picked Ladybug." Lance said a little chocked up.

"I mean mister Ladybug is cool and everything but Chat Noir is my favorite! He makes jokes that I think are funny! And his power can destroy anything even the akuma's object! Ladybug can't do that." Marcos said in such a happy manner.

"Do you not like it?" Marcos said a little insecure.

"I love it." Lance said causing Marcos to smile wide.

"Ugh he has to show up eventually!" Said a light skinned girl with auburn long hair hiding behind a tree outside the bakery. She was wearing and black raincoat, blue jeans with yellow
rubber boots.

"Melissa can we leave? It's obvious that Keith isn't going to get here any time soon. I am hungry and tried. And you should be getting ready for your Aunt's wedding. Plus it's raining and I am cold" Said a dark skinned girl with straight short blue dyed hair. She was wearing a blue jean jacket that was buttoned up, a black skirt and black combat boots. In her left hand she held a blue umbrella that shielded the both of them from the rain.

"No Alisha! He is coming I can feel it! Ah Lance is so lucky his mom works at the bakery."

"Melissa your my best friend. So you gotta believe me on this. Keith is not going to be interested in you. Plus it's creepy that we have been waiting here for hours."

"Pft it's true love so it's excusable."

"You have never talked to the guy! All you do is sketch him in your journal!"

"So! I just feel like there is something there for us you know."

"No I don't Melissa. I don't dig boys. Just because my hair is straight doesn't mean I am."

"Oh come on you know what I mean!"

Alisha blushed and looked at Melissa. She did knew what that was like. Too bad Melissa didn't feel the same.

"Look Melissa I just don't think it's gonna work."

"What? Why not?"

"Call it a theory but I think Keith doesn't really swing towards girls."

"No way Alisha! I don't believe you!"

"Well how would you know huh you never actually pay attention to anything. Have you not seen the way he looks at Lance during class?!"

"Keith does not like Lance!"

Alisha got up from the muddy ground. She was tired of this. No matter how much she liked Melissa she wasn't going stand in this rain just because she was being stubborn.

"Where are you going?"

"Home. If you are going to be like that I'm leaving. You don't even care that it's your aunt's special day. You are being selfish." Alisha said not even looking back and flipping the bird. Melissa was now left in the rain seeing as Alisha held the umbrella.

Melissa scoffed in shock. Alisha never talked like that to her before. But she was so mad that she didn't even want to talk back.

"I just know that he and I will be good together why can't you just support me." Melissa said to herself while wrapping her arms around herself as the rain poured over her. A white butterfly in the rain appeared and landed on Melissa's violet friendship bracelet on her right hand.

Oh Melissa. Sweet sweet Melissa. I am Zarkon. Alisha doesn't understand that you like this boy so much. But if you side with me I will help you convince her your love is true and get the heart of the boy you desire. But only if you do something for me.


Bring me Ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculous. From now on you will be known as Amour Flèche. Now go!

Melissa was comsumed by purple warped quintessence. Her hair turned hot pink and wilder. Her skin was turned gray. Her eyes were glowing pink voids. She was now sporting a black spandex suit with little pink hearts all over and wore pink high heeled boots. Her right hand now looked like it had been fused with a cross bow.

"Hehe hehe Alisha and Keith will have no idea what hit them!"

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