Battle Begins

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Everyone is seen looking for clues as to what Ultron is planning next in his mission. Daikon is seen meditating in his room, trying to see if he has some control of his new power. However, he realized that he still have a lot to do to use his power cautiously. He doesn't want to use it unintentionally or else it will cause harm to everyone around him and himself.

He stops meditating as he takes a deep breath and exhales before standing up.

Daikon: This power...I really need to learn to control it. At least Thor hasn't yet told them as he promised. Though, I would eventually tell mom and the others soon. I just need time to control this energy.

He then changes into different clothes as he makes his way to the lobby. As he approaches the others, he hears them having a conversation.

Tony: What's this?

Steve: A message. Ultron killed Strucker.

Daikon: And nothing of value is lost.

Tony: And he did a Banksy at the crime scene, just for us.

Natasha: This is a smokescreen. Why send a message when you've just given a speech?

Steve: Strucker knew something that Ultron wanted us to miss.

Daikon: *shrug* Still no value lost.

Natasha Romanoff: Yeah, I bet he-

Nat looks at the computer monitor as she realized there's no record of Strucker anywhere.

Nat: Yep. Everything we had on Strucker has been erased.

Tony: Not everything.

He passes them some physical files that contain evidence of Strucker.

Steve: Known associates. Well, Strucker had a lot of friends.

Bruce: Well, these people are all horrible.

Daikon: No kidding.

Tony: Wait. I know that guy.

Bruce passes him a photo.

Tony: From back in the day. He operates off the African coast, black market arms.

Steve looks at him with a suspicious look on his face.

Tony: There are conventions, alright? You meet people, I didn't sell him anything.

Tony: He was talking about finding something new, a game-changer, it was all very "Ahab."

Thor: *pointing at the scar on Klaue's neck* What's this?

Daikon: Well, it doesn't look like a tattoo, so it must've been some form of branding. I would know.

Bruce: *looking through the computer* He's right. It's a word in an African dialect meaning thief, in a much less friendly way.

Steve: What dialect?

Bruce: Wakanada...? Wa...Wa...Wakanda.

Tony: If this guy got out of Wakanda with some of their trade goods...

Steve: I thought your father said he got the last of it?

Bruce: I don't follow. What comes out of Wakanda?

Tony: *looks at Cap's Shield* The strongest metal on earth.

Steve: Where is this guy now?

They started preparing as Daikon was on his Black and Red Gi with his gauntlets and rocket boosters ready for a potential battle.

Daikon: Alright. Time to scrap some robots.

Daikon turns and sees Nat standing next to the edge of the door, looking at him.

Daikon: Oh hey, mom. What's up?

Nat: What was that reaction you had when trying to lift Thor's hammer?

Daikon: What? I don't know what-

Nat: Daikon. I know you very well. I just wanted to know what was that reaction you had when you let go of the handle.

Daikon: Uhh...I was trying too hard?

Nat: Doesn't look like it. You seemed to be trying to lift it until you instantly let go of the handle. You're hiding something, aren't you?

Daikon: W-what makes you say that, mom? I'm not hiding any-

Nat: No excuses, Daikon. When this is over, you're going to tell me what is it that you're hiding from us. I need to know. Understand?

Daikon looks at her carefully in silence before sighing.

Daikon: Fine. I'll tell you. I promise.

Nat: Good. Then let's go kick that robot's ass.

Daikon: Couldn't said it better myself.

They walk to the Quinjet while the other Avengers are waiting for them. They entered the Jet as it flies up and speeds away, heading to their destination.

*at the Salvage Yard, African Coast*

The Avengers entered one of the ships where they believe Ulysses Klaue is staying and where Ultron might be. Bruce was left at the Jet unless they need his assistance.

They soon see Ultron, Pietro, and Wanda looking down at Klaue as Ultron had cut his arm off.

Ultron: I'm sorry. I am sor-- Ooh, I'm sure that's going to be okay. I'm sorry, it's just I don't understand. Don't compare me with Stark! *tosses Klaue away* It's a thing with me. Stark is, he's a sickness!

Soon, Stark, Rogers, Thor, and Daikon arrive as they stood before Ultron and the Maximoffs.

Tony: Ahh, Junior. You're gonna break your old man's heart.

Ultron: If I have to.

Thor: We don't have to break anything.

Ultron: Clearly you've never made an omelet.

Tony: He beat me by one second.

Pietro: Ah, this is funny, Mr. Stark. It's what, comfortable? Like old times?

Tony: This was never my life.

Steve: *to the twins* You two can still walk away from this.

Wanda: Oh, we will.

Daikon: Look, I know you suffered-

Ultron: Aah, Daikon Black. The Anti-Avenger, pretending you could live without your past. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but-

Thor: If you believe in peace, then let us keep it.

Ultron: I think you're confusing peace with quiet.

Tony: Yuh-huh. What's the Vibranium for?

Ultron: I'm glad you asked that because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan-

Ultron pulls Tony forward as his drones came down and started fighting the others. He then shoots him with finger beams, pushing him against the wall. Soon, the two duke it out as Thor, Daikon, and Steve fight the robots.

Pietro charges at them as he pushes Thor away. Daikon runs toward Wanda but was pushed back by her powers. As the fighting goes on, Klaue gets up as one of his men approaches him.

Klaue: Shoot them!

Mercenary: Which ones?

Klaue: All of them!

Soon, Klaue's men begin shooting as the Avengers fight them, Ultron's drones, and the Twins. Daikon ducks under some gunfire as he fires his repulsor blasts at them.

He cuts a robot in half as he stabs another before pushing a mercenary away with his rocket boosters.

Bruce: *through comms* Guys, is this a Code Green?

Daikon: No, not yet, Bruce!

Daikon spins and knocks a mercenary down with a kick.

He stood up, only to sense Pietro heading towards him but he was ready for him. Daikon turns and hits a hard punch, knocking Pietro away.

Daikon: Nice try, buddy.

He leaves and tries to contact the others.

Daikon: How's everyone doing? *gets no answer* Mom? Steve? Thor? *still gets no answer*

Clint: Kid! Watch out for the chick with mind powers!

Daikon: What-


Daikon froze as memories of his past came hitting even harder than before. Wanda was about to leave, only to see his memories herself, which she immediately froze, as she looks on at Daikon's perspective.

Daikon grabbed his head as he growls, trying to get the memories to stop but it was no use. Pietro gets up as he grabs Wanda's hand.

Pietro: Let's go!

He sees her face and could see she has a horrified look on her face. He looks at Daikon, who is swinging his head from side to side, yelling in pure agony.

Daikon: Turn it down...

Soon, Daikon's body begins to glow as he grips his head. The screams, the yelling, the voices talking from within his head are too much to bear. Everyone stood to look on as Daikon's eyes glow red in anger and pain as his body glows more intensely.

Tony and Clint were looking on in shock as Ultron was interested in what is going to happen. Wanda was about to stop the vision until Daikon lets out a scream.


The energy of the pulse attack pushed everyone away as the ship is explodes from within. It didn't stop as it spreads around the area before fading. Bruce saw this and was shocked and scared for everyone inside. He decides to go see if he can assist.

Back inside the ship, Daikon is seen still standing where he was, looking up at the sky above with tears in his eyes.

Daikon: It's quiet...I hear nothing...thank God...

Daikon collapses as everyone slowly stood up, groaning in pain. Wanda looks at Daikon with shock, fear, sadness, and regret. Tears coming down from her cheeks showing the remorse she has for doing that to him.

She then hears a noise as a large piece of the ship comes off as he heads down towards Daikon. Wanda gets up and stood on top of him as she uses her powers to stop the large piece from crushing his unconscious body.

She pushes it away, thus saving Daikon from being squashed as she looks down at him. She kneels down and slowly rolls him onto his back. Seeing his face with tears makes her feel terrible for making him see his memories in such a manner.

She gently wipes the tears off his face before rubbing his cheek. Pietro goes up to her.

Pietro: Wanda, let's go.

Wanda looks at him with an uncertain look before wiping her tears and nodding. She then looks back at the unconscious Daikon.

Wanda: I'm sorry.

She stands up as Pietro grabs her and they sped away. They later find Bruce, and despite not wanting to do it, Wanda uses her powers on Bruce, causing him to turn into Hulk, now madder than ever.

Tony would then stop him by using the new Hulkbuster suit he made for this occasion, but it still lead to a lot of chaos.

A/N: The part where Wanda uses her power on Daikon, I used reface to put the face of Drew Fuller. And much like Wanda, Daikon's powers will be growing. How? You might now soon.

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