Battle In Sokovia Part 2

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Tony: Well, like the old man said. Together.

Hulk roars as all of Ultron's robot army charges at the church, trying to reach the core. The Avengers circled around the drill, fighting off the robots as best they can. Daikon was seen using his blades to slice and stab at them, even decapitating one by penetrating his blade through its body.

The Avengers fight through the hoard of robots, as they assist each other as they can. Daikon blasts several robots with a shock wave, sending them flying and into pieces.

Daikon yells out as he slices through Ultron's soldiers with ease. He even stabbed one through its body, and used it as a shield, before blasting another with his repulsor blast.

Daikon then sees Ultron charging in and jumps. They collide as they exchange blows before Daikon tosses him out of the church. Daikon lands in front of him as they stare at each other.

Ultron: You risk your life to save one primitive race?

Daikon: You'll never stop at one...

Daikon: I'll take you on!

Daikon charges at Ultron as they exchange blows and strikes. It was hard for Daikon to stab him as Ultron has Vibranium in his body, but managed to inflict some damage. Ultron suddenly grabs both of his blades, breaks them off, and uses one to slash him on the side.

Daikon held his side as blood drips out from his wound. Soon, Ultron jumps high, going for a devastating strike, only for Daikon to hit a hard uppercut, knocking him down.

Daikon goes after him but was then blasted away, as Ultron gets up. He then jumps high and stomps Daikon on his chest, making him yell out in pain. Ultron then pulls his gauntlets off and he grabs him by the face.

Ultron: Where are your weapons now, Daikon?

He punches him in the gut before going to blast him through the heart. Suddenly, Daikon clenched his fist before swinging his arm at Ultron. Surprisingly, Ultron was given a big cut on his chest as he backs away. He looks at Daikon, who's holding his arm up, but something was different.

Daikon looks at his arm in shock as he sees a purple blade glowing on his hand. He looks on in wonder as he then poses with it in front of Ultron.

Daikon: Does this answer your question?

Ultron grunts as he charges at Daikon, as the two resume their fight. Soon, Ultron was receiving more damage than before as Daikon's blade was made by his own energy. Soon, Daikon switches his blade on his other hand as he stabs Ultron in the leg before taking him down.

He then stabs him through his body, brings him down, and stabs him on the shoulder before punching him and backhanding him away.

Ultron gets up as Daikon fires an energy beam from his hand, stopping the crazed AI. Soon, Vision arrives to assist him as he fires his own beam from the mind stone. Soon, Thor and Iron Man arrive as they fire lighting and repulsor beams at Ultron.

Ultron tries to block their attacks, only to realize his body is melting from the heat of the combined strike.  After a while, they stopped as they stare at Ultron, who wobbling gets up to look at them.

Ultron: You know, with the benefit of hindsight-

Hulk appears as he punches Ultron away. He then turns to the remaining robots who look at him with a bit of a startled look, despite being mechanical beings. They start running away as Hulk chases after him.

Soon, the rest started flying off the city, in an attempt to escape.

Thor: They'll try to leave the city.

Tony: We can't let 'em, not even one. Rhodey!

Rhodey: I'm on it.

Thor turns to Daikon and sees how hurt he is, but surprisingly hasn't gone down. His clothes were damaged with cuts and bruises and a large wound on his side.

Thor: Need assistance, Son of Romanov?

Daikon: *takes a deep breath* I'm fine, Thor. Thanks.

They head back to the church as Natasha approaches her son.

Natasha: Are you okay?

Daikon: Am I ever feeling okay? *chuckles*

Natasha: At least your sense of humor hasn't faded.

Daikon smiles as he sees Wanda looking at him with a bit of worry, but also relief that he's okay.

Steve: We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers, be right behind you.

Clint: What about the core?

Wanda: I'll protect it.

Everyone turns to her, looking surprised as she stood there with determination in her eyes.

Wanda: *looks at Daikon* It's my job.

Daikon smiles as he nods to her. He and the others go off as he went to find other civilians. Luckily for him, his sensing ability helped him find many of them as he aids them to the lifeboats. Suddenly he hears gunfire as he stops the people and sees the Quinjet firing at everyone.

He then sees Clint going to shield a kid from the bullet until Pietro heads toward them. Daikon knew what will happen as he runs towards them.

Daikon: No! Pietro!

Out of desperation, Daikon created an energy disk and launched it at the Quinjet.

The disk cuts through the Gatling Gun, stopping it from hitting Pietro, his uncle, and the kid. The jet flies off as Pietro remained unhurt as they turn to him, looking shocked that he did that.

Daikon: I honestly did not see that coming. *shrugs*

Snapping back into reality, Daikon brings the rest of the people of Sokovia to the lifeboats as Clint and Pietro helped him. He then flies off to pick up. He stops by the church, only to realize she's not there. Sending her presence, he heads towards it, wondering why she left.

Soon, he sees a broken-down subway car as he approached it. He enters and sees Wanda kneeling over the broken body of Ultron while holding his power core.

Daikon:'s time to go.

Wanda turns to him and nods as she drops the core. They got to leave the city. Suddenly, they felt the ground shake before realizing something.

Daikon: The Drill!

Daikon picks up Wanda and flies her out of there as the city starts to fall. He lands on a lifeboat and leaves there.

Wanda: Where are you going?

Daikon: Going to save the world.

Daikon flies off as he heads towards the city.

Daikon: Come on! I need a little more boost!

Soon, his energy helps him fly down faster, managing to keep up with the falling city. He then goes beneath it and meets up with Tony.

Tony: How did you get here?!

Daikon: Luck!

Tony: Good thing! I need your help! Aim for the core!

Daikon nods as he heads towards the open hole and raised his hands in it. Soon, he fires a combined beam of energy from inside the city.

Tony: Thor, on my mark!

Thor raised his hammer, channeling his powers in it.

Tony: Now!

Thor slams Mjolnir onto the core as he creates a huge shockwave. That combined with Daikon firing a huge energy beam in a collision caused the city to explode from within. It even created a shock wave as small amounts of debris fell down.

Daikon is seen free falling from the sky as he slowly loses consciousness. Tony heads towards him as Daikon's vision goes blank.


Daikon is seen waking up on a bed as he slowly sat up. He looks around and sees he's inside a room. He looks down and sees the bandages on his body, mostly on his side. He then goes to get up, only to grunt from the pain.

Soon, the door opens as Natasha enters the room.

Natasha: Thank God you're finally awake. I was beginning to worry.

Daikon: Finally? How long was I unconscious?

Natasha: About 5 hours.

Daikon: That long? So what happened since then?

Natasha: Vision took care of Ultron, erasing any trace of him.

Daikon: Oh that's good. *lays down in relief* And the others?

Natasha: They're fine. But...

Daikon noticed her pause as he looks at her in confusion.

Natasha: Hulk didn't come back. He stayed in the jet as it flies off God knows where.

Daikon looks at her, eyes widening after hearing that. Without any words to say, he stretches his arms out, gently grabs Natasha, pulls her to him as he presses her forehead on his. They both stood there, as Daikon rubs his mother's cheek to comfort her as Nat welcomes it.

*time skip*

We see the new Avengers Facility in Upstate New York. Daikon is seen with the Maximoffs, now fully healed as they chatted with each other.

Daikon: So how does it feel being here?

Pietro: It's busy.

Wanda: Very crowded.

Daikon: Yeah, and expect that when Tony makes parties here. He's quite the party guy.

Wanda: Okay. So, how did you gain your power?

Daikon: I don't know. I was meditating and then boom! there it was, glowing on my hand. And after that...incident, I realized I have a lot of uncontrolled power inside me.

Pietro: Seems pretty dangerous.

Daikon: No kidding. I will have to continue meditating and working out so I can control it probably.

Wanda: Seems like the best way.

Daikon: Yep.

Suddenly, he hears a notification on his phone. He pulls out and looks at the message and sees a video of a baby boy. He plays it and hears his aunt Laura's voice.

Laura: Say hi to Auntie Nat and cousin Daikon.


Wanda: Aww, what a cute baby.

Daikon: Indeed. Plus, Pietro, don't tell Uncle Clint, but...I know he named his son after you.

Pietro and Wanda were shocked by this. Both Clint and Pietro don't seem to get along.

Pietro: What's his full name?

Daikon: Nathaniel Pietro Barton.

Pietro: Wow...I...I'm speechless.

Daikon: I think the reason is that when Ultron was firing at us, Uncle Clint was ready to die for the kid, but you stepped in and shielded them, knowing what will happen, until I saved you. Seeing how you're willing to protect him, Uncle named my baby cousin after you.

Pietro: I see. I'm quite flattered.

Wanda smiles as they chuckled.

Daikon: Anyway, I need to go. See you soon.

Maximoffs: Okay.

Daikon goes to leave, until Wanda grabs his hand, stopping him.

Wanda: Thank you for saving us back in Sokovia. We appreciated it.

Daikon: It's no problem. It's my job to protect my friends and family from danger.

Wanda looks at him with a smile on her face.

Daikon looks at her and smiles as well.

He then leaves as Wanda watches him leave. Pietro looks at her and grins.

Pietro: I knew you have a crush on him.

Wanda scoffs as she turns away and Pietro laughs at her.

*with Daikon*

Daikon heads to the upper floor of the facility where he can sense Natasha there. He sees her as Nick was leaving. They nod to each other as Daikon approaches his mother who is looking at the wall in front of her, thinking about something.

Daikon stood next to her as they faced the wall in silence. He then wraps his around hers to give a comforting grip on it.

Daikon: We'll find him. I promise you, мама паук.

Nat looks at him and smiles before hugging him.

Nat: I know, маленький паук.


Steve and Natasha are seen walking side by side down the hallway as they talk to each other.

Natasha: How do we look?

Steve: Well, we're not the '27 Yankees.

Nat: We've got some hitters.

Steve: They're good. They're not a team.

Natasha: Let's beat 'em into shape.

They entered the lobby as they see War Machine, Vision, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver preparing for their arrival. Pietro and Wanda were given new outfits thanks to Daikon, who is strangely not there.

Suddenly, he arrives, but with a new outfit as his last one was damaged during the battle. This one has a different Gi design with arm braces and a new updated mask.

(And yes I changed the colors to make them more red)

He retracts his mask as he stares at everyone with a nod.

Steve: Avengers...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A/N: Age of Ultron is over.

Q1: How do you feel about Daikon in this arc?

Up next...Civil War.

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