Becoming Official

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After the date around New York, Wanda and Daikon's friendship has become greater than before. Many have noticed they're being together more often than before. Like they prepare breakfast for each other, Wanda anxiously waits for Daikon to finish training, Daikon draws a picture of Wanda when she's in front of him, and both say goodnight while walking each other to their rooms.

They would get comments from others about how close they are, but they simply ignored them, as if the world around them didn't exist. Or they're in a world they constructed for themselves. If they get interrupted, they'll give them a menacing glare with their eyes glowing red.

One day, the Avengers decided to have a training session where they'll face Daikon all at once. They wanted to see how capable he is against all of them against him, to see how strong he has become as someone heard he grew stronger after the fight with Ultron.

Daikon accepted this as it would be interesting for him to see how strong he has become. Wanda was hesitant to do this, but Daikon and her brother encouraged her, so she agrees to team up with the others.

Soon, everyone put on their gear as they entered the training hall. Daikon stood in front of them as he warms up.

Sam: Just try to go easy on us, man.

Daikon: *chuckles* I'll try my best.

Everyone gets ready as they all went into a fighting stance. They all stared at him while he stares back at him.

Steve: Go!

Everyone charged at Daikon and stood there, watching them carefully. Soon, Pietro went speeding toward him but Daikon caught and took him down. Natasha and Steve charged in as they threw punches while Daikon blocks their strikes.

Soon, Daikon hits his strikes, knocking away his mom while throwing several strikes at Steve before hitting a Jump Kick.

Sam dives down as he went for a Kick on his back, but Daikon front flips, dodging the surprise attack before hitting a Double kick to Falcon, sending him against the Wall.

Wanda charges in as she uses her powers to fire balls of her energy toward him. Daikon tanks the first one, as it pushes him back, before dodging the next few. Daikon charges at her, but she stops him with her magic. Daikon grins before blasting an energy pulse, knocking her back, but didn't use a lot of force.

Rhodey fires several bullets from his Gatling Gun toward Daikon, who dodges them with Backflips and Summersaults. He jumps over Rhodey and punches him, sending him down to the floor. He then senses Vision firing a beam as he dodges it.

Daikon charges at Vision, but goes through him, thanks to Viz's Phase-shifting abilities. Vision fires a blast from his Mind Stone, pushing Daikon back. Daikon growled as he throws several blasts at Vision, who dodges them. Then, Daikon appears in front of him and hits an energy pulse that sent Vision away.

Daikon lands on the floor before catching an incoming Shield from Captain America. Rhodey fires at Daikon, but he uses the Shield to protect him before throwing it at War Machine.

It bounces off him as he heads back to Daikon, as he kicks it toward Steve. Cap caught it as Daikon appears in front of him and goes for a punch. Steve quickly uses his shield as Daikon punches it, but it looks like Steve still feels the sting of the strike.

Not only that, it caused the floor beneath them to crack around them. Daikon then kicks Steve away before being punched by Quicksilver. Pietro runs in different directions, punching Daikon several times.

Just before he could go for another, Daikon caught him by the throat and chokeslams him down.

(Not even in an non-wrestling story will Daikon spare you from being Chokeslammed)

Natasha then jumps on him, wrapping her legs around his neck, and hits a head scissor takedown. Daikon lands on his feet as he and Nat exchange strikes while she uses her batons. Daikon grabbed and went for a Judo move, but Nat countered and looks in a triangle choke before using her Widow's bite and electrifying Daikon by his neck.

Daikon feels the sting of the bracelets electrocuting him, but he lifts Nat off the floor and tosses her to Falcone who was coming in and knocking them both down.

Daikon then felt lifted as he was then being thrown against the wall by Wanda. He gets up as War Machine fires two beams from his repulsor rays. Daikon fires back with his beam and the two are caught in a beam struggle.

Vision joins in as fires his own beam, trying to help Rhodey. Daikon's beam was pushed back but he manages to stay even with them. Soon, Wanda joins in as she fires her own beam. The three's combined beams begin to push Daikon back. Daikon was shocked by this as he then increases the power of his beam.

Soon, both sides are caught evenly in a Beam-O-War.

Neither of them are being pushed back as they struggled to win the struggle. Suddenly the struggle was becoming unstable as Daikon's body begins to glow. Steve saw this and gets worried as Daikon yells out.

Steve: Stop-

Everyone was sent flying from the explosion as it shook the Earth. Smoke coves the hall as all the employees arrive to look at the damage. Soon, the Avengers begin to get up, groaning in pain from the explosion.

Pietro: Ahhh...hovno (shit)...

Rhodey: I should've not started that struggle. Those times with Tony should've come to mind.

Natasha: least you're realizing the mistake.

Sam: Goddamn...I never felt such pain like this.

Steve: Ahh...we'll you gotta get used to it, Sam.

Vision: I agree with Captain America.

Wanda: Ahh...Daikon? Daikon?!

Soon, they hear footsteps as look ahead. They then see this...

Everyone was shocked to see Daikon still walking from that big explosion. He even looks relatively unfazed despite his Gi being destroyed and having some cuts and bruises.

Daikon wipes the blood off his cheek with his thumb as Wanda is seen staring at him intensely with her face red. Seems seeing him as this aroused her.

Daikon: Well...that was extreme.

Rhodey: How the Hell are you still walking?

Pietro: How are your bones not broken?

Daikon: Listen, I've done some crazy shit. I got stabbed, got blasted, punched, and slashed by an AI, and went through an entire explosion of a literal meteor. This is honestly not that big of a deal to me. *looks around* Though, all of you still have no experience with that.

Steve: Son, you are the most riskiest and daring person out of any of us.

Daikon: That is true. Alright, let's get you guys at the med bay, while I'll help clean this mess up.


The others are seen having their wounds tended as Daikon helps clean the destruction they cause. He then meets with Wanda, who is seen having bandages on her body.

Daikon: Hey, are you okay? I'm sorry for-

Wanda: It's okay. It wasn't only you that caused the explosion.

Daikon: I know. Still, I really went overboard back there. Especially for you. Would you like something in return?

Wanda: Hmm...well...I don't know at the moment, but I'll let you know when I figure it out.

Daikon: Okay. If you got something in mind, I'm ready to do it for you.

Wanda nods as she hugged him. Daikon hugs her back as Wanda snuggles against his chest making him giggle.

Daikon: You're such a softie. *kisses her on the forehead*

Wanda blushes before snuggling against him tightly. Then, an agent arrives.

Maria Marshall (QueenZain3): Aww, you two are the cutest when you're together. (😉)

Wanda blushes at that as Daikon chuckles.

Daikon: Thanks, Maria.

Maria: No problem. See ya, later. *walks off*

Daikon: Nice girl. Don't ya think?

Wanda: Yes. She's one of the few agents that were nice to me when I first arrived here.

Daikon: Yeah, she's a sweet one. Just don't underestimate her.

They then parted the hug as they talk some other stuff.

*time skip*

Daikon is seen in his room as he's changing into his Gi for an evening patrol. He was about to put on his undershirt before getting a knock on his door.

Wanda: Daikon?

Daikon: C'mon in.

Wanda enters the ring as she sees Daikon putting on his shirt, revealing his muscular body. The shirt looked tight as he was putting it on, as it still shows his fit figure. He then puts on his Gi as he turns to her.

Daikon: What's up?

Wanda just stares at him, her mind still thinking of how well-built he is. She then wonders what would he look like without his shirt or the rest of his outfit on.

Daikon: You okay?

Wanda snaps out of her trance as she looks at Daikon.

Wanda: Y-yeah. I'm alright. Just came to see if you needed any help.

Daikon: No problem there. Could you give me my mask? It should be by the table.

Wanda nods as she goes to the table. She opens the drawer, then picks up his mask, but caught a quick glance at his computer that was on. She sees a drawing of her that Daikon most likely drew.

She got up and walks over to him and passes him his mask.

Daikon: Thanks. *goes to put it on*

Wanda: Wait.

Daikon: Yeah?

Wanda: Well...I always wondered what is like to have that on.

Daikon: Want to try it on?

Wanda: Sure. You won't mind?

Daikon: Nah. Here.

He passes it to her. Wanda looks at it before placing it on her head. She turns to Daikon and places her hands on her hips.

Wanda: How do I look?

Daikon chuckles as he gave her a thumbs up. To him, the mask on makes her cute. But to her enemies, she looks dangerous and terrifying.

Daikon: Adorable. With the media now calling me the "Crimson Warrior", we should call you the "Scarlet Warrior" if you go along with my look.

Wanda: *giggles as she gives the mask back to him* Scarlet Warrior...pretty clever.

Daikon nods as he puts on the mask.

Daikon: FRIDAY, open the window for me, will you?

FRIDAY: Will do, Daikon. *opens the widow as a cool breeze pass through* Done. Kick ass out there, Daikon.

Daikon: I will. *looks at Wanda* See you soon, Wanda.

Wanda: Wait.

Daikon stops as he turns to her, who started looking nervous.

Daikon: What's up?

The Scarlet Witch took a deep breath as she lifted Daikon's mask off. Her heart was beating so fast she'd thought it might burst out of her chest. She had no idea where this sudden surge of courage was coming from but it didn't matter to the young Sokovian woman.

She's been wanting to do this for a long time now and she wasn't going to let anything stop her. Daikon looks at her, starting to feel worried about her silence.

Daikon: Are you alright, Wanda?

Wanda: I've never felt better...*leans in and kisses him on the lips*

Daikon's eyes widened at the feeling of Wanda's soft lips pressed against his. The shock quickly dissipated though as Daikon instinctively kissed her back. They wrap their arms around each other as they held onto each other, loving the feeling of their lips together.

Neither stopped as their love for each other finally was let out and they don't want to end the kiss so soon. Then, after what seemed to be an eternity, they pulled away to allow themselves to breathe. Both of them stared at each other, with red faces from the blushing.

Daikon: Wow...

Wanda smiles at him before giving another quick kiss.

Wanda: Come back soon, please? We'll talk more about this when you return.

Daikon smiles as he nods to her. He puts on his mask again, and salutes to her, before flying off to do his normal patrol. And he's looking forward to finishing very quickly.

A/n: How's the chapter?

How do you feel about Daikon and Wanda now starting a relationship?

How would the others react?

What do you think of the unexpected cameo of Maria Marshall (QueenZain3)


We'll miss you, Tommy. At least Trini will have a familiar face with her in heaven.

RIP to both the Yellow and Green Ranger.

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