Birth of a New Being

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*at Avengers Tower*

The three took the Cradle to Tony and Bruce so they can examine it as Daikon and Nat stayed with them.

Bruce: I can work on tissue degeneration if you can fry whatever operational system Cho implanted.

Tony: Yeah, about that.

Daikon/Nat/Bruce: No.

Tony: You have to trust me.

Bruce: Kinda don't.

Tony: Our ally? The guy protecting the military's nuclear codes? I found him.

Daikon: What?

He pulls out a hologram of a core. It then spoke, and they immediately recognize the voice.

JARVIS: Hello, Dr. Banner.

Natasha: JARVIS? You're alive?

JARVIS: I am quite well, Ms. Romanov.

Tony: Ultron didn't go after JARVIS cause he was angry. He attacked him because he was scared of what he can do. So JARVIS went underground. Okay? Scattered, dumped his memory. But not his protocols. He didn't even know he was in there until I pieced him together.

Bruce: So, you want me to help you put JARVIS into this thing?

Tony: No, of course not! I want to help you put JARVIS in this thing. *Bruce shakes his head* We're out of my field here. You know bio-organics better than anyone.

Bruce: And you just assume that JARVIS' operational matrix can beat Ultron's?

Tony: JARVIS has been beating him from inside without knowing it. This is the opportunity, we can create Ultron's perfect self, without the homicidal glitches he thinks are his winning personality. We have to.

JARVIS: I believe it's worth a go.

Bruce: No, I'm in a loop! I'm caught in a time loop, this is exactly where it all went wrong.

Daikon: He's right, Tony. We can't afford to make the same mistake again.

Tony: I know what everyone's going to say, but they're already saying it. We're mad scientists. We're monsters, buddy. You gotta own it. Make a stand. *Banner looks down as he shakes his head* It's not a loop. It's the end of the line.

Bruce, Daikon, and Nat look at the Cradle before Banner sighs and agrees to it.

Daikon: *looks at Tony* This better work, Stark.

Daikon and Nat leaves the lab as Tony and Bruce begin their work.

*much later*

Tony and Bruce are seen working on the synthetic body as Daikon and Nat put on some normal clothes as they drank coffee.

Tony: This framework is not compatible.

Bruce: The genetic coding tower's at ninety-seven percent. You have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes.

Daikon goes to take a sip until he felt something. His face went from calm to furious as he slams his cup before standing up.

Natasha: Hey, what's wrong?

Daikon: It's Steve. And he's with them!

Daikon walks off as Nat follows him. They then arrive to see Cap appearing with Wanda and Pietro Maximoff as they look at Tony and Bruce.

Cap: I'm gonna say this once.

Tony: How about "nonce"?

Steve: Shut it down!

Tony: Nope, not gonna happen.

Steve Rogers: You don't know what you're doing.

Daikon: Oh, really?

Daikon: At least we're not the ones who brought Violet and Dash Paar here. Especially when one of them entered my mind!

Wanda: I'm sorry. I regret that...I do.

Daikon: Yeah, you're apologizing don't mean shit to me.

Nat: How did we know she isn't in your head, Rogers?

Bruce: She's done it to the others.

Steve: Banner, after everything that's happened-

Tony: That's nothing compared to what's coming!

Wanda: You don't know what's in there!

Steve: This isn't a game-

Annoyed, Pietro rushes through the lab, removing the cables and destroying machines connected to the cradle.

Pietro: *stops* No, no. Go on. You were saying?

Suddenly, a gunshot was heard as Pietro sees a bullet going up in front of him. He realized too late that he was on a class floor as it breaks, making him land on the lower floor near Clint.

Wanda: Pietro!

Clint: *approaches him* What? You didn't see that coming?

Tony: I'm rerouting the upload.

Steve throws his Shield at the equipment, destroying it. Tony blasts Steve away with a repulsor beam as Wanda goes to attack, only to be held by Bruce from behind.

Bruce: Go ahead. Piss me off.

Nat puts her guns on her, only for Wanda to push Bruce and her away with her powers. Daikon charges at her, only for Wanda to stop him with her powers. Daikon grunts before his body glows as he creates an energy pulse, breaking free and pushing Wanda to the floor.

Daikon: That won't work on me anymore.

Suddenly, they heard glass breaking as they turn to see that Thor arrived. He jumps on the cradle and charges a surge of lightning from Mjolnir.

Bruce: Wait!

Thor then brings his hammer down as the surge of lightning goes down on the Cradle, as its systems begin to overload due to the amount of power it was receiving. Everyone watches in shock and awe as Thor stops before the Cradle bursts out from within sending everyone down.

Suddenly, a figure comes out of the destroyed Cradle as everyone stood up and look in disbelief at the new being in front of them.

It looked around as everyone went into defensive mode, thinking it would attack. It then looks at Thor and charges at him, only for the God of Thunder to toss him away. The being stops himself as he looks at the night sky from the window.

It then starts to calm down as it descends to the floor. Everyone goes downstairs as he creates a cape for himself. He then spoke in JARVIS's voice as he looks at Thor.

New Being: I'm sorry, that was...odd. Thank you.

Steve: Thor, you helped create this?

Thor: I've had a vision. A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life and at its center is that. *points at a glowing gem on the Being's forehead*

Bruce: What, the gem?

Thor: It's the Mind Stone. It's one of the six Infinity Stones, the greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities.

Steve: Then why would you bring it to-

Thor: Because Stark is right.

Daikon: That's a first.

Bruce: Oh, it's definitely the end times.

Thor: The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron.

New Being: Not alone.

Steve: Why does your "vision" sound like JARVIS?

Tony: We...reconfigured JARVIS' matrix to create something new.

Steve: I think I've had my fill of new.

New Being: You think I'm a child of Ultron?

Natasha: You're not?

New Being: I'm not Ultron. I'm not JARVIS. I am... I am.

Wanda: I looked in your head and saw annihilation.

Vision: Look again.

Clint: Yeah. Her seal of approval means jack to me.

Thor: Their powers, the horrors in our heads, Ultron himself, they all came from the Mind Stone, and they're nothing compared to what it can unleash. But with it on our side-

Steve Rogers: Is it?

Daikon: Okay, can we stop calling him an it, for God's sake? It's getting very annoying. *looks at Vision* I mean you look like a guy, sound like a guy. You're more likely to be a guy. Plus, it's rude.

New Being: Thank you.

Daikon: No problem, Vision.

Tony: Wait, you're calling him Vision, now, Spiderling?

Daikon: I mean, what else can you name him? Plus, he came from Thor's vision, so it's appropriate to calm him that name. What do you think?

Vision: It's strange...however, I do not dislike it.

Daikon: Okay, then. Vision is it then.

Steve: Alright. Are you? On our side?

Vision: I don't think it's that simple.

Clint: Well it better get real simple real soon.

Vision: I am on the side of life. Ultron isn't, he will end it all.

Tony: What's he waiting for?

Vision: You.

Bruce: Where?

Clint: Sokovia.

Bruce: If we're wrong about you, if you're the monster that Ultron made you to be-

Vision: What will you do?

Everyone went silent as Vision looks around them.

Vision: don't want to kill Ultron. He's unique, and he's in pain. But that pain will roll over the earth, so he must be destroyed. Every form he's built, every trace of his presence on the net, we have to act now. And not one of us can do it without the others. Maybe I am a monster. I don't think I'd know if I were one. I'm not what you are, and not what you intended. So there may be no way to make you trust me.

Vision: But we need to go now.

Everyone looks on in shock as Thor was amazed himself. Vision has just been born, and now has lifted Thor's hammer. Thor slowly grabs his hammer before grinning.

Thor: Right. *pats Stark on the shoulder* Well done.

Daikon: If that doesn't make you trust him, then you have to be stupid.

Steve: Three minutes. Get what you need.

Daikon is seen readying his gear as he finishes putting his suit on. He goes to put on his gloves and boots until Wanda goes up to him.

Wanda: Hey.

Daikon looks at her and scowls before turning away from her.

Wanda: I know I cannot undo what I did to you and that whatever trust you had with me is gone.

Daikon: Yeah, no shit. I didn't attack you when we meet. I let you go without thinking of the consequences. In my mind, I felt that you and Pietro are good enough people despite desiring our deaths. But, after what you did, I have nothing but anger and hatred towards you.

Wanda: And I deserve it. I have no excuse for what I did.

Daikon looks at her as he feels she does have regret for what she did.

Daikon: What made you change your mind?

Wanda: Before Vision, I saw the Earth being destroyed by a meteor coming down. It hit me that Ultron was lying to us to make the world better, and he even told us his intentions about destroying all organic life on Earth.

Daikon: I see. And you left him.

Wanda: Yes. We then see we're manipulated by him to do what he wanted. I cannot forgive myself for aiding in his mission to kill many innocent lives on Earth.

Daikon listens to every word she said as Wanda sheds a tear from her eyes. It really hurt her that she was being used by Ultron for his sickening plans to rid Earth of all organic life for his plans of a robotic utopia. He sighs as he approaches her before gently raising her head to his face.

Daikon: I may not forgive you for entering my mind, not hurting and mom and the others...but I can tell you just wanted to help those in need. And will never hurt innocent people, unlike Ultron. *wipes her tears off her face* So, join us, and we stop him from completing his mission and we'll save the Earth. Are you with us?

Wanda looks at him as she can see the determination in his eyes. Soon, she gave a small smile and nodded.

Wanda: I do. And I know Pietro will be with you as well.

Daikon smiles as he goes to finish up preparing.

Daikon: Hey...about the mind power thing...I forgive you.

Wanda: *surprised* Really? You do?

Daikon: Yeah. And trust me, I don't forgive people easily. But you helped Steve, left Ultron, and also saved me from being crushed. That shows you're a good person. And I didn't need to sense that.

Wanda felt that weird feeling again as she grew bashful. She looks down, shy.

Daikon looks at her acting shy before smiling.

Daikon: Cute.

Daikon smacks his mouth, realizing what he said out loud as Wanda looks at him, surprised to hear what he just said.

Wanda: Did you call me-

Daikon: No! I didn't! I was thinking of something that was cute! And it's not you acting shy here!

Wanda: I can read your mind, remember?

Daikon: Damnit. *sighs*

Wanda starts to giggle as Daikon looks at her.

Daikon: Hey, it's not funny, alright? I didn't mean to say it out loud.

Wanda: But you thought about it.

Pietro: So what is going on here?

Both got startled as they see Pietro there, his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised at them.

Both: Uuh...Nothing.

Pietro: Really? Because I could've sworn you two were making up your problems.

Daikon: Uhh, yeah. Just that.

Wanda: Nothing more.

Pietro: Except you called my sister cute.

Daikon: Moving on, are you two going to fight with those on? *gestures to their clothes*

Wanda: Well, yes. We have nothing else to put on.

Daikon: I see. Wait for a minute.

He walks off as the twins look on in confusion.

Pietro: Strange guy.

Wanda: Yes.

Pietro: I like him. He's fun.

Wanda: I...also like him.

Pietro raised his brow with a grin as Wanda glares at him.

Wanda: Don't take that the wrong way, Pietro.

Pietro: Then why the pause?

Wanda: I...well...

Pietro chuckles as Wanda's eyes glow red. Soon, Daikon arrives with two sets of outfits.

Daikon: Here, put these on. *passes them* I got these made in secret for you guys.

Pietro: Really? Even when we were supposed to be enemies?

Daikon: Yep. I was bored and I thought you two were cool, so I made these outfits so I can give them to you.

Wanda: I see. Thank you.

Daikon: No problem. And by the way, about the whole bomb exploding in your house, was it from Stark Industries?

Pietro: Yes.

Wanda: How did you-

Daikon: Had a suspicion when I learned what happened. I just want you to know that Tony didn't know about his weapons being sold off at the time.

Wanda: And how did he found out?

Daikon: After being kidnapped by the same terrorists who own his weapons. He saw innocent people die in front of him, and nearly died by his company's weapons. After he was rescued, he stopped any production of weapons and became Iron Man to prevent more deaths.

Pietro: Really? Well, Stark doesn't seemed to be as bad as we thought.

Daikon: He's a pain in the ass, though. So, there's that. But, I just want you guys to know that, so there is no anger and vengeance within you when it comes to Tony.

Wanda: I see. We thought wrong of him.

Daikon: I don't blame you. I'm sorry for what happened to you and your family. I don't know how painful it was to lose your parents, but I can only imagine.

Pietro: You didn't know your parents, didn't you?

Daikon: No. I never had one inkling of a memory of them. Whatever it was, it's a forgotten past, buried by years of suffering and experimentation from HYDRA. All I can do now is forge a future for myself, and not back at it.

Wanda: We're sorry that happened to you at a young age.

Daikon: It's okay. Anyway, let's go to Sokovia, and take down Ultron. Right?

They nod as Daikon leaves them. They later change into their clothing as they join with the others. Everyone was ready as they see the Maximoffs in their new outfits.

Steve: Where did you get those outfits?

Wanda: Daikon gave them to us.

They turn to him as he was seen drinking water. He shrugs as he enters the Quinjet, not saying anything more. Soon, everyone got inside as they flew off to Sokovia. Mission: Defeat Ultron.

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