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2 months have passed since the Battle of Sokovia, and things have been peaceful. Wanda and Pietro have gotten along with the agents and Avengers at the New Facility, though several of them, including some Avengers, didn't trust them, due to knowing they aided Ultron in his plan to destroy Earth.

Some agents even curse them out and call them names behind their backs. They felt uncomfortable by this and tried to distance themselves from that until Daikon heard about this, and his behavior towards criminals, which was also in for questioning, slowly went to the people making life hard on the Maximoffs.

Some agents were left traumatized, others had their limps and fingers broken, bruised beyond recognition, and also threatened to be castrated while holding a knife or his new Energy Blade, with a smile that looked genuine, but didn't help ease the threat. Especially when his body glows a dark purplish aura.

Natasha tried to get him to stop his actions, but much to her and everyone's dismay, Daikon only stops when he feels satisfied. Many felt he was some sort of demon when they said something about the Twins, but act genuine and sweet to them and others who didn't talk shit.

They think Daikon is secretly psychotic but only showed it when he wants to terrify someone beyond belief. This can be reflected in how he treated the criminals so brutally and inhumanly. Outside of that, Daikon was working out his energy, managing to hold his energy blade for longer periods without using too much energy.

One day, he was seen meditating outside after a normal workout session. He can feel his energy from within as it starts to rise up. To his surprise, it was stronger than before. He hasn't used a lot of his power since Sokovia, so this was a shock to him that he had grown stronger than before.

Soon, he stops meditating as he sighs. He looks at the woods beyond him as he thinks about something. Suddenly, a voice broke his train of thought.

?: Hey.

He turns and sees it's Wanda, holding a tray of cookies with her.

Wanda: I was thinking you might be hungry, so I made cookies for you.

Daikon: Really? *sees her sit next to him* Thanks, Wanda.

He grabs a cookie and eats it. His eyes widen as he looks at the cookie.

Daikon: Wow. It's good.

Wanda: You think so?

Daikon: Yeah. *finishes the cookie* It was delicious. How did you manage to make them?

Wanda; Practice.

Daikon: True. These are very delicious cookies, Wanda. Thanks.

Wanda: *smiles* You're welcome, Daikon.

Daikon eats another cookie and Wanda eats one as well.

Daikon: Because of these, I'll make you something delicious. I promise you that.

Wanda: Really? You don't have to do that, Daikon.

Daikon: Yeah, but it would be rude of me not to make you something to thank you. And you can't stop me, so there's no changing my mind.

They chuckled as they continue eating the cookies as they look at the scenery in front of them.

Wanda: So how's your training?

Daikon: Average...though I can't help but feel as if I'm not who I think I am.

Wanda: *confused* What makes you say that?

Daikon: I mean, I'm supposed to be a new Winter Soldier and was given the serum at a young age, but I feel like I can be just as strong without it. It may just be some sort of strength boost or something like that. It wouldn't change what I would become, and not as a puppet to HYDRA.

Wanda stays quiet as she thinks about what Daikon told her. It was true that he has abilities that a serum would give to someone. His energy, his sensing, and his strength are all not common in any super soldier she knows.

Wanda: Perhaps it may involve something in your past. You might have something dormant inside you that would be let out. Like what was going on before you were taken to that facility.

Daikon: may have a point there Wanda. There's a lot of stuff in my past that I don't remember.

Daikon sighs as he stretches out.

Daikon: But, despite that, I know who I am now. No matter what happens or what kind of past I have, it doesn't change anything about me.

Wanda smiles at that. He makes a valid point about the past not mattering for someone that has a future ahead of them. Daikon goes to grab another cookie, only for Wanda to go get one at the same time.

Their hands wrapped each other around as they look at each other in surprise. They look at their hands before quickly pulling them away.

Daikon/Wanda: Sorry! I didn't see your hand-

They look at each other, seeing how they spoke at the same time. They chuckled as they finished the cookies as they stand up.

Daikon: Thanks for the cookies, Wanda.

Wanda: You're welcome, Daikon. Are you done training?

Daikon: Yeah, for now. Anyway, I was trying to do something that would help me not use weapons like the others. Only my own energy.

Wanda: Really? And what's that?

Daikon: *chuckles* You're about to see.

Daikon steps back as he looks at the ground, his face going serious. Wanda was confused by this, but she didn't say anything as it might break Daikon's focus. Suddenly, she felt the wind slowly rising as she had to cover her eyes for a bit.

Soon, Daikon takes a deep breath as he clenched his fist. Suddenly, he feels as if the ground beneath him sink. He looks down and sees he's floating above the ground. Wanda was shocked to see Daikon floating in the air.

Daikon: HAHA! Do you see this?! I'm floating! And I don't need those stupid rockets to do it!

Wanda: How did you-

Daikon: I channeled my energy from within and after several times of trying, I managed to float and not land on my ass.

Wanda: I see. I'm impressed you managed to do this.

Daikon: Thanks. Now, let's see if I could fly across.

Wanda: Wait, maybe you should-

Not listening, Daikon floats before thrusting forwards, flying across the sky. Wanda looks on in shock as Daikon yells out in excitement as he soars to the sky. He even starts doing figure 8's in the sky as he enjoys the fact he now has the ability of flight.

Soon, he slows down as he starts to descend back to the ground. He lands gently on the floor next to Wanda who was still speechless after witnessing that.

Daikon: That was awesome! Did you see that?! I flew! I flew by my own power! I didn't need some rocket boosters or repulsor rays to fly! Not even wings, for God's sake! That was-

Wanda: Okay, calm down, Daikon. I know you're excited by this, but don't let it go through your head. Just breathe gently.

Daikon looks at her before taking a deep breath before sighing, managing to calm him down.

Daikon: Alright. I'm calm now. Thanks for telling me that, Wanda.

Wanda: No problem. So now you could fly of your will.

Daikon: Yep. Plus it would be amazing since it can help me sneak into places without my boosters making noise.

Wanda: True. Anyway, let's go back inside.

Daikon nods as they walk to the Compound. They look at each other and smiled at one another.


Daikon returned after his evening patrol around the city, and there were not that many criminals today. Must be that most of them know what he does to them if he catches them. Strangely, he also has a couple of grocery bags as he heads to the kitchen.

Sometime later, he's seen heading to Wanda's room and knocks on the door. He's holding some sort of tray with aluminum foil wrapped around it.

Wanda: *from inside* Who is it?

Daikon: It's me, Wanda.

Soon, the door opens as Daikon enters the room. He closes the door and sees Wanda sitting on her bed looking at him with a smile.

Wanda: What's that you have there?

Daikon: Remember when I said I'm giving you something back after those cookies you gave me earlier? Well, here they are.

Wanda: *surprised* This soon?

Daikon: Yep. I just had to do some patrolling and luckily, not many criminals around today.

Wanda: I see. What did you you make?

Daikon smiles as he sat on the bed before opening the foil. Soon, he reveals some delicious-looking brownies with chocolate chips on them.

Daikon: What do you think?

Wanda: Oh looks amazing. It must've been hard for you to make these.

Daikon: Well, true, if I haven't done these for Mother's Day a couple of times.

Wanda: I see. Thank you, Daikon.

Wanda picks up a brownie and eats it. She tastes it and gives Daikon a nod, liking it.

Daikon: You like it?

Wanda: *finishes the brownie* Yes. It was delicious. Thank you so much, Daikon.

Daikon: No problem, Wanda.

The two started eating the brownies there and talk and joked with each other. Wanda smiles at him, happy to be given something sweet.

Daikon smiles back, happy that she likes his brownies.

They talk some more even after finishing the brownies.

Only a dummy could not tell this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship between the Scarlet Witch and Daikon Black.

A/N: Yep, this entire chapter is focused on Daikon and Wanda. Hope you like it as the next chapter, Daikon will meet a certain Spider you guys know.

Oh and yes Harley Quinn Ft. Daikon Black will be coming back.

Yep. I drew this. No editing. Outside of coloring black on parts with Picsart.

And yes Daikon is much more older.

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