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I awoke in a unfamiliar room it was lit up by candles, i slowly got up and looked at the window only to see its pitch black.
I heard a door open behind me as i turn to see koneko toujo, she's a first year in Kuoh, she has short white hair and amber coloured eyes

"Oh you're awake" she says in a monotone voice "i'll go get Rias" and with that she leaves. I quickly remember what happened earlier and quickly look at my chest to find nothing.
"Maybe i was imagining it all" I say out loud but someone heard me and responded "No i afraid to say that what happened to you was indeed real" a female voice says.
I turn around to see Rias Gremory  a third year who had long red hair, blue eyes and a very *ahem* full figure

"Wait so you're telling me i-" but before i could finish my sentence she cut me off "died, yes you did. I'm sure you're wondering how you are here?" She asks me
I don't give her a verbal response only a nod " well this may be hard to believe but i am a devil" and as she finishes that sentence two black bat like wing come out her back.
"Why?" I question
"Hmm? Why what" she calmly retorts
"I'm not strong nor fast, i'm not special so why did you bring me back?" I spit out
"Well you posses something called a sacred gear, one i've never seen before, a powerful one to be honest, so i resurrected you as a devil, and my servant" she answers me
I let this sink in 'she brought me back as her unwilling servant all because of this sacred gear thing!' " so if i didn't have this sacred gear... i wouldn't have been brought back... as your slave?" I mutter out
"Slave?" She asks with a hurt tone
"Someone who unwillingly serves another is a slave" i answer "now please answer my question" we sit in silence for around 10 seconds but it felt like minutes "I-" but before she can answer someone bursts through the doors " Rias i finshed delivering the fliers a voice calls out we  both turns to the doors to see a familiar face

Issei Hyoudou one of the perverted trio
" oh who's this?" He asks "Issei this is our new member Y/N L/N" she answers "Another new member Rias? Its only been a couple days since i joined" he asks her " please Rias answer my question!" I say as my temper grows thin "No" she replies "I wouldn't have" with that i fall silent as she starts talking to Issei but its all blocked out as my thoughts collect into one thing 'she wants you for our power' an unfamilar voice calls out in my head 'are you my sacred gear' i ask it hoping that i get a response 'We Are Blacklight' it responded as question flood my head Blacklight Speaks up 'show her that we are not her property, We don't belong to ANYONE!" Blacklight cries out
"Y/N tommorow you'll help Issei out with delivering flier okay" she states but i won't take any of this "no" a short and simply reply but one that makes her angry "I don't think you have a choice in this man" Issei says trying to reason with me "I'm not gonna be your slave Rias" i state and with each word i say she gets more and more angry "I didn't choose to be a devil and i don't care what you say, im not your property!"
My head recoils to the side from her Slap " I don't CARE what you want! You are MY SERVANT and you will DO as I SAY!" she shouts as me but anger of my own comes up left arm start to shake as Blacklight talks to me 'Show her that we are free, make her FEAR US!' He orders as my left arm morphs into a claw

And we grab her by the throat and i snap back in a guttural voice as she claws at my hand while Issei just stands there " you don't control us Gremory, We are free, You cannot control BLACKLIGHT!" As i finidh my sentence i throw her into a wall with increased strenght inbeding her in it as i run at shocking speeds and dive through the window the escape her.
Issei's POV
As Rias climbs out the wall i can only stand in fear as i look at her with a massive purple bruise covers her neck. I run over to see if she's all right, as she coughs violently as i ask her " Why did Y/N speak as if he was more than one person?" When she finishes calming down she rubs her neck responding "because of his sacred gear. But im gonna make him comeback whether he likes it or not!"

(Let me know what you think)

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