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After the fight with Vali Kuroka found me and help me teach our room as we talked along the way "So what happened to mske you this exhausted" she asked as we walked "I unlocked a new level of power, and when Vali used His sacred gear on me enough my body didn't have enough stamina to keep up the Transformation and i collapsed" i explained.
We reached our room as we walked in she sat me on our bed. " are you hurt anywhere?" She asked as i feel relieved that she actually cares for me. "No, just tired. Vali however, well i'm pretty sure i broke his nose" i told her as she looks visibly relieved. I lay down on the bed as she walks up to me and takes he place next to me, resting her head on my chest i reach up and start petting her. I hear her purr which suprises me but not alot as i remind myself of what happened this morning. "You know, i think it would be a good idea for you to return to Kuoh" she states as a couple thoughts cross my mind, "i will if you come with me" i retort as she freezes up for abit before returning an answer " I don't think i can. Shirone is there and i don't know if i can confront her" "Shirone? Who's that?" I ask her.
"You know her as Koneko" she answers. I don't know why she wouldn't want to be with her sister perhaps a rocky past or they've beenat odds for awhile so i ask a question" what happened between you two?" Reluctantly she tells me how they where together for Koneko's childhood but their master planned on using Koneko so Kuroka killed him. But at a cost as Koneko knew nothing of his plans and thought Kuroka and gone crazy from using sage arts so she left and thats when Gremory found her.
She finishes her explanation as tears well up in her eyes. I wipe them off as i start to talk again" Then if you can, Explain to Kone- Shirone and i'll be there if you need me" i finish giving her a soft smile as she hugs into my chest muttering thank you's.
After awhile we she finishes as Blacklight talks to me 'do not worry about Gremory and her peerage, we can deal with them.' He states as i speak up gaining Kuroka's attention "Well i Suppose we should go tomorrow-" "actually" she cuts me off before continuing "i was hoping we could go somewhere tomorrow" oh where?" I question before she giggles "It's a secret, now Goodnight Y/N" i sigh before throwing the duvet over us "Goodnight Kuroka" and shortly after that i fall asleep

Rias POV
"Well done everyone" i say as we congratulate eachother on the win against Sona and her peerage over the right to get our familiars for our new memebers before they do. "I didn't really do anything except get hit in the nuts" Issei complains before Kiba says "well you did make us these headbands" "yeah, really brought the team together" Asia agrees before Issei speaks up "when are we going to go get them?" "Tomorrow" "We should rest up first" i continue as we go to change
"So Rias" Akeno calls out " have you thought of anyway to call of your engagement to Rizer?" She questions before sadly respond " No, I haven't" This as well as Y/N leaving my peerage has really gotten me on edge " lets just rest for today, we do have to get our new members familiars tomorrow" i state as Akeno nods as we go our seperate ways


Kuroka and I are getting reading for our trip and no matter how many times i ask she refuses to answer me. "Ready?" She asks creating a transportation Circle "as i'll ever be" i state before walking in and we are transpoted away.
When we arrive, we are surrounded by woodlands as she states "Welcome to the familiar forest" I look around as i feel see a couple creatures scampering around none really catching my eye. 'Be careful, i sense a powerful presence, you shouldn't enrage it if you encounter that familiar' Blacklight states as i nod and we walk around Kuroka hugging my arm, i would question it but she looks happy enough so i leave her be.
We stumble across an area that has no vegetation as a lone dragon sits on a perch made of Skulls With a Sword embedded into it

It Glares at me before bearing its fangs slowly walking towards me and it becomes evident on how tall it truly it standing at about 30 metres, easily towering above me. It Continues to stare me down as i do the same, he slowly spreads his wings as Kuroka leaves my arm and my hands morph into claws ready to fight back at a moments notice. It gives a look of satifaction as it folds its wings before Kuroka Chimes in "You seem to have impressed it enough that it wants to become your familiar" i turn back to her in shock as my hands become normal again.
"Soo... how does this work?" I ask before before she informs me "just raise you hand and form a contract". That was vague but i do as she informs raising my hand i ask it "so you want to be my familiar" It nods as i start talking "well this seems like the beginning of an eventful partnership, by the way Kuroka what kind of dragon is this?" I question her before she responds " A vampie dragon". A vampire dragon, well i have the perfect name for it "i look for to working with you... Alucard" i tell Alucard as he roars and takes off the ground before flying off.
"Well thats was tense" i tell her as she agrees returing to my side and opening a transportation circle " i trust your ready to go-" but before she can finish a Voice calls out "The roar came from over here" as a couple people walk out the foliage.
Issei, Gremory, Asia, Shirone and two unfamiliar people stare at us as Gremory calls out "Y/N!" I turn to her and ask her a question "So Gremory, Did you force Asia to Join like you did me?" Kuroka looks at the groups as she slowly says "Shirone" before the transportation circle returns us home.

(Lemme know what you think)

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