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I once again wake up in an unfamilar place as i look around to see furnishing that you would find in a bedroom. Slowly i try to get up remembering what happened before i lost conscious. 'return to me! You are MINE!' Those words ring in my head like the bad reminder they are that even away from her Gremory can still affect me.
I feel something move next so me as i turn to see the woman from the night before 'Kuroka was it? I guess this her room' im jolted back to reality as she sits up stretching letting out a admittedly cute yawn as she looks around collecting her bearings as her eyes set on me. "Y'know, you make a really good pillow~" she cooed
I stare at her trying to formulate a question as she once again speaks "i suppose your hungry?" i nod as she gets of the bed and walks to the door with a sway in her hips "come on, im sure you have questions" she guesses correctly as i once again nod and follow her.
Rias POV
I am beyond furious as i feels my servants energy fade as he's taken by an unknown source and taken to an unknown location.
I want to scream out in fustration and take my anger out at something so an idea pops into my head as i open up a transportation circle. Arriving at the old church i walk up to the door and gingerly push it open, taking a peak inside as i see mangled corpses and blood sprayed everywhere.
The stench invades my senses as i struggle to maintain myself but i persevere taking a step inside. I look around hoping to find the cause of this destruction, hoping to not be seen by it and be lashed out at by the creature that caused such carnage. I turn my head as i see a girl just younger than me sobbing in the corner, being cautious to not alert her to my presence but my efforts were in vain as the girl looks at me cowers away.
"Hey, it's okay" i state trying to calm her. She looks back up with tears in her eyes and a splash of blood covering her cheek "Do you know did this?" I ask hoping to find something out. Gingerly she nods ever so slightly but i caught it and once again ask the clearly traumatised girl a question "Who?" A simple question, but she attempts to talk as she manages to choke out " I-I thought h-h-he was n-nice, m-my f-f-f-friend" i once again ask her "Who ?" She seems so struggle with her response before asking a question of her own "I-if I te-tell you can, y-you keep me... s-s-safe ?" I give her warm smile and nod. This semmingly calms the girl a little as she stutters out "Y-Y-Y-Y-Y/N L/N." This both bewilders me yet also makes sense as his sacred gear is destructive enough to be considered a secret 14th longinous "please if you would, come with me so i can safely watch over you." I ask as she gives no form of verbal nor physical response only shakily standing and walking towards me. I open up a transportation circle and a thought comes to mind 'if i can control him, he could be such a worthy tool. Perhaps he could surpass Issei' and as i finish that thought we are wisked away to the club room.

As i finish the last of my food i let out a content sigh letting the previous information that had been provided to me settle in my mind. The members of the team who live here welcomed me with open arms except one called Vali who just scoffed saying 'If you want to prove yourself to me, show you aren't useless in battle' the leader of the group called the khaos brigade left me with before heading off while Bikou and Arthur ,two members off the khaos brigade, told me to not worry about it.

(Arthur top left, Bikou top right, Kuroka bottom left, Vali bottom right)
I'm snapped out my thoughts as Kuroka offers me a proposal "We can take remove you From Rias' peerage if you join us" this leaves me shocked as the chance to leave servitude arises but only if i join a different group. Although they seem to be very calm when it comes to rules and everyone here is free from being chained to the group as i can just seemingly leave anytime i want.
"I'll joi-" but before i can finish my sentence Kuroka interrupts me "i hope as soon as you get your freedom you won't leave, Arthur's to uptight, Bikou's just gross and Vali ignores me but you~" she states before continuing "You're fun, you seem caring as you actually listen to me, I know you're really Strong and extremely Handsome~" she finishes with a sultry tone 'Don't listen to her, she's manipulating you!' Blacklight cries out only for it to fall on deaf ears as i respond with a calm rebuttal "Ohh i'm hurt, do you think so lowly of me that you think i'd just use you all then leave? , Besides i thought if i joined we could have some fun~. Your flirts towards me aren't just going in one ear and out the other y'know."
After that a light tint of pink rises to her cheeks and she squirms a little in her chair "...well" she slowly retorts "if you put it that way, perhaps we should get this started right away~" she purrs before her palms glow in a purple hue before she states "This might hurt a bit" shortly after her warning i feel a tug inside my chest as it feels like something is being pulled out of me.
However once again a glowing chain tattoo appears around my neck as it burns and tightens. Visibly she's panicked and quickly orders "Keep yourself conscious as long as possible and hold tight" immediately after Gremory's voices echoes in my head 'STOP THIS NOW! YOU ARE MY SERVANT! RETURN TO ME AT ONCE!!!' She finishes as that tugging sensation in my chest becomes harsher and my head feels like it's being squished and my throat tightens as i holler out in pain.
Theres a final tug from my chest as all the previous pain halts, although not without leaving me with a mind splitting headache and blood slightly leaking out my nose and mouth. I tiredly look to see Kuroka holding a chess piece in her hand ,a rook piece if i'm not mistaken, for a couple seconds before vanishing. My head is held in the smooth hands of my saviour as she asks with a calm tone "How does it feel, To be free ?" I just give her simple simple followed by a simple answer "Good" was what i told her before my vision goes dark as i fall asleep in her arms from exhaustion.

(Lemme know what you think)

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