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I wake up in my bed a couple days after the encounter with Xenovia and Irina as i look around my room trying to wake up, as i attempt to get up i feel someone push me down a groan "Lay back down Y/N" i hear Kuroka say as she moves and lays her head onto my chest trying to go sleep. "Oh and what if i don't want to?" Ask her petting her ears much to her delight, "Then i'll *moan* make you want to stay~" she responds on a sultry tone nuzzling her head into my hand. I reach down her body feeling that she has nothing on i reach her tails and run my fingers across them make her gasp and purr loader "Seems liike someones enjoying this alot~" i state as she weakly moves up abit at kisses me passionately for abit before coming apart for air. I use my hand thats on her tail and grab it gently as she skirms then i tug her tail as she moans in delight. "Stop *moan* teasing me~" she practically begs panting heavily
"Sorry but i have school" i tell her getting up as i leave to get dressed while she stays there a blushing mess.
I'm walking to school as a man with black and blonde hair approaches me "Hey kid" he calls out walking closer as i sense power eminate from him "yeah, what to you need?" I ask as he looks at me quizzingly cupping his chin in his hand "Whats your sacred gear?" He questions as my thoughts of him not being human are confirmed "A twice critical" i tell him lying through my teeth as he looks at me disappointed "It's not nice to lie you know" he tells me as he brings a hand towards me "Azazel, governer of the fallen angels nice to meet you" i says as i grasp his hand and shake it each of us releasing power "So your the one who told Kalawarner and Raynere to spy on me" i state "oh how did you know that?" He asks as we release more power in a show of dominance the air becoming heavy. "Call it part of my Sacred gear, i can 'consume' someone and i gain their memories" i answer using air quotes with my free hand when saying consume, we release our hands as we continue to push out our power as a faint black and purple surrounds me ( a/n kinda like goku black ) and a mix of red and black outlines him as the wind picks up around us.
"So what are you doing in devils territory Governer?" I question him "Hopefully nothing to bad, i assume you know who controls this area" i state as he chuckles before answering me "if you must know i've been observing the peerages that control here, well actually their sacred gears" he tells me before continuing "They are quite facinating you know. Gifts given by god to humans that no devil, angel nor fallen angel can be born with unless they are reborn. Sadly People with sacred gears are scarce after god passed-" he continued before abruptly stopping his sentence "So you want our sacred gears?" I question him 'I was aware god passed away, i didn't tell you because i'm not sure how you'd take it' Blacklight says in my head trying to calm me from the news "Well yes and no" he answers before i give him a puzzled look
And he sighs "Im interested in both the sacred gears and the wielders" he starts "Such as Issei and his boosted gear, such a powerful gear and most would think it would be wasted on him but his goals push him to become stronger, truly an odd person" he finishes as a silence fills the air.
"So are we just going to stand here building power or are we going to do something about it?" I ask as he smirks "That depends if you can keep up" he says before 12 black wings sprout from his back and he flies upwards. 'Don't worry' Blacklight tells me before two black armoured wings form on my back and i chase after him equiping Alucards sword in my hand 'Absorb The Blade!' Blacklight commands as tendrils sprout out of me absorbing it into my body as my arm morph into their armoured state  but a purple gem is imbedded in the back of my hand as i reach Azazel in the clouds.
"Oh where's you're devil wings?" he asks as i scoff and equip my Balance breaker "BLACKLIGHT BALANCE BREAKER" Blacklight calls out as the armour forms around my body but there are some changed as there are purples gems in my shoulders and chestplate and on my ankles as well as in the crook of my wings. "As if i'd use my devil powers" i tell him as he chuckles "Why not?" He asks as we power up, our auras creating two giant lights in the sky and the wind pressure pushes the clouds away. "I won't use power that isn't mine, i want power but i need to obtain it" i tell him as he chuckles "You truly are fascinating, you hate your power because you couldn't get it by yourself?" He asks as we get ready to fight "THAT'S RIGHT!" i shout.

I fire a purple magic blast at him that he just blocks with his wings creating a smoke cloud as i dash forward as attempt to punch him a sonic boom pushes the smoke away showing him hold my fist smirking as i throw my other fist put he catches it and doesn't budge. 'So i'm strong enough that he needs to block me' i think before slamming my head against his shoving him back and punching in the face as he reals back, the effect of Alucards power takes place draining his energy a smidge giving me renewed magic. I dash around him trying to confuse him as my speed creates afterimages as i try to attack him but each time he blocks or dodges until he strikes me sending me flying back. The armour of my face in cracked showing me how strong he really is, i change my hands to claws but with a change as the regular white nail of the claw is now purple as i dash foward attemping to swipe him as he dodges.
Unleashing a flurry of swipes i try and try but im to slow as inbetween an attack he strikes me in the chest with his leg cracking it but hold on digging my claws into it draining his energy and magic as he brings his other leg and round house kicks my head making me let go and sending me downwards, breaking of a portion of my mask allowing the left half of my face be seen. Morphing my arms into normal and fly back to him. "Jeez kid did you have to dig so deep?" He asks nursing his injured leg, using the moment i fly at his using my increase speed from draining him to kick him in the stomach before bringing it up and kicking his head up and swifting grabbing his head slamming it into my knee. Charging magic in hands with his head still in my grip i release all my energy creating a massive purple and black explosion in the sky effectly self destructing. The shock wave dispelled every cloud in a 2 mile radius as well as knocking over cars on the city below us and shattering windows. My armour protected me from the attack but disappeared due to loss of energy, Azazel on the other hand is standing there with scuffs and scratchs bleeding from his head slightly with smoke wafting if him as he claps slowly.
"I tell ya kid you could kill a 10 winged fallen angel with that" he tells me as i pant heavily. "How *pant* did you *pant* like that?" I ask him as my wings vanish and i start to fall but he quickly grabs me and we fly back down. "It was quite impressive, also it seems you absorbed or 'consumed' as you say your familiar, i would love to have you on my side" he tells me finishing with a smirk as he takes me to somewhere as i pass out from exhaustion.

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