Chapter 18

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Today is Monday that means school. Great.

I packed everything I needed for lessons then headed down to home room with Erza.

"How was your game of monopoly?" I asked, wondering if she murdered Jellal or not.

"I won!" she cheered.

"How was Jellal as a opponent?"

"Hmm he seemed eager at the start and as much as I hate to say it was wining then for some reason he was crap at it." No shit he didn't want to be murdered.

"I wonder why." I muttered quietly so she couldn't hear.

We entered home room but for some reason there was a awkward tension filling the room. I looked over to Natsu who was sitting on the opposite side of the room to where he normally sits and I noticed Gray looking confused as to why Natsu seemed to avoid him. Probably boy problems.

I took my usual seat in the middle and saw Natsu talking to Lisanna about something then I saw Gray walk over, this will be interesting. 

"Hey Natsu, Lisanna. Natsu wanna go play some GTA later?" Gray asked.

"No I'm actually going somewhere with Lisanna." Natsu replied without looking him in the eye. Why was he acting like this?

"Right okay...." Gray replied awkwardly before walking off.

"What about you Luce?" I looked up to see Gray peering over me.

"Only if you wanna be beaten." I said cockily. When it comes to video games I'm in my element.

"Your on!" He chuckled and walked back over to his seat. I could feel Natsu's eyes on me but I brushed it off.

~*~ Lunch ~*~

We were all sat around the table talking about various things when Mira pulled me aside.

"What happening between you and Natsu?" She asked, she knows about the deal but I guess she still notices our distance.

"What do you mean?" I replied playing dumb.

"Look I get the deal and all but you guys are completely ignoring each other and I swear if there are no NaLu babi-" I put my hand over Mira's mouth before she could continue.

"Were fine trust me!"

"Prove it" Oh no she didn't.


"You heard me, prove you guys are fine."

I muttered some curse words under my breath and walked over to the lunch table and sat next to Natsu. He stiffened when I sat next to him but I quickly whispered in his ear 'Mira' and he instantly relaxed and put his arm around me.

"Hey Luce." He said with one of his smirks.

"Hey Natsu, can we go to that little ice  cream place tomorrow?"

"Sure my treat babe."he replied. I kissed him on the cheek and his face immediately heated up and I couldn't help but blush knowing I caused it. I noticed everyone was looking at us, except Gray who's eyes seemed to be trained on his food,  and Mira was just smirking.

"What?!" I exclaimed. Everyone just laughed and returned to there normal lunch, I quickly got up considering me and Natsu weren't actually good right now and I went to the library.

"Lu-chan!!!" I heard Levy yelling my name and I turned around to see her running towards me.

"Lu-chan, its our day remember so lets go to Starbucks?" she exclaimed panting from running after me.

"Yeas sorry I forgot. So you ready to explain what the fuck happened between you and Gajeel?" I exclaimed with a huge grin, she sighed in defeat and nodded as we walked into Starbucks.

"So should we start with how you guys started making out on the balcony?" I asked Levy with a smirk.

"Okay here we go.."

~Flashback to the ball~


After dancing with the girls for a bit my feet started to hurt so I went and got a drink.

I poured some of the pink coloured liquid in a cup but before I could take one sip it was taken out of my hands and thrown in the bin. I looked up to see the culprit was none other than Gajeel.

"Hey! I was gonna drink that!" I yelled at him.

"You know its spiked right?" he said with a smirk.

I looked over to see Cana pouring what seems like the fourth bottle of vodka in the punch. I sighed in defeat

"Thanks I guess."

"No problem shrimp."

"You enjoying yourself?"

"Not really, this isn't really my scene."

"Your scene?" I asked with a laugh.

"Shut up shrimp." He said gruffly

"I get it, I like them but id rather be somewhere quite." He seemed to think for a second.

"Follow me!" He said before grabbing my hand and dragging me off somewhere and I couldn't help but blush at the fact he's holding my hand.

We finally reached a balcony and it over looked the city. It was stunning with all the lights and the moon.

"Its amazing." I said taking in all its beauty.

"I thought you might like it." He said while looking at me.

I looked up at Gajeel and he didn't look like his usual self. His composure was relaxed and not stiff and his eyes were soft not cold and he was looking at me with a unreadable emotion instead of a piecing glare which he wore.

I noticed our fingers were still entwined and I instantly looked down blushing.

"Thank you." He said suddenly causing me to look up at him. He was leaning on the rails looking out onto the city.

"For what?" I asked quietly while moving closer to him without realising.

"Tutoring me, talking to me and seeing me more as a person than 'The tough guy'."

I was silent for a moment taking in what he said.

"Thank you for letting me see that side of you." I said.

He looked over at me and we were locked in a gaze, he then put his hand on my cheek. Usually I would go red and hide somewhere but I couldn't move or do anything.

"What are you doing to me shrimp?" He asked his gaze never leaving mine.

"I do-don't k-know." I stuttered out.

He looked down at my lips and I looked at his wondering what they would be like on mine. Why do I feel like this?

"Levy..." He murmured trying to restrain himself.

"Gajeel.." I said back, I didn't know what else to say.

He looked away and seemed to be in a self-conflict of thought.

"Why you levy? Why do I feel this way! Why do I smile when I think of you and think of you before I go to sleep?! Why can I not get you out of my head?!" He yelled but not in a angry way.

"I could ask you the same question." I said quietly and he looked at me again.

"What do you mean?" This is it Levy, probably the most stupid decision of your life.

"What do you think idiot!" I yelled before pulling him towards me so our lips connected. He automatically fell in sync of me and started to kiss me roughly letting go of his restraint. The kiss soon turned soft and passionate. His lips were soft and warm on mine and I felt an overwhelming joy inside me.

We broke apart after what felt like hours and we were both panting.

"That was..." I started.

"Amazing." Gajeel finished. I started blushing like crazy and Gajeel pulled me in for a hug.

"I love you Levy McGarden" he said and my heart was beating at 1,000,000 miles per hour.

"I love you Gajeel Redfox" I said without faltering because it was the truth.

"Promise you won't leave me." I whispered quietly.

"Only if you promise me the same thing shrimp." he replied softly. I looked up at him and nodded and he did the same thing back before crashing our lips together once again.

After awhile of heavily making out I heard someone gasp and I instantly opened my eyes and pulled away to see Lucy standing gawking at us.

"Don't mind me, you two just carry on." She giggled before running out.

I yelled her name in frustration but she was long gone. I sighed and looked up at Gajeel who was as red as me or maybe even redder.

"Well you heard her." He said before pulling me into a kiss for the 3rd time.

~End of Flashback~

Lucy giggled like a crazy fangirl and we carried on talking about Gajeel and I and other various things.


GAJEVY IS SO CUTE OMG! I had so much fun writing that scene! I hope you guys like it. I just want to say some of your comments on the previous chapter about gralu were hilarious! Thannkyou so much for reading and I love you all xx

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- Annie (MoonlightxMavis)

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