Chapter 21

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With all these crazy thoughts rushing through my head I quickly set out to find Mira. As much as I hated her devious match making, she was the only one I could go to for advice.

I walked silently down the halls wiping my sweaty hands on my skirt when I stumbled across a certain pink head.

"Hey Luce!" He said with one of his signature smirks.

"Oh um hey Natsu." I said rather awkwardly.

"Is everything alright?" He asked suspiciously.

"Of course! Why wouldn't it be!" I replied in a really high pitch voice, my god I'm a terrible liar.

"Luce your a terrible liar. What's going on?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"N-nothing I promise look I will see you tomorrow I have to go see Mira!" I said then tried to walk fast but he grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear in a husky voice,

"I'll pick you up at 8."

"W-what?!" I asked confused.

"For our date remember, anyway seya later be ready for 8 Luce!" He yelled as he walked off with that toothy grin of his.

I remembered his conversation with Lisanna at lunch, he was serious then.

I quickly scurried off to go find Mira.


I'm not that easy to fool Luce, what are you hiding?


I was just finishing off some planning on the school council when I heard the patter of footsteps and someone desperately yelling my name. I turned around only to see Lucy running at me at full speed.

Soon she crashed into me and pulled me in for a bone crushing hug.

"Lu-lu-lucy ca..can'!" I said in-between breaths.

"SORRY!" She yelled and quickly released me. Her hair was a mess and she kept biting her lip.

"Lucy what's going on?" I asked concerned. She looked up at me and sighed then gestured for me to sit down and listen so I obliged. 


I just stared at her with a blank face. Too fast! She sighed and slowly started speaking.

"Your the only one I can talk to about this and you cant say anything to anyone or I will personally murder you and please don't start talking about Nalu babies!" She exclaimed.

I blinked a couple times processing the situation.

"Okay I won't. Now talk to me." I said with a warm smile.

"Okay just let me speak and don't say thing until I finished, okay?" I nodded and she continued.

"well I guess we will start from the beginning...." She explained her diary and the deal and Lisanna and then her voice hitched as she started to speak and her breathing turned rapid.

"Lucy calm, it's okay just tell me what happened."

"Recently whenever I see Natsu with Lisanna I get this weird feeling and I don't know and a couple days ago Natsu has started ignoring me and acting cold towards me and Gray always seemed to be there when I needed him. We were playing a video game and he chased me around for the money we bet and I somehow got knocked on the bed and the rest was a blur but we kissed and I liked it and I don't know what to do, this would be easier if it was just a deal with Natsu but recently it made me happy when he's around me. Also Gray thinks he betrayed his best friend and I don't know what to do and I don't know what to feel and now we have to do a project together and Gray also abducted me and he said something and now Natsu is taking me on a date and I don't know what to do, Mira I just don'y know what to do!" She basically screamed and I could hear her voice crack at the end before panting heavily from speaking so fast and so much.

Gray you idiot! Why couldn't you just stay in Gruvia but no you just had to go into Gralu territory!

I furrowed my eye brows trying to think of something reassuring to say. Lucy was looking at me intently and I couldn't help but feel bad for her. She had nothing to do with all this but Natsu dragged her into all of it!

"Well do you love either of them?" I spoke softly not wanting to pressure her.

"God no! I just have these weird feelings around them but I don't love either of them!" She blurted out in defence.

"Its normal for you to feel like this you ar-"

"Mira! I don't need the birds and bees talk! I don't need you to tell me about my hormones!"

I giggled but quickly regained my composure.

"Just give it time I guess? Gray obviously likes you but considering your telling me all of this shows you have some feelings for Natsu." I felt to useless, how could I 'Mira the match making queen' not know what to say.

She nodded but you could see in her eyes she was deep in thought.

"I need to go sort some things out but I'm always here okay?" I cooed soothingly before getting up and giving her a big hug.

"Thank you Mira." She said before disappearing into the assorted hallways.

'I'm still hoping for those Nalu babies' I chimed in my head before carrying on with my work.


To be honest mine and Mira's little chat didn't really help but I felt reassured that I had someone I could vent too. I can't deny I have feelings for Natsu but there is no way I love him and it's the same with Gray. I guess time will just have to tell.

I decided to go back to my dorm to get ready and maybe squeeze a few chapters of my favourite book in.


GRAY! I growled in my head.


OMFG WE REACHED 2 FUCKING K OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!! AHHH I CANT BELIVE IT THANKYOU GUYS SO  SO SOS SPOSOPSPS MUCH S9E8RBYT7EPNFKJ0M[' We are now on 2.2k and i couldn't thankyou guys enough for reading my crappy book, putting up with the gralu and the terribly late updates! I'm sorry I'm taking so long to update I've just been under quite alot of stress really and yeah.  Next chapter should be out v soon!

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- Annie (MoonlightxMavis)

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