26 - Jump!

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“I'm sorry, mister, but visiting hours are over."

I could not believe the voice that spoke the words that warranted Dr. Benjamin's reply. Could it be? Did I dare hope?

I sat frozen on the bed, still gripping my wrist, the pain forgotten. My heart thundered like I had run ten miles.

“Oh, is that so? I'm afraid I wasn't aware."

The voice. It was him! Unless I was hallucinating.

“You’ll have to come back later, sir. My patient and I are having a treatment session presently," the doctor said smoothly, apparently unruffled.

No, please stay! Find a way to stay!

“I happened to receive word that you’ve been hurting Rachel during this session of yours.”

Dr. Benjamin visibly stiffened.

"You must have heard wrong, s–"

“My source is never wrong, doctor. Step aside, please.” Mr. Frederick was beginning to sound impatient. "Rachel and I have important matters to discuss.”

My heart thundered even faster.

"I’m sorry, sir, but I can't let you in. You need permission from–”

"Step aside.” I was surprised by the growl that reached my ears.

For a moment, the psychiatrist hesitated as though he would protest, but then he moved out of the way so I could view the entire length of the man I had struggled so hard to meet.

Mr. Frederick stepped into the room. There was a strange aura about him–like he dominated the room–but come to think of it, it must have always been there. Only, now, it was stronger, so much more stronger.

The teacher smiled at me, and I had the insane urge to run and hide in his shirt. But of course, I remained sitting. I wasn't that insane.

“Rachel, you could have avoided this, you know?" His eyes were suddenly sad, like he could feel every bit of pain I had endured. “But there is always hope for the living."

Tears of relief ran down my face. I didn't ask how he had gotten here. All that mattered was that he was here.

“I saw Him," I started, my voice trembling. “You said He would come and I…” I paused. My throat had closed up with the avalanche of emotions clashing into me.

Mr. Frederick walked over to sit in the unoccupied chair.

"I understand.”

I believed him. He looked like…he knew what had transpired during that apocalyptic meeting.

He placed a hand over mine. His hand was warm, really warm. I frowned. No, it was too warm. I gasped as the unseen current ran up my arm. It felt like…electricity. Warm, gentle electricity, but it was building up energy with each passing second.

“Sir. I'm going to have to call security," the doctor protested. I didn't turn to look at him. My eyes were locked on the strange man sitting before me. I was so sure the psychiatrist couldn't hurt me; not while Mr. Frederick was here.

The Physics teacher laughed as though the doctor’s words were incredibly hilarious.

“I’m sorry, but you will not do that,” he said casually. "Help me with that door, Xander. I’ll only take a minute.”

So enraptured was I that I didn't notice the mention of my brother's name. I vaguely registered the closing of the door. The flow drizzling into me slowly graduated into a steady dripping. More tears welled in my eyes.

I was sure I had a faraway look in my eyes as I stared at Mr.Frederick. His gaze was on the doctor.

“You don't have any authority to tell me that?”

I managed to tear my gaze from the teacher to the doctor. Mr. Benjamin's eyes were fierce, a strange light creeping into them. My heart skipped a beat. That light… It was the same one the Whisperer always had whenever he took Andrew's form.

I was supposed to be terrified, but that skip of my heart was my only response. The beginnings of pain crept into my stomach as Mr. Frederick kept his grip on me, but it was not from the strange electricity. It felt entirely different.

“Authority?" Mr. Frederick asked. Even to me, his tone sounded menacing. The psychiatrist’s eyes widened, fear evident as though he was just realizing he made a mistake. “You think I would have come in here without authority, knowing what I would face? You're not as smart as I expected, you foul demon.”

For a moment, the room was silent as both men stared at each other. A sinister smile curved Mr. Benjamin's lips, but his fear didn't disappear completely.

"So you do know who I am, Frederick Lawson,” he said silently.

My heart skipped several more beats. I had been in the same room with…a demon?! Somehow, I knew this was not the Whisperer. Related maybe, but not him.

Mr. Frederick was silent for so long I thought he didn't hear the words.

“Leave him alone," he suddenly responded. “Jesus has the power to deliver even the lawful captive. I know he is a sinner, and he has let you in, but God wants him free."

Mr. Benjamin looked like he was struggling for what to say, but came up with nothing.

“I command you in the name of Jesus, let him go.”

Mr. Frederick's voice was as gentle as ever, but the psychiatrist responded as though he had been shot by a bullet.

His face contorted in pain, and the next moment, he was on the ground, falling with a loud thud.

I gasped.

What just happened?

“He’ll be fine when he wakes up. Nicer too.”

Mr. Frederick's smile was back as his gaze returned to me. I groaned in discomfort as my attention returned to the pain blooming in my stomach.

“He’s fighting, but there's nothing he can do to stop what the Lord has already planned.”

I felt it as the pain–the Whisperer's silent protest. Fear crept into my chest, and with it, the pain skyrocketed.

"Don't be afraid,” Mr. Frederick reprimanded as though he could see the sudden spike in my fear. “Fear gives him an advantage. All is well."  I took in a deep breath, calming myself, and with it, the pain subsided. I remembered the words of the Whisperer himself.

Your own fear made you blind, Rachel.

I stared at him beseechingly, eyes asking the question fluttering across my mind. What next?

He smiled.

“You know what to do, Rachel."

I parted my lips to deny it, but I held my tongue almost immediately. I did know what to do, but there was something bothering me.

“Don't be afraid. He won't reject you."

Tears welled in my eyes. He was right. I was scared of rejection. What if Jesus didn't want me anymore? After all, I had cut all ties with Him after Andrew's death. I had ignored every of the chances He had handed me.

My lips vibrated as tears poured relentlessly across my face.

“I'm sorry," I said amidst sobs. “I'm so sorry," but the words were not directed to the teacher before me, and he knew it. He remained silent as I spoke. “I'm sorry I walked away and blamed you for what happened. I should've stayed and let you get me through it. I was just so hurt that… that I didn't see you trying to console me.” I sniffled.

Mr. Frederick's hand tightened comfortingly over mine.

"Please forgive me for ignoring you all this time. Forgive me for…throwing all that we had away…”

Even as I said the words, I realized that I truly missed the bliss of loving Jesus. I let my hurt blind me from seeing it.

“I'm sorry for the drugs. I'm sorry for trying to kill myself."

Mr. Frederick showed no reaction to my confession.

“I promise to change if you can forgive me. Please forgive me. Please…” My eyes were shut, but the tears still poured. "Make me love you again. I want to love you again. I'm tired of…of everything, and I just want you back. Please accept me.”

I paused, then let out a deep breath. It was as though the constant weight in my heart disappeared with that one breath. I felt warm, like I was wrapped in a cozy blanket. And I knew I had done the right thing.

“Thank you Jesus for not giving up on me. Thank you for loving me. I will serve you as long as I live.” I paused again, my satisfaction giving consent. "Amen.”

"Amen,” Mr. Frederick echoed.

Slowly, I peeled my eyelids apart. Mr. Fredrick grinned at me, his eyes bright.

“Welcome back, Rachel." I smiled a watery smile. "How do you feel?”

"I feel…”

I could come up with no words as unexplainable relief washed over me. More tears cascaded down my face, but this time, they were tars of relief.

The teacher nodded, still wearing his grin.

“The battle is won."

“Is it really over?" Could it be that simple?

“The battle isn't over, but it has been won already,”  he assured. I stared at him through cloudy eyes, not comprehending. “The battle will be fought elsewhere, but Jesus will be right there with you. He promises. Trust him, Rachel.”

He took my other hand so he had both hands in his grip, shut his eyes and began to pray. His words sounded incomprehensible, until I realized they weren't words at all.

I frowned, but the intense pain that shot through my stomach, steadily spreading over me, kept me from interrogating him. What had originally started as warm, tingling electricity became white-hot fire.

I let loose a throat-parching scream, trying to pull away, but Mr. Frederick's grip on me was too tight.


The words seared through my ears as though they blared through megaphones five times their normal size. Mr. Frederick kept up with his chanting, his eyes shut in concentration.

Pain pulsed along with my heartbeat, drumming in my head, churning in my stomach. I tugged harder at Mr. Frederick's hands.

“Let me go!" Sobs racked my entire system.

Vaguely, I felt the Physics teacher rubbing the dorsum of my palms as though to pacify me, but that action did nothing to ease the pain.

I wasn't sure how it happened. I was in the room one moment, and the next, I was standing on a patch of earth, right in the middle of a volcano.

I gasped, panic creeping into me. Why was I here again?
It was so dark I couldn't see a thing. There was no light, no man reaching out for me through the dark.

Lightning flashed in the sky, and I barely noticed the loud bang of thunder as I sighted the figure standing before me.

Tentacle-like tongues slashed through the air.

The Whisperer’s grating laughter pierced through the ensuing silence, my heart pounding as though it sought to be free from the imprisonment of my ribcage.

I staggered backwards, then stopped abruptly as memory reminded me how small this patch of safety was. I could only imagine the exponential reduction in space with two of us on it. God! I was probably at the edge right now, and we were barely two feet apart.

“What did you expect, Rachel?” the entity before me mocked. “That a few words would make everything what it was before?"

Oh God, please no! Why was I alone? I thought…

The battle will be fought elsewhere, but Jesus will be right there with you. He promises. Trust him.

I bit down on my lip, trying to repel the fear within me. Lightning flashed again, and as I got my second glimpse of the demon, he was almost twice his original size.

My heart leapt frantically. How could I have forgotten? His advantage was fear.

Oh God! My fear mounting by the second. What was going on? I was at a loss for what to do next as the demon drew closer, taunting.

“S-stay away from me!" I shrieked in panic. “I belong to Jesus now. You can't…”

He laughed, ignoring me.

"I can't what? Can't touch you?”

He lashed out with a tentacle, and it drew a painful line across my face. I gasped in horror, holding my hand to my split face. I sobbed as I shifted my feet backward only to meet with empty air. I caught myself before I fell.

“You realize it, do you not? There is no salvation for you anymore. You die right here and now!”

His words spiked so much fear in me that I could almost feel him grow in size. My intuition was confirmed by the next flash of thunder.

The momentary light made me see something else though. In his eyes, there was an intense longing–for my life, I knew–but there was also something else that made his eyes widen. That was fear.

Fear? I was spared from the thought as a voice echoed through the electric atmosphere.


Tingles spread all over my skin, like the ones that had drizzled into me when Mr. Frederick touched me. I immediately knew who that gentle voice belonged to.

“Jump, Rachel." Jesus’ voice came again.

“Are you insane?!" The Whisperer thundered in fury as though he could see me considering the thought. “You jump and you die! You see all that lava beneath? You think you can scale all that?"

I gulped, then reprimanded myself. He was leveraging on my fear now, knowing he had no more power. I was done being afraid.

Threading myself to the remnants of the sweet voice like a circus gymnast, I made myself turn my back on the demon. I was turning my back on everything; my guilt, my fear, my past, my pain. The Whisperer was the spawn of all of that. I was ready to embrace something new.

I spared no glance for the lava I knew was bubbling below. In the distance, I saw Him, Jesus, floating above the lava like the most dazzling superhero in the world.

His hand was reaching out, again. He still hadn't given up on me!

Even from up here, I could see his eyes, a blazing mix of a gazillion haloes, inviting me. I didn't need any more prodding. Locking my gaze with His, I launched myself through the air.

It was impossible–how I landed, no, appeared, unharmed in his arms. One moment, I was sailing through the air, the next, I was wrapped in His embrace. ‘Embrace’ seemed like a feeble word to describe His hold on me.

“Welcome, Rachel," He whispered.

Oh heaven! Heaven…Yes.That was what this felt like. I was ready to melt beneath that gaze that burned past skin to my unsuspecting heart.

How had I not exploded yet?

He laughed. His laughter was like gentle waves crashing against rocks, like the soft purr of grass blades being ruffled by a gentle wind in a meadow.

“Now it wouldn't be good if I let you explode right after saving you, would it?" he teased.

I was too dumbstruck to reply.

“You are safe now,” he said. “I protect those who give up their lives into my care."

As if on cue, a loud shriek sliced the air, and I switched my gaze momentarily to sight the scene unfolding up on that single patch of earth. Somehow, I could see clearly even through the darkness.

I gasped as I saw a second entity standing before the Whisperer. This one was even taller than the demon, with wings whose span was twice his width. The halo surrounding him was only a small fraction compared to that of Jesus, but it was enough to inflict pain on the subdued spawn of darkness.

In a barely detectable flash of motion, the angel–yes, that had to be what he was–stabbed a long, fiery spear into the demon. And then, right before my eyes, the Whisperer disintegrated in a puff of dust.

Slowly, as though I was watching a speed-up documentary depicting primary succession, the scenario morphed into an entrancing landscape.

I felt Jesus land lightly on the ground. It was then I realized we had been floating this whole time.

He set me on my feet, keeping both hands on my shoulders. I was incredibly grateful for that. As it was, I was already disoriented enough.

“Is…” I swallowed in an effort to moisturize my suddenly dry throat. My eyes were fast clouding over. “Is this real?”

He smiled, and oh, the things it did to my stomach…

A blast of colors appeared in the sky above Him. A rainbow, but it was nothing like the ones I had seen before. Every other rainbow was monochrome in comparison to this one. It was full of colors I had never seen before, blending in a stunning mix; stunning like his smile. It was his smile.

“Does it feel real?" he asked.

I considered the question, trying to feel everything at once. It was in the air I breathed, the wind that caressed my skin, the grass beneath my feet, His eyes, His voice…It was all one thing. Love. My heart was on overload.

No. It didn't feel real.

My shoulders quaked as I descended into a mess of tears.

He pulled me close to him, wrapping me securely.

"It is real, Rachel. My love for you is real.”

I have no idea how long we remained that way. It felt like an eternity, but I was still disappointed when he released me.

“It's time to go."

I blinked, startled.

“Go where? I only just got here," I protested, then flushed when he chuckled. I was being dramatic.

“Frederick will teach you what you need to learn. Listen to him,” he told me. My heart skipped. He really was about to leave. “There's no need to panic, Rachel. I am not leaving you. Not now, not ever."

He cupped my face, staring into my eyes with so much love that I was certain I would melt into my shoes if he kept it up.

“You are beautiful, Rachel; my masterpiece. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise.” His eyes blazed with sincerity. "It will get tougher from here, but I promise to be with you every step of the way.”

Tougher? How much tougher could it get?

His gaze was knowing, too knowing, but I didn't let myself think about how tough it could get. Not after his assurance.

“Thank you," I said, my tears still pouring ceaselessly. “For everything." He simply smiled. I paused, hesitant to ask the question surfacing in my mind. He waited. “Is the Whisperer dead?"

“Demons don't die the way humans do." I gulped at his reply. “He has no power over you, Rachel. You are more than a conqueror."

I believed him. It was so easy with Him right here.

He waited again. It was as though he knew I had more questions. What was I saying? Of course, he did.

“Is Andrew…?”

I didn't need to complete the sentence. He nodded, his smile still in place.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding, relief rushing through me. Andrew was with him. I might not be able to see my brother again, but that knowledge was enough to satisfy me. I cried some more.

“And mom? Is she going to be okay?" I asked in a trembling voice.

“Trust me, Rachel." His smile never left.

I threw myself at him, throwing etiquette to the winds. What good would it do to behave myself now? And who knew if I would ever meet him like this again?

“I love you, Rachel," he whispered into my hair, kissing the top of my head.

I felt the softness of my mattress first, then the two hands cupped over mine, holding me tight.

The aroma of cinnamon accompanied my next breath. Dad.

My heart sank as I realized I was back in the hospital ward. Not ready to leave the amaziness I had just experienced, I let myself replay every moment. The memory wasn't fuzzy like a dream. It was so vivid that, for a moment, Jesus’ dazzling halo pierced through my eyelids.

Jesus! I met Jesus!

My heart filled with awe and so much happiness I thought I would burst. I remembered the love in his eyes, the tenderness in his embrace…


Dad’s voice was a jarring reminder that I was back to earth.

His thumb swept beneath my eyelids. I hadn't realized I was crying again. I parted my eyelids. He was frowning, worry lines creasing his forehead.

I studied his features as though I had never seen him before. My brain was trying to reconnect with the present, trying to register what a normal human looked like again. Jesus' image was branded behind my eyelids.

A slow smile tugged at my lips.


The next moment, I was hugging him so tight I was sure I had cut off his  supply of oxygen. I let myself inhale the cinnamon scent of him. Had he been baking again?

“Are you feeling alright?" he asked.

I laughed as I released him.

“More than alright. I feel amazing!"

Dad looked positively terrified. The expression launched me into another bout of laughter. He reached out, placing a hand over my head, feeling for a fever.

“Dad, come on!" I chuckled, gently pushing his hand away. “I'm fine." I paused. “Where is Mr. Frederick?"

He frowned, his expression suddenly darkening.


“No, Dad. You don't understand," I told him, kneeling upright in the bed. The panic in his eyes said he would call for the doctor soon. “Mr. Frederick helped me. I'm free now. The voice is gone!”

His frown deepened.

“Rachel, I don't know what you're talking about, but Mr. Frederick isn't the man you should be looking for now. He was in the room for only ten minutes and we came in to meet the doctor passed out on the floor, and you were so still I thought you were dead!”

I calmed myself. I could see how worried he had been, could see the frustration bursting through the seams.

“I'm sorry I made you worry," I apologized, remembering our last conversation. “I don't hate you, dad. I didn't mean what I said. I was angry."

He sighed.

“I know," he replied with a small smile. "Are you hungry?”

I nodded, deciding to settle for food for now. I would have to wait until my father calmed down before asking to see Mr. Frederick again.

So. I particularly enjoyed writing this chapter so much. 🥰

Congratulations to y'all for making it to the point of Rachel's redemption. I salute you brethren🫡And I love you all so much.😘

Not much to say here.

Please vote and comment. I'd love to know what you think of the story so far. Has it blessed you? My writing would be completely useless if you learnt nothing.🥹

See you guys in the next chapter.


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