Chapter 5(Old) : Kill the Headhunter

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A few days have past since the arrival of Scales and Shin. Shin who seems to be with Sheele most of the times in his free time which makes me a bit surprised because Shin would usually find a shaded place to sleep for hours. Now that I think about it he seems to be like that other Guardian what was his name again? Oh! I know its Tora.

(In another Dimension)

A White Tiger is sleeping on a tree branch when suddenly he sneeze which cause him to fall on the ground head first. This action cause a poof of smoke to appear and the White Tiger became a blue haired man wearing a white Yukata with a sort of Cobra symbol on his back. Rubbing his head to ease the pain his beloved brown haired wolf eared and tailed beloved wife hurried to his side and helped him.

"Are you all right Tora?" His wife which the said man just smiled. "Its alright Okami I'm fine" he replied with a smile. ' Someone must be talking about me '

(Back to Scor)

Oh well time to get back to my training which reminds me. I look at the now beaten up Scale and Tatsumi. Shin was helping Sheele with something so he gets to escape hell. "Dammit Shin ya lucky bastard!" Is what Scale's yelled before we started the training.

Now that I think about it those would really be a great couple if Sheele wont die. Maybe Shin can help me on this one and I wont be using that power. Yes that could work perfectly and maybe that card of his can affect that demon of a dog.

Still deep in thought I notice that my two students were crawling away thinking that I didn't notice them escaping. Thinking that they have escaped I draw my Sasword Yaiver with my right hand while my left hand was still in my chin and did one of my moves. This one is not that powerful but it has a force of a bullet that was shoot by a pistol. Rising my blade as it was envelope by a dark purple aura and quickly slash down and a dark purple energy curve beam was fired at the said two. Luckily it didn't hit them instead it hit the tree next to them roughly cutting it in half as I heard two screams of terror.

I then sheath my sword as I approach the two with a closed eye smile scaring the two even more. "Where do you two think your going. We've have yet to be done with your training so stand up and give me 200 push ups or else!" I said as I open my eyes and release a bit of my aura and immediately the said two stands up and started to do some push ups while crying in between. I have forgot to mention this but I tend to have a sadistic side.

"Bend those arms or I'll cut them off" I said as I sit on a near by tree that I had cut just a minute ago. As I was sitting I cant help but to remember my dreams in this past days and the weird part of it was it always the same thing. A White haired woman and a Black haired girl who I think is the woman's daughter. Oddly enough she looks exactly like her but older.

Each time I would wake up I was always drenched in sweat and that my head hurts. It worries me every night that I woke up from that dream.

"Ahhh! Tatsumi Hang In There!".

"I Can Already See The Light, Its So Beautiful".

"Snap Out Off It Man!"

"He He, I can hear the chorus of angels"

". . .Now that I think about it being dead is better than our situation right now".

Having heard there yelling I walk towards a sweating Scale and Tatsumi's body with his soul flying out of his body. I wrap my right arm with my aura and grab his soul and slam it right into his body and instantly his eyes opened up and cracks formed underneath him from the shockwave of my slam.

" Clear" I said dusting my hands as Tatsumi screams in pain which made birds fly off of there trees.



After the hellish training and Tatsumi healed up from the eh horrors dawn soon came. A briefing was placed and it finally came killing Zanku the Headhunter who used to be a Executioner. After the briefing Najenda pick 5 of us that being Me, Akame, Tatsumi, Shin and Scale. I was grouped with Akame and Tatsumi while the other two were grouped together. After a few minute the two started to fight each other but in the end I straight up punch the two idiots head.

After that we waited for it to become nighttime and head out and on the way the three of us converse with each other. It was mostly about our lives well that one was from Tatsumi and of our ideals. For Tatsumi he wanted to get money so he can save his village while both me and Akame were just listening, hiding something's.

"How about we spilt up so that we could find him faster" I said as the two nodded and head out to find the Executioner which I already know where he is from the anime that I have watched. Knowing the location I head towards a coliseum and there I saw Tatsumi hugging a man with white hair who was wearing white clothes, black gloves and shoes. His eyes were filled with insanity as a blade came out of his sleeve.

Seeing this I quickly put Zick into my Sasword Yaiver and transform.


"Henshin" a robotic says and my armor appeared on me as I run at Zanku and did a upward slash on his blade and then kick him away from Tatsumi who regain his composure when he saw was just an illusion. Zanku who still has a psycho smile on his face look at both me and Tatsumi.

"A so a new face have arrived, can you please scream" having enough of this man I dash at him and then I remember something. His Illusion!. It hit me and I was now having vision of the woman in my dream but it was all fuzzy and then it all were cleared. I was in shock the woman in front of me was really the same as her and the child in her arms bear a resemblance of both me and. . .Anna. Then all of a sudden my head started to hurt so badly.

"Ahhhhh!" I scream in pain as I kneeled down clutching my head as I look at Anna in front of me and then something scary happened. Her image started to flicker from being a normal one to a demented one where she had a hole on her chest as blood came out of it, eyes so lifeless, blood coming out of her mouth, her right arm was gone and her left arm was reaching out for me. That was not the only thing that was scary the girl who was hugging Anna's right leg was also covered in blood and her eyes were lifeless. It goes on for a minute and then something snap.
I remember now.

Tatsumi was worried when he saw his friend and Master suddenly kneels down and screams in pain and his worries turned into confusion even Zanku as well. In about a minute he stops an slumps as he stands up while his head was down.

He move his right hand at his weapon the Sasword Yaiver and press Zicks Stinger down.

"Cast Off"

His armor begins to release itself which starts to make Tatsumi worried about it and then the armor blast off of the well other armor and the pieces almost hit Tatsumi who luckily was able to dodge but Zanku was hit in his right shoulder.

"Change Scorpion!"

Tatsumi was marvelled at what he is seeing. His mentor was now in a purple scorpion motif armor with a scorpion design on his chest as its tail warps around his left leg.

He rise up his head as put his right hand at the side of his belt where the was a oval button which he pressed.

"Clock Up"

In Tatsumi's eyes he vanish in a blur which walk towards Zanku and then he see him stop with his back facing Zanku's who's eyes were wide. Suddenly red lines appeared all over him and he wasn't even able to scream in pain and he was slashed into red paste with only the Tengu or Imperial Arms left.

Tatsumi was about to walk towards Zack when Zack suddenly dash towards him. In fear he just stood there but luckily something warp around his waist and pull him out of the way but it made him sit down. He look at his saver who was in a light green armor. The armor resembles that of a chameleon and a knight with a weird chameleon thing on his left thigh. The armor man then looks at Zack or Sasword who was walking towards. them

"It seems that were in deeper trouble" Scales/ Verde said.

(This is Ren telling those of you lovely people who read my book a thank you. Oh and can you please read the book The Lost Swordsman which an interesting and great book by Ka_Yumi).

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