14 - Never Meet Your Heroes

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Excitement was in the air on the day that Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were due to arrive, marking it the start of the Triwizard Tournament.

The first two months had been busy with teachers suddenly piling shit loads of work on us, despite the fact that we weren't doing our O.W.L.s until the following year. Bastards.

It meant that Cedric encounters were few and far between; with Draco, Pansy and I being holed up in the library, trying to get through the disgusting amount of homework together.

So it was a relief when we stood outside in the chilly night air, school work at the back of our minds as we anticipated the arrival of our visitors.

"Oooo Drakie, I'm so cold," Pansy kept whimpering pathetically as she nuzzled her head into his arm; evidently trying to get him to 'warm' her up.

I rolled my eyes and tightened my cloak around my own shivering body; turning away in revulsion when Draco eventually conceded and enveloped Pansy in a hug.

The Beauxbatons carriage arrived first, spitting out a bunch of pretentious twats who clearly thought that our Scottish weather was 'beneath' them.

I could see why my mother fitted in so well there now.

But it was the Durmstrang arrival which caused the most excitement.

"Fuck me, it's Viktor Krum!"

There was a collective gasp as the dark brooding wizard stepped out of the ship; Seamus Finnigan's words resounding in the air around us.

Excitement tore in my chest. Viktor Krum?! In my school?! This Triwizard crap just got a shit load better.

Draco, who was clearly just as excited as I was, immediately dropped his arms from around a disgruntled Pansy and stepped up right beside me, squinting into the night.

"My god, it really is him," he murmured in an awestruck voice.

"I know," I breathed, reaching out to grab his arm.

His eyes met mine and we exchanged a look of wonderment; our lips twitching up at the corners of our mouths, both of us trying to contain our mutual excitement.

"Who's Krum?" asked Pansy.


"Pick Slytherin, pick Slytherin."

"Be cool, man," I muttered to Draco out of the corner of my mouth as we sat eagerly at our table, waiting for Krum to decide where he would grace his perfect presence.

"I am always cool," Draco retorted as he practically bounced up and down his chair trying desperately to catch Krum's eye.

"It's killed meh! It's killed meh!" I mimicked, cackling wickedly. "Yeah sure, Drac - king of cool."

"Shit, he's coming over!" Draco hissed, quickly trying to flatten his hair. "How do I look?"

"Like a dream boat." I snorted, giving his cheek a playful pinch. "Krum wont be able to keep his hands off of you."

"That is not what I-" but Draco's furious retort came to an abrupt end as Krum had reached our table by this point, claiming the empty seat opposite us.

"Hullo," Draco said at once, reaching a hand out across the table. "I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy. You may know of my father, he has close contacts with the Ministry."

I closed my eyes in horror as Krum just looked at him; ignoring the proffered hand.

Draco, cheeks now tinged with colour, dropped his arm a fraction but he didn't withdraw it; instead waiting hopefully for Krum to acknowledge him further.

The secondhand embarrassment was too much, and when it was clear Krum was going to leave him hanging, I felt I had to step in and somehow save this situation.

"Hi, I'm Blaire," I said brightly, smiling up at the dark, brooding Bulgarian, whilst at the same time surreptitiously reaching out to pull Draco's arm in. "And I have to say, I was very impressed with your performance at the World Cup. Inspiring."

He simply shrugged and, in a bored drawling tone, said, "It vos not my best game."

And with a deep sniff, he turned away.

Wow. Rude much.

"That Wronski Feint was quite something though," I persisted, despite the evident hostility radiating from this surly (and quite suddenly unattractive) dude, "Drac here has been practicing the move himself; he plays Seeker for our house team."


Draco and I exchanged a bewildered glance. This moron was desperately disappointing us after we'd bigged him up so much in our minds.

"Screw that sulky bastard," I said later as we walked back down to the dungeons once the feast was over; Draco hanging his head down dejectedly beside me. "The fame has obviously got to that arrogant twats head. Anyway, I'm sure he's just jealous of your pretty blonde hair."

"You really think so?" He asked, his face lighting up hopefully as he looked at me.

"Oh yeah," I lied. "He was definitely checking it out when he thought no one was looking."

This seemed to cheer him up, somewhat; and when we parted ways in the common room to retire to our dorms, his step was definitely a little lighter.


The very next morning, despite being a Saturday, everyone got up early to gather in the Entrance Hall before breakfast to see which students were going to put their name in the Goblet of Fire.

"Pricks," Draco muttered when the Weasley twins tried to trick the age line and failed miserably.

Krum got the biggest cheer, of course, everyone clapping and wolf whistling as he coolly sauntered over to the Goblet and dropped in his name in such a bored and casual fashion.

Both Draco and I looked on scowling; our arms folded in front of our chests, refusing to participate in applauding the Boy Who Had Disappointed Us.

Pansy, who had been clapping and cheering extra loudly, suddenly faltered upon seeing our expressions.

"But- but I thought you said we liked him?" She wavered, looking unsure of herself as her hands froze mid-clap.

"Nope," Draco said.

"Not anymore," I added.

"Fucktard," we both said simultaneously.

"Oh," Pansy said faintly, looking hurt to discover that she was yet again the last one in the know.

And it was at that moment when a certain Hufflepuff entered the Entrance Hall, causing my insides to squirm with delight.

"Oooo, look," Pansy squealed excitedly, unnecessarily pointing him out. "Cedric's going to put his name in!"

He got nearly as many cheers as Krum when he stepped up to the Goblet, if not, more so.

I felt myself hold my breath as Cedric leant over and dropped in his name, my admiration for him growing and growing.

He turned around, beaming; his grey sparkling eyes sweeping the crowds until they found their target. Me.

My lips tugged into an instant smile and, despite myself, I felt a heat rise to my cheeks as Cedric very slowly, and very deliberately, winked.

"Pathetic," Draco huffed, inching closer to my side as he glared heatedly over at the Hufflepuff, "can't even find anyone his own age."

But I was too busy mouthing the words 'good luck' to pay any attention to my best friend's insecurities.

Oh yes; I had a good feeling about this year.


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