29 - The Mental Bitch

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Umbridge was, just as I had predicted, a mental bitch.

"Your father wants us to openly support this moron?" I spluttered after her impromptu and frankly embarrassing speech at the start of year feast.

"She represents the Ministry," Draco explained quite unnecessarily whilst topping up my plate with carrots. "It's vital to my father that the Malfoy's are seen to be supporting Fudge."

"But why?" I asked exasperatedly. "What difference does it make to him?"

"Come on, Blaire," Draco murmured darkly, dropping his voice, "you know why. And above all, the Malfoy's reputation is important to him."

Fucking Lucius and his stupid Malfoy reputation.

I was shattered by the end of dinner and looking forward to checking out my new sleeping quarters. As prefects, however, our day was not done and we had to help lead the Slytherins down to the dungeons and ensure that the terrified first years didn't get lost.

"Man, they look so dinky and cute," I observed as their trembling little faces looked up expectantly at us, waiting to be told what to do. "Surely we weren't like that?"

Draco shrugged, already looking bored by proceedings.

"Come on, then," he said in a demanding tone, clicking his fingers irritably down at the startled newbies, "and don't dally. I like to walk fast, and Draco Malfoy waits for no one."

And with that, he wheeled on the spot, his robes billowing dramatically behind him as he began to stride on.

"Don't be such a prick, Drac," I muttered, rolling my eyes, and causing a couple of the first years to giggle nervously.

I grinned back at them, giving them a friendly, conspiratorial wink before beckoning them on to follow behind.

My bedroom was fucking massive. I literally couldn't believe it. It even came with its own attached bathroom. And the best thing was, I no longer had to suffer the sounds of Pansy's and Millicent's combined snoring.

Draco couldn't enter my room due to it still being a part of the girls dormitories, and therefore forbidden to boys; but luckily, however, I could still go and badger him in his.

"I love being a prefect!" I sighed, falling back onto his huge mattress with my arms outstretched like a starfish.

"I told you it had its benefits," he murmured whilst busily unpacking his trunk. "What's your room like?"

"The same," I shrugged. "I can't wait to check out this special bathroom. I heard a rumour that it's got over a hundred different taps."

"Mmm hmm," Draco hummed absentmindedly as he continued to carefully hang up his suits in the wardrobe.

"Ugh, I wish we didn't have to start classes first thing," I grumbled, sitting up so that I was now sat on the edge of his bed. "I can't wait to just spend the whole day lazing about in the bath amongst the bubbles. Can you just imagine?"

Draco picked up the shirt he'd clumsily dropped to the floor, frowning as he hastily tried to brush out the creases.

"Yeah," he said, his voice coming out a strange strangled noise as he quickly dived back into the wardrobe, "sounds, uh, good."

"You alright, Drac?" I asked, frowning at his back. "You sound a bit odd."

Draco said nothing as he slowly and deliberately stepped back out and closed the wardrobe door.

"I'm a bit tired actually," he eventually said, rubbing the back of his neck as he turned to face me, not quite meeting my eye. "I think I'll have a shower and turn in, if you don't mind."

"Say no more," I drawled; coolly slithering off his bed, "you know I'm a firm believer in beauty sleep."

An odd look flickered in his eyes as they followed me crossing his room. As soon as I reached his door, I paused and turned around.

He still said nothing, just stared strangely at me; his hands now tucked deep in his trousers pockets.

"Uh- night," he said awkwardly.

I raised an eyebrow wondering what had suddenly got into him. Deciding he must just be on his period or something, I teasingly blew him a kiss before yanking the door open and making my leave.

It could have just been the effect of the poor lighting in the room; but if you had asked me, I would have sworn that Draco Malfoy had just blushed.


The school was buzzing about Professor Umbridge from the off.

Apparently, Harry Potter had stood up to her in front of the whole class, screaming in her face that Voldemort was back.

For the first time, I was disappointed that Slytherins didn't share Defence Against the Dark Arts with Gryffindors.

"A whole week of detentions?" Pansy gasped, her jaw dropping open in gleeful horror as we discussed it by the common room fire.

"Serves the fucking nutjob right for shooting his lying mouth off," Theo said darkly, and I didn't miss the menacing glint in his eye as he and Draco exchanged a look.

"A bit of an extreme overreaction though, don't you think?" I muttered, casually flicking over a page of my magazine. "It's almost as if she's afraid of what he's saying."

A sudden hiss escaped Theo's lips as he snapped his head up to shoot a glare at me. Crabbe and Goyle cracked their knuckles from where they sat in the armchairs, like the meatheads that they are.

"Blaire," Draco gritted through his teeth warningly.

"I'm just saying," I sighed, rolling my eyes at the complete dramatic Neanderthals that surrounded me, "that if Umbridge is so desperate not to draw attention to what Potter is voicing, then she should just ignore it. Simple."

Draco wasn't happy with me, however. And he made sure to let me know the next time we were alone.

"You promised my father!" He yelled, slamming his bedroom door behind him, shutting us both inside.

I wheeled around at him, shocked; outside, he'd innocently suggested I come in for a quick game before we turned in for the night.

"I promised that bastard nothing!" I sneered, feeling pissed off that Draco had tricked me.

A fleck of anger sparked in Draco's eyes, his chest rising and falling heavily as he glared at me. "Don't you dare talk about my father like that."

"Drac, he's a control freak," I said, frustration causing me to wring my fingers through my hair. "And he seems to be proud of this fact! All of this," I beckoned to our badges and around the bedroom, "is because he himself admitted he'd had a 'quiet word' to Dumbledore."

"So? He has a bit of influence? Who doesn't want that?"

"Influence he's using for his own personal gains and to support his sick beliefs! Drac, are you seriously saying you agree with this Umbridge woman's stance on the world? She openly shares her views that she thinks all half-breeds ought to rounded up and tagged."

"Well, some of them are highly dangerous-"

"Really, Draco?" I said incredulously. "Hagrid? Lupin?"

"Please, Blaire," Draco said, a pained expression suddenly upon his face. "I don't want to argue with you."


I angrily started towards the door, with the intention of leaving. However, Draco swiftly moved in front of my path, stopping me in my tracks; panic flitting across his features.

"Don't go, please," he said quickly. "It's still early, stay and have a game with me. Please."

I narrowed my eyes, looking up at him. "Just so long as there's no more talk about Umbridge or your father."

"Deal," he said, relief flickering in his eyes.

As we played round after round of poker on his bed, I couldn't help but feel this tight uneasiness deep within me.

Because this year, it wasn't a Pansy or a Cedric threatening to get between us.

No, this time it was a whole god damn fucking war.


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