57 - His Place

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My heart was in my throat as I fumbled around for my wand.

There was no chance of being able to Disapparate due to restrictions placed upon registered buildings and homes, but I could still defend myself.

People were running around screaming and racing for the exits as the Death Eaters began grabbing seemingly random people and dragging them away.


"Oh, shit," Dean breathed, his chest rising and falling heavily as we looked down at the chaos from the mezzanine we were on, "I've heard about this, I thought it was just rumours though."

"What are they doing?" Neville hissed, also reaching in his pocket for his wand.

"It's like an initiation for new recruits," Dean said darkly, "apparently they raid nightclubs and choose their 'prey' to take back with them where they... you know..." he grimaced; unable to finish his sentence.

We all watched in horror as a nearby Death Eater grabbed a screaming young girl in a figure hugging black dress and dragged her away from her crying friends. ("You'll do nicely, pretty.")

Neville went to raise his wand, but Dean hurriedly stopped him.

"Don't, you're too drunk," he warned, holding his arm down. "Your aim will be weak and they'll kill you. It's exactly why they target nightclubs."

"But we can't just stand here!" I said, utterly aghast. "That poor girl looked terrified!"

"Providing she's not a Muggle-born, they'll probably let her go... afterwards."

I felt a wave of sickness low in my stomach. So Death Eaters were raping people as part of some sort of sick ceremony.

"Shit," Neville said, "stand back!"

But it was too late. One of the Death Eaters on the dance floor who had yet to pick their prey looked up.

My insides turned to liquid as the glint of eyes through the slits in the mask zoned right in on me.

We stood frozen in horror as the Death Eater strode immediately across the club towards us; feet clattering on metal as he ascended the staircase.

"Don't, he'll kill you," I hissed, pushing down Neville's arm so that his wand was lowered from view.

And then the Death Eater was upon us, grabbing my arm and pulling me roughly against his chest as he expertly disarmed Dean and Neville at the same time. I thanked Merlin I'd thought to quickly stuff my wand down my bra. If he took me, I could get him with it the second he turned his back.

But then a familiar scent hit me. Startled; I looked up into the grey eyes behind the mask and realised now that I knew this person.

And I knew that cologne.

"It's one I put on for love making."

Revulsion flooded me.

"Cedric?" I gasped, shock making me forget my fear.

"The one and only," he smirked behind his mask in his sickeningly smooth silky voice. "After all this time, I finally get to teach Little Miss Prick Tease a lesson."

"I swear to god, if you don't let go of me now, Cedric; I'll kick you in the fucking nuts." I snarled, getting my claws out ready to attack.

A roar of muffled laughter emitted from behind his mask. "The thing is, Zabini; the feistier you are the more exciting it is for me. Makes it more of a challenge, you see. And I love a good challenge."

"Yet we all know how you badly you suck at those," I scoffed, trying to wrestle my arm out of his painful grip, "you couldn't even battle a hedge last time I checked."

"You little bitch," Cedric spat, letting go of me to raise his wand.

But before he could so much as flick it, Neville had picked up a chair and slammed it hard on top of Cedric's head, causing him to crumple to the ground in a heap.

"Fuck, Nev!" Dean said impressively, "that was-"

"No time," Neville urged, tossing the chair aside. "Let's get out of here before they notice."

I glanced back down at the dance floor where chaos was still reining as Death Eaters continued to terrorise the clubbers.

Quickly pulling out my wand, I flicked it downwards, managing successfully to knock out a Death Eater who was dragging a screaming girl towards the exit.

"Come on, Blaire!" Neville called, "Dean's managed to bust this fire door open!"

Flicking my hair coolly over my shoulder, I stepped over Cedric, making sure to stamp on his fingers.



"Those sick bastards!" I seethed once we were safely back at Gran's.

We'd alerted the Auror's the second we'd gotten out. I could only pray that they'd managed to catch Cedric and thrown away the key.

"Who'd have thought that Cedric Diggory would become one of them," Dean sighed as he gratefully accepted a cup of tea from Neville. "I mean, I knew that tournament messed him up, but to become a Death Eater?! He was a Hufflepuff!"

Neville and I exchanged a look, but neither of us said anything.

I mean, it was no surprise to me.

The three of us settled on the sofa, watching the tv in silence as my mind went to Draco.

As I idly fingered the charm bracelet on my wrist, I wondered what he was doing right then; if he was aware of what his fellow Death Eaters were up to.

But more than that, I wondered if he thought about me and if he missed me like I missed him. Because I did; I missed him so much it felt as though there was a great gaping hole in my heart.

It had been exactly a month since the night of Dumbledore's death and there'd been no contact since.

I thought about owling him all the time, but I knew the risk involved could be dangerous for him. And besides, his last note to me had been very final. I'm sorry.

After a while, I couldn't help but notice that Dean and Neville were giving each other furtive glances over the top of my head, so, trying to be tactful, I yawned loudly.

"Look, guys," I said, giving Neville a pointed look, "if you two want to... you know... I don't mind sleeping on the sofa tonight."

"Don't be daft!" Neville said, at the same time as Dean said "Well, if you're sure?"

In the end, after quietly reminding Neville it was his birthday, he fetched me a pillow and blanket.

"Just don't forget to use the Silencing Charm," I reminded him as he gave me a goodnight kiss on my forehead.

The last thing I wanted was to have nightmares about our gamekeeper.


The rest of the summer went by without much adventure.

Neville and I stayed indoors and listened in horror to the news that Voldemort and his Death Eaters had infiltrated the Ministry and assassinated the Minister.

"Well that's that, then," Neville sighed heavily as he stroked his grouchy looking toad. "The future of our lives held in the hands of Harry Potter."

"Pfft," Gran scoffed; brusquely switching off the wireless. "We'd be more likely to beat that noseless bastard if it was down to you Neville, my boy."

I said nothing, instead running a finger along the empty links of my bracelet.

Draco's face swam before my eyes and I prayed with everything inside of me that he was somehow surviving this god awful mess we were living in.

I miss you, Drac, I thought with an aching sadness in my heart. I miss you so fucking much.


"What do you mean I can't go back?"

Draco felt panic start to constrict his chest as he struggled to draw breath. Going back to Hogwarts and being back with Blaire had been the only thing getting him through the summer.

"I'm sorry," his mother said, her face shrouded in angst. "The Dark Lord wishes you to remain here with the rest of the Death Eaters. It is your place in life now."

Next to her, his father lowered his head, trying to hide his shame. He'd barely said two words since his return from Azkaban; not even being able to look Draco in the eye anymore.

Draco hated him as much as he hated Voldemort. More, even. He'd done this to them; he was the reason that they were all prisoners in their own fucking home. Everything bad that was happening to them was his fault.

Resisting the urge to spit in his face, Draco stormed out of the drawing room, slamming the door behind him.

The fierce scowl remained set on his face as he strode angrily through the Manor, not stopping until he reached his room.

He grabbed the photo frame off his bedside table and sank down onto his mattress.

And, looking down, something inside of him broke and he started to shake as silent tears rolled down his cheeks and splashed onto the two smiling joyful faces of a happier time.

I miss you. I miss you so fucking much.


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