60 - Two Hearts

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Draco dropped his hold on me the second the wrought iron gates materialised before us.

"We need to hide your face," he murmured as he brought his hands round to the back of my neck and began to lift the hood over my head.

He hesitated as our eyes locked; a softness flickering in his expression. I opened my mouth to speak, but he interrupted me before any words could leave my lips.

"Say nothing, speak not a word until we get you safely inside my room," he said vehemently, a cold steeliness returning to his eyes. "No one must know you're here, not unless you want to be wearing these robes for real."

I nodded, allowing him to drop the hood, covering my face completely except for the two slits that revealed only my eyes.

Draco pulled down the silver mask over his own face and led the way through the gates, ordering me to march two steps behind him but never to leave his side.

My heart was in my throat as we strode silently up the stone steps into Malfoy Manor; cloaked figures of other Death Eaters nodding curtly back at us as we passed.

I could barely see through the slits of my hood, thinking no wonder Voldemort upgraded to the masks if he wanted his Death Eaters to improve their aim. I could only assume I was wearing an old hand me down of Lucius's.

No sooner had we reached his bedroom and closed the door; a furious knocking came from the other side, making us both freeze.

"Open up," spoke a hurried, fretful voice. "It's me, Narcissa."

Ripping his mask off, Draco immediately opened the door, allowing his mother inside.

She pushed past him as she flew across the room to me, engulfing me in her embrace. "My child, my dear child."

"They killed him," was all I could whisper, realising I was shaking quite badly, "they killed my stepfather."

"You're in shock my love," Narcissa spoke gently, leading me over to the bed at once where she sat me down, "just take a moment."

"Mother," Draco said, moving as though to step towards us, "can I-?"

"You need to get downstairs at once," Narcissa bit fiercely, holding up a hand to prevent him from coming any nearer, "they'll be wondering why you hadn't gone immediately to report this mission you so stupidly put your name forward for."

A look of hurt flitted across his face, but he gave a quick, curt nod before placing the mask back on and stepped swiftly from the room.

"I'm sorry," Narcissa said quietly, stroking my hair, "please don't think I'm not glad he went and got you. I'm just so angry at the danger he put you both in by doing so. You weren't the target; they would've brought you here without harming you."

"But if I had fought back...?" I queried, knowing that I would've never have let them take me quietly.

Narcissa gave a heavy sigh. "Then my son knows you better than I give him credit for. But now you're here, we have to keep you out of sight. The Dark Lord has been chasing up the last of the purebloods, seeing them as traitors if they don't join him. It's why there is a mark on your mother's head and why- why Bernard was targeted."

"But why haven't they come for me before now?" I asked, my head spinning as I tried to take all of this in.

"I asked Severus to keep an eye on you and it's very possible that he'd steered the Dark Lord towards Bernard in a bid to keep you safe. But with him now... gone, it's likely that he'll start taking an interest in you."

I felt my stomach give a sickening twist. The idea of becoming one of Voldemort's allies filled me with a kind of horror I couldn't explain.

"We won't let him touch you," Narcissa assured me, clasping my hand. "For some unknown reason, I have been spared getting branded, but the horrors I've still had to endure; that my- my son has had to endure..."

She tailed off, her eyes glassing over as she relived god knows what kind of disturbing memories.

"I am grateful," I said, squeezing her hand, "and I'd do anything for Draco too, you know. Whatever keeps him safe."

"I know," she said, giving me a small, watery smile as she squeezed my hand back. "I know the love you two hold for one another."

"Of course," I said at once, my eyes glancing to the photo that I noticed sat on his bedside table; my heart swelling that he kept it there, "he's my best friend."

Narcissa gave me a strange look before cupping my face in her delicate hands; leaning in to press her lips against my forehead.

"You two have something far more precious than just friendship my darling," she said solemnly, "you mark my words."

Before I could answer, she got up to leave. "Now, I assume you'll be happy to stay here with Draco," she said with a knowing look in her eye. "If not, I can always find another-"

"No, it's fine," I said at once, feeling the heat immediately rise to my cheeks despite the seriousness of the situation I'd found myself in. "I want to be here... with Drac."

"Of course you do," she smiled kindly down at me, "at times like these we need to seek comfort in those that mean the most to us."

Leaving a kiss on my forehead, she moved to the door; promising me she would try and organise some belongings for me in the morning.

"Thank you," I whispered, wanting to say more; to tell her that I loved her.

But the words wouldn't come. However, the smile and nod she gave me as she gently closed the door told me she knew.

She knew I loved her like the mother I never had.


When Draco returned, he crawled onto the bed without getting undressed and wrapped me tightly in his arms.

He said nothing - just held me as I wept not only for my stepfather, who suffered such a cold brutal end; but for Neville too, who was hiding for his life - a life I didn't even know was in existence anymore.

"I'm sorry," I whispered once the tears finally stopped.

"Don't you ever fucking apologise for being sad," he murmured fiercely, wiping my face dry with his thumbs as he cupped my head in his hands and pressed his lips against my brow.

"I missed you," I breathed, sighing at his touch and at his kiss; hardly daring to believe that in all this shit, we somehow managed to find our way back together.

"I missed you too," he said, dropping his hands from my face to pull me to him; wrapping his arms and legs around me, cocooning me in his embrace.

And in our exhaustion and relief, we fell asleep; our limbs entwined, locked together as our hearts beat steadily side by side.

Two hearts back to where they belonged; but for how long, only time would tell.


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