Volume 1 Chapter 1: Nice to See You Again

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Disclaimer I don't own RWBY or Ninja Gaiden, that honor goes to their perspective owners.

(y/n) perspective

I was sitting around in a corner doing nothing aside from just reading a book that my friend gave to me as a gift and it became my favorite book of all time, but a blonde dude just passed by and looked like he had motion sickness.

When the ship landed I walked outside and saw the greatest view ever, this view of Beacon from the outside alone is beautiful, I then moved on and was just wondering around until I bumped into a girl with a bow on her head and we both dropped our books.

"I'm sorry, I should... have been... paying attention." I apologized when I was picking up both of our books and apologizing, I then noticed that the girl was Blake.

"(y/n)!?" she said with a clear indication that she was happy to see me again.

"Blake?!" I replied with also a clear indication that I'm happy to see her again. We then both dropped what we had on hand just to give a hug to each other.

"I missed you so much." said Blake.

"I missed you too." I replied.


As we were walking to the main hall, me and Blake were catching up with each other, and she 

told me that she had a boyfriend named Adam Tarturus, I will admit I was jealous  but Blake told 

me they broke up which I feel better. The reason why is to be honest I developed feelings for 

Blake, I met her since combat school, and after that day we became friends and she is actually 

really nice, so beautiful, and she actually reminds me of myself.

Flashback to your first time at combat school still in your perspective

I was walking to go back home, until I noticed certain people picking on a little girl, I then 

noticed that she had cat ears and the bullies were humans clearly they were one of those guys 

who pick on faunas just for being slightly different, so what just because they are half animal 

doesn't mean that they need to be bullied or some crap like that. Anyway, the bullies finally 

stopped picking on the girl and she was crying hard and the bullies said "Cry, that's right just 

cry, you deserve to cry." they then walked away, I couldn't just act like nothing happened so I 

went up to her and was about to say "Hey, are you alright?" but the moment I was about to talk 

to her, she backed up a bit.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." I said trying to re ensure her. The girl looked like hell, she had a purple eye, bleeding nose, bruises everywhere, scars and there must be more.

"Hey, I'm gonna take you to my house and I'll treat you of all of these scars, once we get there I'll 

call your parents and tell them where you are, okay?" I told her and she nodded, I then extended 

my hand which she accepted, I then concentrated really hard on my teleportation ability to get 

back home. We got to my house, I took the girl to my room and immediately went to get the first 

aid kit.

"Hey, what's your name?" I asked the girl as I was treating her.

"Blake." the girl answered.

"My name is (y/n)." I responded, once I finished treating Blake I decided to make her a snack, "so 

Blake, what would you like for a snack?"

"Tuna." Blake responded.

"I think I have some tuna, let me see." I said. I went down to the kitchen and noticed that I have 

no tuna, I went back to my room and told Blake that I have no tuna, and I'll go to store and get 

her some. Once at the store I bought a can of tuna for Blake and teleported straight back home 

and readied the tuna.

"Hey, did anybody order tuna?" I asked trying to be humorous and Blake kind of giggled.

"Now, Blake I'll call your parents and tell them where you are. Do you know their phone number?" I asked Blake.

"Yes, let me try." Blake said. I gave her my phone and Blake got the phone ready for me. I then 

told Blake's parents that she is at my house because of the bullying from earlier. They are going 

to pick Blake up at a max of 19:30, after the talk I let Blake sleep on my bed and went to do some 


Blake's perspective

I was hearing clashing and wood breaking noises, I got up from (y/n)'s bed to see what is the source, I then saw him training, I walked forward a little bit and he stopped.

"You're up?" He asked "do you wanna train?" I nodded in response so he dropped his katana and 

went to pick up two training sticks, what I know how to use sword "The reason why I'm giving 

you a training stick is because I don't want to hurt you." I know understand, he must be the first 

kind human I met, we were training for a couple of minutes until my parents arrived.

"Thank you (y/n)." I told him.

"You're welcome." He responded "I hope we get to see each other again.".

"Me too." I said as I went with my parents back to my house.

Present day (y/n)'s perspective

Me and Blake then heard the principle's big speech about how we won't knowledge and some other crap, a woman who I assumed was the teacher said that we will be sleeping in the ball room and that the initiation will begin tomorrow.

Time skip to the ballroom

Me and Blake were ready to sleep, and knowing her I knew she was going to read again before going to sleep.

"Let me guess, you're going to read a book." I told her.

"And let me guess, you're going to meditate." She responded and we both laughed a little bit. I 

got to my meditation position as Blake was reading her book. Then two girls walked infront of 

us, one was blonde, the other clearly doesn't have the age to be right here, the younger one is 

Ruby and the other is Yang, they were interesting and they were entertaining, that is when some 

bitch who both me and Blake know as Weiss Schnee walked up to all of us and started acting like 

a bitch. Me and Blake just rolled our eyes and got ready to sleep as the other three were fighting.

The End

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