~Prologue~The moment before~

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    Another Heartbreak, another bar. I would swear that the universe hates me when it comes to love. 

    Turns out the douchebag I was dating was cheating on me with some gold-haired slut, then he goes missing for a week and never returns. Seriously, he probably ran off with her to fuck and make ten equally douche-baggy babies that run off with sluts and repeat the cycle all over again. Bunch of pests. 

    I wiped a tear from my eyes, he may be a douche bag but he was MY douche bag and that BITCH took him away from me before I could curse him out and break up with him dramatically! I planned it out and everything! But...I really missed him...and it hurts because I thought he really loved me. "Fucking dick-" I mumbled under my breath. I subconsciously tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and stepped into a bar. When in doubt, drink your sorrows and heartbreak away, and if you're REALLY lucky. A hot guy to fuck the anger away. Girl logic for ya. 

   I walked as confidently as I could to the bartender, "One Guinness please-" I mumbled beneath my breath. The bartender nodded and grabbed my drink, to which I took and sat at a lonely table in the back to cry. My puffy pants, half shirt, Stiletto boots, and braided hair and all. The nicest thing I could put on...nicest thing I owned. But something, and more importantly someONE caught my eye as I sadly walked to wallow in the shadows with my beer. 

    A man, a devilishly handsome one at that. Like...WOW. Holy shit. What do I have to do to get him into my pants? He had a damn good body, muscular and a rock hard chest. He had messy brown hair that went to his shoulders and went up in spikes. In fact, his hair kinda looked like ears, which ADDED to his cuteness somehow. He had a strong jaw and stubble. His eyes, holy fuck. Panty wetting beautiful. They were a gorgeous gold, like. Two layers. He even DRESSED like a hotty. He had a loose button that he kept unbuttoned at the top to show his chest and rolled up his sleeves to his elbows beneath his dark green vest. Black pants, black leather boots, and gold jewelry on his neck and wrists. So basically, way outta my league. 

    Still though, damn was he good eye candy. He was on the other side of the bar drinking a big old mug of I dunno what. Girls swarmed around him and he was flashing all of them a dashing smile and flirting with all of them like it was a game. They were all so pretty...there was no way he'd notice a basic chick like me. So, like any simple-minded heartbroken girl, I stared at him for a good fifteen minutes, engraved his image in my mind for when I'm drunk and masturbating later, and continued on my way on my tail of sorrow. Until something strange and absolutely heavenly happened. 

    As I turned and walked away for a little bit something grabbed my arm and turned me around. First thing I saw? Golden eyes. "Excuse me? I don't think I've ever seen you in this bar before, what would your name be?" I stood there frozen for a moment 'Oh my god...is my brain is playing tricks on me.......please to god don't stop.' It was the dude I was checking out not five seconds ago!!! Damn, he even sounded hot. Damn him and his perfectness. But we were standing there for a moment just looking into each other's eyes (which was amazing by the way) in pure silence and I could FEEL his harem glare daggers at me. "Uhhhhh-" I mumbled. "I-uh. Um, my name is-" I coughed. I could feel my cheeks warm 'Speak damn it!!'. "Uh, my names (Y/n)...yours?" I "Confidently" spoke to him. Standing up straight before him and pretending to be a strong independent woman. Which I am NOT. In ANYWAY. ESPECIALLY with Hotty Mc Hotty over here. 

    He chuckled and let my arm go. He grinned and took my hand, kissing the back of it and looking up at me with those perfect golden eyes. 'oooooooooohhhhhhhhhh just fuck me already-' I smiled at him as he spoke "It is an honor to meet such a beauty in such a worn down place like this-" 'Did he just ignore my question?' My eyes widened. He slipped his hand between my other arm and rested his arm around my waist, perfectly laying his hand on my hip. "Allow me to buy you a few dinks~ As a welcoming gift~" he whispered seductively into my ear. As if referring to another thing that may or may not happen. My hands reluctantly placed themselves onto his chest 'Oh PLEEEEEEEEAAAAASE TELL ME YOU ARE TRYING TO GET ME DRUNK SO YOU CAN FUCK ME-' "U-uh-" my face burned deep red, but I managed to nod my head slowly "Well when you put it that way...of course!". He smiled and took me to the bar table. Ordering fancy drinks for me I couldn't afford with years worth of salary! 

    "Sooooooo-" he leaned in and attempted small talk, I leaned back. "Yes?" "You planning on doing anything tonight~?" I jumped, nervously laughing as he looked at me with those seductive eyes. I could look into them all night. "I-uh. N-No not necessarily-". He smirked and leaned back, resting his chin on his palm. I could feel my heart try to jump right out of my chest. I was putty in his hands and he knew it! "What do you say we find a more private place to talk more? I'm starting to like you and would like to learn more about you~" I gulped. Oh dear...

     "Um, sure!" I giggled and nodded, tilting my head in an attempt to be as cute as possible. 'Why did I just do that-'. He smiled and tilted his head too, smiling at me as a slight blush appeared on his cheek. "Oh my god..." he grabbed my hand and escorted us both outside the tavern and down some strange alleyway. 'I don't think I've ever been here before...' I thought to myself. For some reason letting my guard down. But in a split second everything happened in a flash, I was pinned against the brick wall with a heavy weight pushing against my chest. I felt my cheeks burn red, even my ears started to burn. 

 He had pinned me down, his hands holding my wrists against the wall and his knee rubbing beneath my legs. I gulped, I wanted to scream, I scolded myself for KNOWING this was gonna happen. But I liked it, A LOT. Too much to want to try to escape. Blake smirked, I felt my panties getting soaked. Why does someone as hot as him have to exist? He let one of his hands go and used his other to lift my arms above my head and pin them both. He rubbed my chin with his open hand, chuckling a little as he looked deep into my eyes. Trancing me into a hot, horny mess with those gorgeous golden eyes. 

    "Ha, ha, I like you Y/n~" he leaned into my ear, purring sweet nothings into it. I clenched my fists, biting my lip and resisting the urge to want to beg him to fuck me. Because, who doesn't want to be fucked by a hot guy like him!? ESPECIALLY after your douche boyfriend cheated on you!! "I-I-" I resisted. "I don't even know your name, s-sir-". Smooth Y/n, smooth. 

    He stopped in silence for a moment. "Hahahahahahaha!!" he burst into laughter, I could feel myself burn from embarrassment. What was so funny? He slid his hand behind my head, running his fingers through my hair. I froze, I knew where this was going. And I couldn't wait.

    He pushed his lips against mine, they were soft and his stubble gently scratched against my cheeks. My arms went loose, I was shocked at first. But that only lasted for a mere moment, I was gonna enjoy this as much as possible. I wiggled my wrists out of his grasp and wrapped my arms around his neck, he deepened the kiss and wrapped his arm perfectly around my hips. 

 Happy Chistmas Eve!!!!, working on Christmas day one now 0-0 *slams head against a wall while typing*

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