Prologue - Harsh Reality

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Prologue - Harsh Reality

Quote of the day: What you see, may not be what it seems.

Meaning: Do not judge anyone just by looking at their appearance and actions, understand their intentions and actions.


Edited (6/2/16)

Absol shook in fear as thunder roared in rage and lightning flashed sharply. Her mother muttered soothing words, lying down beside her.

"I'm scared," Absol whispered, shivering.

"Do not be afraid, Absol. Your father will be back soon, I'm sure. All he needs to do is to warn the humans of the flood that is soon to come after this storm," Absol's mother said calmly, though Absol knew that her mother was afraid for her mate's safety.

Absol moved closer to her mother, hoping that her father will return soon.

"Why won't the humans understand that we meant no harm? We only want to save them, but we get hunted in return," Absol shook her head. "I don't understand."

Her mother blinked and stayed silent for so long, that Absol thought she would not reply.

"They are impulsive creatures. Smart but impulsive," she spoke up. "They act in fear - which leads to blaming. They needed to push the blame to someone else, so that they wouldn't feel overwhelmed. The blame happened to fall on us, the Absol."

"We've done nothing but help them. We should stop helping them, for the sake of ourselves," Absol said, inching closer to her mother's warm body.

"No!" her mother shouted, startling her.

"I'm sorry," her mother breathed, closing her eyes. "They are innocent creatures, just like us. They may not deserve our help, but they deserve a chance to live with their families in peace."

What about us? We deserve a chance to live with our families too! Absol thought bitterly.

"He's been gone too long..." her mother muttered, getting up. "I'm going to find him. Stay here until I get back," she said firmly.

Absol detected worry in her voice, making her panic. "Be careful," she said. "Remember this, Absol. Never harm innocent lives, even if their kind harmed us," her mother muttered softly. "And remember, I love you."

"I love you too," Absol said, a bad feeling attacking her belly. Please be safe, Absol thought, watching her mother dart out of their den.

Maybe I should follow her. What if she needs my help? Absol thought. She brooded over the question for a moment before deciding to follow her mother secretly.

She crept out of the den, making sure she made no noise. She picked up her mother's scent and started towards it. Please let them be safe.

She stopped behind a large rock and peeked behind it. She inhaled sharply in horror at the sight before her.

"No," she whispered, eyes wide in shock.

Her father laid on the floor, motionless and injured badly. There were visible knife marks on his once-glossy pelt. It was stained red, making him almost foreign to her eyes.

Is he dead? Absol gulped nervously, her eyes starting to drop silver tears. She turned her attention to her mother.

Absol's mother was attacked by a group of human hunters, being stabbed by knives and spears. Absol watched in horror as her mother fell beside her mate, motionless.

"Mother..." she whimpered, slowly backing away.

She heard the humans cry in victory at the fallen Absol. She waited for the humans to leave before rushing to her parents' side.

"Father? Mother?" she whimpered, nudging them. None of them moved. She let out a long and mournful cry for her dead parents.

"Why must we live like this?" Absol cried, sobbing into her mother's bloodstained fur.

Anger and hatred stabbed at her heart, creating pits of circling emotions, it was almost overwhelming for her. She let out a yowl of promise - promise for vengeance.

"I will never forgive the humans for their crimes," Absol's eyes glowed in rage. "Revenge will be mine."

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