<14> Laughter is not Medicine

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Alright pals, if you wouldn't mind sticking around for the AN at the bottom that'd be awesome. Just need to clear some stuff up about this story.



Normal POV

Wally had noticed Dick cover up his mouth at least four times during the movie. It was subtle at first, whenever a funny moment would come up he'd cover his mouth whiles his eyes sparked.

It subtly got more forced and panicky, like Dick was gasping or scared. He'd slam his hand against his mouth, the creases near his eyes disappearing while Dick appeared to have an inward struggle.

Wondering what the struggle was about was the main thing Wally was concerned about. He couldn't even tell if the others noticed too or if they were they were just good at hiding it. Because Wally was sure Dick caught him looking at him a few times.

'Wally, do you know what's wrong with Robin?' M'gann asked, making the speedster send a quick look to the martian.

'Why? What's wrong?'

'Don't be stupid, Kid Idiot. We all see you keep looking over at him every time he covers his mouth.'

Ah, so he was being completely obvious. Great. 'I don't know what he's doing. Honestly, I'm just as concerned as you guys.'

'Every time he does it I feel a strong change in emotions.' Of course it had to do with emotions. That wasn't a big shocker, but it was still unsettling. 'It changes from amusement and fun, to a panicked, almost scared, feeling.'

Wally almost gasped aloud, 'It's his laugh.'

'Why would he be panicking over his laugh?' Kaldur asked, everyone (but Wally) seconding the question. Wally couldn't blame them, it was an odd explanation.

"If you guys wanted to have a conversation you could've just asked me to leave the room." Robin said nonchalantly, eyes still focused on the TV screen.

Dumb bat training, Wally thought to himself while they all mumbled out apologies. Wally shot out one better.

"Dude, are you afraid to laugh?" Dick shot Wally a hard look while the others watched the two. If Wally wanted to use a direct approach to the problem who were they to stop him?

"Why would I be afraid of laughing?" Even under the sunglasses and blankets Dick looked mad, maybe even flustered if the red on his face had a double meaning.

Wally decided to find the answer, "You keep covering your mouth every time something funny happens. I don't really see anything else you could feel the need to hide."

What Wally was not ready for was a hardcore, authentic bat-glare. Full fledged and just as terrifying on the Boy Wonder's face as it was on the Bat's. The room grew cold as Dick growled out a low, "I am not scared of laughing." Before getting off the couch and walking out of the living room. Blanket being used as a makeshift cape that even swung around dramatically like the Caped Crusader's as he left.

Everyone else blinked at the doorway. They weren't used to seeing anything other than the robotic guy who talked every couple of hours.

But Robin was scary when he was mad.

"Anyone else just pee a little?"

(In memory of how fun it was to come up with these.)

I bring you a scene change brought to you by Alfred Pennyworth!!

Dick slammed his fist into a punching bag (Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow! Shoulder! Shoulder Pain!), the blanket thrown lazily behind him in the training room.

"Stupid cackle." He was not afraid to laugh. That's what he kept telling himself. He would love to laugh, laughing was fun. Humor was fun. It's not as fun when your laugh sounds like something a Joker copy would produce.

And who said he had to laugh? If he pretended that he still didn't have emotions they'd go away. Or sort of go away in some sort of way.

As long as they were out of his hair he was cool.

Laughing would be the first off the list. Anger seemed like a good second.

Dick stopped punching the bag as his shoulder's slumped. He felt bad, angry with himself.

He didn't mean to snap, be barely realized he had before he stormed out the room. As soon as he left all he could think about was how his friends looked. Scared.

Of him!

Dick sniffled and sat down in a ball beside the beat up punching bag. He didn't mean it, he really didn't. He was just so stupid!

All they wanted to know was why he was acting a little strange! They were concerned! And all it seemed he could do was let stupid emotions come over him and make them probably hate him.

Why was he such an idiot? Here he was, trying to hold in sobs as tears rolled down his knees instead of being productive. What would crying over his problems do?

He was pathetic, all he could do was cause problems then feel sorry for himself afterwards. What a hero.

Dick wanted Bruce, or at least some comfort from someone. No one would wanna look at him if he kept doing things like that, though.

Joker should've just killed him.

Even just completely disable him. Confine him to a hospital bed for the rest of his life.

Anything other than emotions.

"Do you want a hug?" Dick looked up, quickly wiping his face. Wally was standing less than a few feet away, face as sympathetic as ever.

It sent Dick on a spiral as another hot wave of tears flew down his face. Wally was quick to drop down to the ground, wrapping his arms around the sobbing boy.

Dick wanted to scream, why was Wally doing this? Not long ago the ginger looked like he was going to pass out because of him. Now he's here comforting him?! In what kind of twisted logic does that make sense?

Everything used to have a simple answer. One problem, one or two solutions.

This whole thing is like a throwing darts at a target that's strapped to a running Flash's back.

"What's wrong, Dick?" Wally whispered, shaking Dick out of his head.

"You should be hating me," Dick whimpered. "Not hugging me."

"Do you want me to let go? I didn't really get to ask if you were ok with it before just kind of slidingtothefloor-"

"Yes, I do want the hug." Dick said, swallowing a lump in his throat. "I just don't deserve it."

Wally pushed Dick arms length away so he could stare him in the face. "Don't deserve it?" Dick nodded. "You've done nothing to make not deserve a hug. You deserve them the most actually."

Dick blinked at him, moving to wipe his face again. Scowling, he threw his sunglasses to the floor. They didn't break but he didn't care, he hated them. "Why do I deserve them more? I just yelled at all of you guys over not wanting to laugh."

"Dick no one is holding anything against you right now. You shouldn't either. You got your emotions back after five-years just a few days ago. You're like an emotional roller-coaster."

"Roller-coasters are supposed to be fun." Dick pouted.

Wally let out a small chuckle. "It'll be funny one day." Dick didn't think that day would come before he went insane. It must have shown on his face.

"It will! One day all of us will think back to how the emotionless superhero scared the crap out of everyone with his first bat-glare. Sounds like a fun story to tell your kids." Dick scoffed, a small smile pulling at his lips.

Dick didn't pay attention to how long they just sat there. Eventually it turned into them sitting face to face, Indian-style. Talking about the miscellaneous and absurd. Some time must have passed, the rest of the team didn't have reason to all come tumbling in right after Wally.

The two forgot almost Dick had thrown his sunglasses somewhere.

If someone had a camera the scene was worth a capture. It was silent for a minute as they all just stared at each other. Then Kaldur slapped a hand over his eyes and M'gann spun around with a small squeal. Conner looked unfazed while Artemis looked like she'd seen the flying dead. Wally attempted to just cover Dick's face with his hands which got a light slap and a confused look from the Boy Wonder.

"Y'know what?" Everyone turned towards Dick who was standing up from his spot on the floor. "I don't care if you guys know who I am. You probably can't even identify me from my face anyway."

Slowly, everyone turned back to look at Dick. Staring at his bright blue eyes like they were some sort of painting. The rest of the team came farther in the room, standing a comfortable distance away.

It was odd, seeing eyes on a person where you thought sunglasses should be. Dick broke the tension by holding out a hand, "Name's Dick Grayson. Nice to meet you."

Kaldur smiled warmly and shook his hand. "Welcome to the team, Dick Grayson."

And I've provided you all with an update! Yay!

Alright so here what I wanted to talk about.

Let me start off by saying how much I love you guys. Your comments and praise is something I never knew I'd love in life. This was my first story that got an actual following and praise and just overall popularity.

And I am so grateful for every single one of my readers. You have no idea how much every single one of you means to me.

But the point of this is, Blank never had a plot. This was my second story on Wattpad and only ever had a general idea.

So updated are particularly slow because the only thing I ever had in mind was the climax, Dick getting his emotions back. The ending? Falling climax? Those are the things that are the hardest for me to even think about.

This story came as a blip in my imagination a while ago. If you remember the first few chapters look different from the rest because I had honestly dropped this story a long time ago. Someone wanted it continues so I tried to, and got far and got a lot of readers. But when I came back I had gone through a MAJOR writing growth. So things looked odd.

But listen . . .

The option of dropping Blank is a possibility. I do love this story and can still think of what it could be.

But it's hard to write without a prompt.

But a better idea came to me thanks for a friend (Thank you AshlynnStarr ) to just rewrite the story.

And I've given it thought too. There are just so many options.

So I just wanted you all to know. If I do continue Blank it may be slow. I may drop this story. And I may invest my time into rewriting.

So please bear with me. I am trying and I do love writing for you guys.

Thank you.


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