<4> Early one morning

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Normal POV

    The sun flooded into the mountain. Gently awakening the sleeping heroes. Each slowly rising, taking in their surroundings.

     First they noticed that they all had blankets on them, aware that they weren't there last night. Then they noticed the Boy Wonder, typing away at a computer sitting far away from the older teens. 

     "Good morning Robin." Wally said, voice still a little horse from sleep.

     "Good morning. Breakfast is ready in the kitchen." Robin said plainly. Wait Breakfast? That's when the smell of bacon, eggs, and pancakes hit their noses. There were 5 plates and cups set out, along with 3 large ones on the center of the island which were stacked with food.

     "Thank you, my friend." Kaldur said, standing up to go and grab a plate. Followed by Wally and the rest.

     "You are welcome." Robin responded, still typing on the computer. The morning was easy and quiet, the way Robin and most, liked it. Then once all the food was gone, Wally wanted to have a conversation.

     "So Rob did you put those blankets on us last night?" Wally asked. Robin nodded his head in response.

     "Well where's the 6th one?" Wally questioned. If the answer that came out the boy's mouth was the one Wally was thinking of, Wally would be mad.

     "I did not require a blanket as I did not sleep." Robin said, looking Wally in the eye as he spoke. Wally ran his finger up the bridge of his nose, he knew Robin would say that.

     "Why did you not sleep Robin?" M'gann asked.

     "I was not tired." Was the boy's simple response. Wally sighed, being a bat and emotionless made Robin twice as bad as Bruce was when it came to sleep and self-care. He only slept when he felt tired, which was rare. And only ate when he felt hungry, and sometimes not even then. But Wally didn't question it, Dick did what he had to do to stay healthy. And that was what mattered.

     "Well I hope you aren't tired for later on. Theres a fair in town and Batman said we could go for team bonding!" M'gann chirped, excitement obvious. Everyone (except you know who) looked happy to go. No one disliked fairs, it was impossible too.  

     So the team carried out a normal day until the fair was waiting for them.

This Time Skip is Sponsored by Honey-Senpai

Lights were flashing. Color flooding the open area. The sun near setting, casting a calming red glow on the world. Music, laughs, and screams coming from every angle. This was defiantly a fair.

The team had finally arrived at a fair near Happy Harbor. And the place was ecstatic! You almost had to yell to be heard. There was even a few big roller coasters.

The teens were dressed in civies, most having a big bright smile.

"Sooooo what do you guys wanna go on first?" Wally said through a smile. Wally definitely had the biggest smile, probably bigger than a kid's on Christmas.

"Let's do to Rollercoaster!" M'gann chirped. She had never been to a fair, but that looked the most

"Alright." Artemis said, walking towards the line. Which was surprisingly short. The other followed her and waited for the ride ahead of them to finish.

     When the ride before them finished, the teens and a few others piled on. Wally and Robin sitting the front, M'gann and Artemis behind them, and Connor and Kaldur behind them. The ride began with a three second count down. Then shot the team flying forward. They started moving up the first big hill, coming to a stop at the top.

     "Ready!" Wally yelled behind him, they all cheered in response. The ride then slid forward making everyone scream. The ride went through loops, and twists, and turns, and two more hills. Then finally coming to a stop back at the loading area.

     Everyone stepped off the ride with wobbly legs. Each having a smile on their face, except Robin.

     "Hey guys look they have pictures from the ride!" M'gann chirped, pointing towards a photo booth.

     "Oh cool." Wally said walking towards it, waiting for their picture to pop up. When it did he snorted, telling everyone to come and look at it.

     "What so funny abo-" Artemis started, being cut off by an ugly snort too. They all had the stupidest expression on their face. Connor looked excited which was funny because he hardly ever wore that expression, if any. Kaldur looked scared. M'gann, Artemis, and Wally all had smiles and their arms thrown up. And Robin was straight face, hands on his lap. It was actually a really funny picture. So they bought a couple copies of the picture.

    "So," Wally began, putting his hands behind his head. "What should we go one next?" Everyone looked around, they didn't have a clue. There were games, rides, food, and more rides. So much, almost to much, to chose from.

"How about some games?" Kaldur said, eying them all. Everyone shrugged and pulled out some money to use.

Clint Barton approves this Time Skip

It was near nightfall. You could see the moon and some stars. in the dark blue sky. The team had somehow done everything. Everything. They even went on some kiddie rides for the heck of it. And if you ask them they'll deny it, but they liked the baby rides.

But the fair was coming to a close. And the teens were going back to the mountain. They were walking back (since the fair wasn't far) and were all (except Dick) laughing at stories from their trip.

"I still can't believe you've never had funnel cake." Wally said to Artemis. She just shrugged.

"I may have never had one before, but I definitely like it." She smiled.

Then they arrived at the mountain. Each of them retiring for the night. Either going to their home, or to their room.

Dick was the last to leave. He had his semi-forced talk with Bruce. Then went to his room to shower and sleep. But there was a small thing he left out of his conversation.

     Dick had felt something. Well two somethings. Two emotions.

     After the roller coaster ride and games, Dick felt a flicker of joy, excitement. One of the emotions he missed. Being with friends and being on the ride sent his adrenaline spiking like it used to on the trapeze.  Then right after, he felt a flicker of terror. That flicker of emotion before absolutely terrified Dick. Dick didn't want his emotions back, sure he missed some. But pain, pain is an emotion. So is fear, sadness, and grief, and anger. So to say that something flickered. That wasn't what Dick wanted.

Hiya I'm Supergirl406! Is there anything the reader of this crappy story wanna see? Anything at all and I'll put it in. This story is sort of kind like a oneshot but with them all being connected I guess. Like its mainly


Yah dumb I know. Like I have a plan but I kind wanted to have a bunch of little chapters as just the team and Robin, but with Robin as emotionless. Soooooo if ya got any ideas DM me or put it in the comments.


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