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Lilah and Copper were two of the most popular kids in school, she was a cheerleader and he was on the basketball team. They were rich, both were blond, had allergies to cats, and they both were very self centered. They got pretty much everything they wanted, and more.

They had so much in common that it wasn't a surprise when they started walking hand and hand down the hallways sporting identical marks on their shown off calves.

The only thing that was surprising was how much the two had changed since they had met each other. If you saw one away from the other, they were usually in a state of panic, unsure what to do with themselves, they needed each other more than they needed air to breathe, and it was a bitter sweet sight. I had never seen two people change so much in the span of two weeks.

I had read about Identical marks and how they belonged to those who aren't really complete. They needed something to complete them, but even with everything in the world they never felt complete. All they needed was their other half, their soulmate.

Most of them were similar or shared the same interests, but of course some couples fed off each other's differences and expanded on what they both had, which I couldn't help but to admire.

"I wonder how long it took them to figure it out," Thea bit into a carrot and stared at the couple who were currently making out across the room.

"They can't go even one second without each other," Kacen faked a gag and scribbled down my answers from last night's homework onto his page.

"Stereotypical though, isn't it?" I asked, looking over at the couple myself.

"What? That they are so similar? They won't go that far, I mean look at them," Thea laughed and looked over at my homework as well to copy making me smirk.

"Says the one literally copying my homework."

Thea glared over at me. "Why are we friends again?" She playfully shoved me over and grabbed the page from Kacen's desk to get a better look at my answers. "It is nice to have you back though, I didn't even know we had homework last night," Thea shrugged.

Kacen chuckled out a "same," and looked over Thea's shoulder.

Not paying much attention at that point, I let my eyes roam around the room, spotting a few marks as I did so. "Who's to say they won't be successful?" My random question made Kacen jump back and Thea slapped him because he scared her at the suddenness.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"They look like they are enchanted with a love spell, I don't know if they would be able to test waters without each other, to be honest." Thea looked over at the couple again and then back at her paper.

"But, they are great at what they love to do. She's an amazing cheerleader, and he's the best player on his team. Why has society said that they aren't likely to be successful just because they need each other?"

"They have identical marks, they need each other the most, it's all they want in life is to have someone, that's their success. If they truly wanted what they do, they would go for it, but he's skipping practice to make out with her on the flimsy desk over there so that to me means he won't be in the NBA anytime soon. So what? They most likely won't be famous. But I'm sure, those two are going to have many kids," Thea smirked as she spoke her last sentence and Kacen coughed on his water he was drinking and laughed into his elbow, coughing some more.

"She's got a point. Success is different for everyone," Kacen wiped his nose on his sleeve and blinked a few times.

"Of course it is, but why do the people you see on magazine covers rarely have identical marks? It's almost always a connecting mark," My question got an eye roll by Thea and a look of confusion from Kacen.

"Why does this suddenly matter so much again?" Thea turned to look at me, "Seriously, you know this stuff, why are so curious?" Before I could answer, Mr.Brollen walked into the classroom.

"Good morning class! Hope you had a great day yesterday. Please pass your homework to the front and find your own desk please," He put the homework bin on a front desk and stood next to Lilah and Copper until they split up from each other's faces.

"We had homework?" Someone asked. Thea snickered and passed all three of our sheets ahead.


Emersyn was stuck doing her homework at the dining table. She could barely talk and on and off she would look away from the tv and beg me with her eyes to save her from Dad's baking shows when I went into the kitchen for water. But mom insisted that we stay a part until I was caught up once again and she was for sure we would sneak into the rooms to talk to each other.

Which, I honestly found strange. She has done it to me before, but it had never been to that extent and it was causing worry to pile in my stomach.

Mom kept telling me it was just so neither of us would get distracted, but I could see how off she was. She was unusually pale and her light freckles looked almost none existent. Her hands had been shaking every time I caught a glance at her.

I had only seen Mom like this a few times and it never ended well.

I didn't get a long take on her before she shoved me down the hall and to my room.

As much as my parents tried to hide how different I was, they couldn't hide how disappointed they were to have me.   They felt like I had nothing to give, so they created this perfect child in their heads and when I fell from that path I was denied any sign of freedom. It was easy to tell how distant we were for a supposed perfect family, but my parents never fell from the picture they were trying to paint, no matter how many people couldn't figure out what it was.

After me, it seemed they didn't know how to raise a kid and, unfortunately, Emersyn was sewn into a tapestry in my place. She was treated like she was, me...a mistake, but she was never allowed to explore who she was, she wasn't even given the chance to say a word before her bright soul was compared to my dull one and she was shoved into the world of books and math problems so I didn't stick out like a lavender sprig in a field of baby's breathe.

She was also different, as told by my parents, but they would never elaborate. We didn't understand, and as much as we would try to piece it together, it was the only thing my parents could truly hide.

Because of our parents, Emersyn and I had grown really close over the year's. She was the absolute light of my life.

Grabbing a piece of paper from my backpack, I grabbed a pen and scribbled down a note.

our spot after mom and dad fall asleep

Slipping it into my pocket, I walked down the hall and into the bathroom. Me and Emersyn had been through this series of events before, and our parents were still clueless that we did it.

Slipping the note into the toilet paper roll, I left the bathroom and sent my sister a wink. She had been waiting for it, I could tell. Nodding her head slightly, she waited until I was back in my room before she slipped into the bathroom.

Mom walked into my room and smiled at me, she didn't have to speak for me to know what she wanted.

"I thought you wanted me to study?" My question made her angry.

"The party is next Friday, you will have plenty of time to do that," She left for a second and returned with a dark blue dress with silver accents. "Carol's son will be there, and I expect you to be his date. This is important for my career." She smiled again, proud of her plan.

Mom's was often invited - or rather, she often had her ways of inviting herself - to work parties and it was pretty normal to be forced to go. Taking me to use as her thick brush so her canvas can be coated ever so perfectly. Kacen was usually forced to go as well, it was how we became so close. On occasion, he would be able to take Thea, but his mom had a strong dislike for her as she believed Thea was going to be a handful of drama and crime, due to the loudness of her mark.

Mom left me to study and as soon as she left, I pulled my book from my backpack and opened up to the place I was left on.

There was no way I would be able to focus on my school work knowing that was right under my nose.


The moon was hidden behind thick clouds so the only light we had was the stars, and even though they didn't offer much light, it was something for our eyes to catch.

"Emy?" My whisper was directed to my sister who kept tripping over weeds.

"Blake!" She reached out to me and I grabbed her so she knew where I was.

The fence separating our yard from the neighbors was built with space behind it. We had found it one day when I tripped and broke through the fence, the hole was hidden behind a soft bush so it was easy to get through.

"Tell me everything," My words made my sister break into an excited laugh, her bouncing hands clutching onto the fabric of my shirt.

"My teacher said she was so happy for me! She saw me and smiled so big! I can't believe I passed my math test for the first time! And then Katie asked if I could go to her birthday party on Saturday, and I said probably!"

"Did you tell Mom?" My question made her quiet.

"She was there with us. She said she would have to think about it." I could hear the hope in her words. "Are you almost done catching up? I miss you."

"I'm almost there, don't worry I'll be out and bouncing with you in no time."


Thank you for reading! How is this story so far? I know it's not that all exciting yet, but we are getting there and I am very excited for those chapters.

If you liked this chapter, give it a vote if you would like, and I hope you all have a fantastic day!

Next chapter up on Monday!

~ skelocookie

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