The adventures of Bruce and Emotionless D

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So a very fun reader by the name of @awesomedurra  gave a prompt for:

"We really need more of Bruce Trying with his kiddo? 🥺 ( if you want?)💕"

This is actually a 2 for 1, since this was actually written awhile ago, I'm not sure if I'll post the full version this is from since some parts of it are a bit to close to the current rewrite but this scene I'm ok sharing.

I do plan to write some more Bruce and Emotionless Dick oneshot content, because I like to write them and practice is key but I will post this for now!

"Good job with the team today, Dick." Bruce said when Dick walked into the library quietly.

The boy muttered a polite, "Thank you." Before grabbing a book off the shelf and sitting on a couch near the older.

Bruce set the papers he'd been looking over down and checked his ward over. "Did you do a check yet?"

Dick nodded in response continuing to flip through the pages.

"What book is that? I don't recognize the cover?"

"It is called 'The Fae Fall' I have not gotten far in it but the main character, a fae by the name of Virgil, is tasked with stopping the humans overrun and extinction of the fae." Bruce nodded in response, smiling as Dick went back to the book.

"Are you enjoying this book?"

"It is well written, and its plot is well thought out so far, so, objectively, it is a good book." Dick answered monotone-ly in his way of saying, 'yes, I do like this book'.

Bruce hummed, "And what did you think of the team?"

"They did not mind my monotone speech or my lack of conversation like I believed they would. They also made it clear that they would not disapprove of me joining their team."

Bruce smiled, "And who else told you that?"

"Both you and Wally informed me of that, how could you have forgotten?"

The chuckled that forced its way out of the billionaire wasn't an odd occurrence. Dick had always been able to make him laugh, before and after his emotions were gone.

"Yes, I remember, chum, it was just a joke."

"Ah." Dick said, turning back to his book. Bruce watched him for a minute more before sighing and turning away. Dick wasn't expressive, it was – as far as they knew – impossible for him to be so, but there were still certain things Bruce could understand from him.

"So," Bruce said, making Dick set down his book. "Do you think you'll join the team?"

"I am still unsure. They may have said those things to avoid 'hurting my feelings'" He said, adding quotation marks as he had seen Wally do multiple times when he wanted to add emphasis to words that had no real meaning. "But there is nothing for them to 'protect'. So, to avoid them getting annoyed or insulted in some way by my own means, I shall continue to consider their offer further."

Bruce nodded once more to the onslaught of words (a normal occurrence as Dick always spoke his full thoughts to avoid any confusion). To put it simply Dick had answered with 'I'm not sure yet, I'll think about it', which was expected.

Maybe Dick would say yes though, and maybe the team would do him some good.

My quick thoughts:

So a HC that quickly became Blank Canon was that emotionless Dick "liked" to read and does it often, mainly because it's just something else in his head.

There are parts about this interaction that I really like and parts I don't care for, but this is borderline the basis for Bruce and Dick's relation in the current rewrite.


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