Chapter |11|

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"So, what do you think?" As the fitter. Naruto turned his body back and forth in the mirror looking at himself.

"Hmm, well It is different." He said, as he then fiddle with the zipper. Kakashi had assigned that all members got new mission gear uniforms, and Naruto was up. His jacket was now fully black and his pants almost remained the same. Naruto look at his sleeves on his old jackets and noticed the slight tear near the ends. He then rolled the sides up in his left sleeve.

The man patted his shoulders. "I think it looks great on you." He simply said smiling. Naruto gave him a nervous smile. The man simply needed his money. Naruto shifted over to his old clothing before holding it with one arm. Before lifting his thumb up.

"Alright, I'll take it." Naruto simply said. Then out the door he was. When he stepped outside he instantly felt the heat from the sun hit the black jacket, and get consumed onto him. He rubbed at his hair.

"My hair sure is getting long." He thought to himself.  Feeling the heat. When he finally arrived home he looked over at his old jacket. Memories ran through his mind, especially the first one with that jacket. He had picked it out with Jiraya all those years before. Naruto squeezed the jacket in his hands. Before smiling sadly. Those days of having Jiraya taking him out were gone.

"Are you watching, Pervy Sage. I went clothes shopping without you this time." He let out a chuckle. He removed his new jacket before tossing his raggidy one on. He the plopped down in his bed.

"It does feel slightly tighter." Naruto said before yawning. He laid himself down before taking a nap. He woke up hours later from his stomach waking him up.

"Mmm, I'm craving some instant ramen right now." He said before lifting himself up to go to the kitchen. Once there he open his drawers to nothing. "Huh?"

He looked at everywhere and all of his ramen was gone. "N-No way!" He let out a sigh before finally deciding on going shopping for more. after some time, he was finally out of the grocery store with his instant ramen packs.

He suddenly stopped in his tracks when he saw two familiar figures.

"Sakura-chan!" he yelled out, he could tell it was her by her hair. She wore her new uniform, yet her hair looked the same, as it was also slightly grown out. The other person was no other then Hinata. Yet Naruto hadn't realized the extent to her new uniform, due to her wearing her older jacket over it.

"Hey it's Hinata too." He smiled as he jogged over to them.

"Yo! you two!" Naruto said, as he put himself between them.

"Oh if it isn't Naruto," Sakura teased as she gave Hinata a look. Not too long the two were talking about the whiskered blonde.

"G-Good evening, Naruto-kun." Hinata simply said, looking down. She held tightly to her zipper. Her Jacket was to her shorts. Under was the purple blouse. black shorts. She now wore tights and tall boots.

"what are you guys doing at this time?" Naruto asked.

""we've just finished getting our new mission gear. Doesn't Hinata look nice??" Sakura answered. Naruto tuned over to the now slighty flushed  Hyuga. He furrowed a brow as he observed her. Her jacket was still the same, yet something was different.

"Hmmm. Are you growing out your hair?" Naruto noticed the length of her strands had grown. But even if that was a difference, that wasn't the right answer.

"Not that, you idiot. Show him Hinata." Sakura said pulling her arm behind Naruto.

""" Naruto now stared at her curiously. She was awfully more nervous than usual. He wondered why.

His eyes grew wide suddenly, as she unzipped her jacket revealing her figure. He could now see the difference. Hinata had always hid her body. But now she wore slightly tighter close.

Still slightly wide eyed, he smiled.

"Oh, yeah now I see the difference." He said awkwardly. His eyes then met with Hinata's. Her face grew hot.

"You're not cold in that?" He densely asked. Hinata quickly zipped her jacket up.

"I-I.." She then suddenly ran off. Naruto received a smack to the shoulder.

"What kind of answer is that?" She said before running after her.

"Huh?? What did I say wrong?" Naruto said confusedly as he crossed his arms.

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