Chapter |4|

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Naruto's body laid there leaned against a tree, he must've moved a little. He had his mouth open while drool leaked and a bubble was being blown in his nose.

Suddenly a shadow came over him before it began tapping him with his foot.

"Hey Idiot, wake up." The dog boy said. He waited to see blue eyes but nothing.

"Hey idiot! Wake up." Kiba tried again. Nothing. Kiba suddenly pulled his right foot back before kicking Naruto in the ribs.

Naruto shot up.

"Ouch! What the-" Naruto turned to look at Kiba.

"K-Kiba, what are you doing here?" Naruto asked. Kiba sighed.

"I come here every time a missions over, usually with the rest of team 8 but their busy right now." Kiba said. Naruto's eyebrows lifted.

"I thought you guys were coming back two days from now." Naruto asked.

Kiba smirked before digging his thumb to his chest.

"Well that's team 8 for you, we never lose," Kiba said, but he then stopped smiling before pointing at Naruto.

"Only time we ever lose is because the mission involves you." Kiba said, Naruto's left eyebrow furrowed.

"Hah? What'cha say?" Naruto asked.

"You heard me, every mission team 8 has with you we somehow end up failing it."

Naruto looked up remember the missions and they always did end up failing.

"Mah! Forget that! What's the rest of team 8 doing?" Naruto said stretching his arms before standing up.

"Well Shino's with his student that he helps, while Hinata's in the hospital." Kiba said. Naruto's eyes widened.

"Hinata's in the hospital?" Naruto asked shocked.

"Ah! Right you get worried about these things involving her, heh." Kiba smirked elbowing Naruto. Naruto didn't seem amused.

"Kiba stop joking around, what's Hinata doing at the hospital?"

Kiba frowned before he got on Akamaru he then closed his eyes.

"Well Hinata over used her byakugan again, she really wanted to get to the leaf early so she wouldn't rest, but it seems her byakugan still has feedback from the war." Kiba said.

Naruto looked down as he curled his fist. Was she wanting to come to leaf to help him? Did she feel that bad for him?

"I really am a burden." Naruto said out loud.

"Huh?" Kiba asked. Naruto looked up at him.

"Uh nothing, that sucks." Naruto said.

Kiba nodded.

"Well you should probably stop by her hospital room, Sakura knows it. She'll be happy to see you." Kiba said smiling before he soon left. Naruto walked back to leaf feeling like shit.

As he walked the village he was once again being greeted by villagers. When Naruto finally made it to the hospital he got to the front office but suddenly  a clipboard met his head.

Naruto grabbed his head, to then see a smiling Sakura, her eyebrows were furrowed teasingly.

"Ah! Sakura-chan, you owe me money." Sakura crossed her arms.

"You were suppose to make it back here yesterday, where were you?" Sakura asked trying to avoid the question. Naruto scratched the back of his head.

"I was training and trying to do the rasengan again." Naruto said. He knew what was coming.

"Come on Naruto! You know you shouldn't try something like that in your condition." Sakura said anger in her voice.

"But hey I did it."

Sakura tried her best not to hit him.

"So have you heard about team 8 being back?" she smirked. Naruto nodded then Hinata came to mind.

"Hey! You know Hinata's here don't you!"

"Heh? Who told you?" Sakura asked.

"Kiba saw me at the training grounds." Naruto said. They began walking down the hall of the hospital.

"So you wanna go see her? She'll probably be glad to see yo-" Sakura suddenly remembered Hinata couldn't exactly see right now.

"What is it?" Naruto asked. Sakura shook her head.

"It's nothing, let me examine your arm first." Sakura said.

"No! I mean Hinata can do that right?" Naruto said. Sakura felt sweat drop.

"She can't see, remember?"

"Oh! Right, well I'm fine. Let's go see Hinata." Naruto said. Sakura sighed before they made it to the room on the right hall. Sakura smiled.

"Try not scaring her," Sakura said putting her hand on his shoulder before she left. Naruto let out a breath before he grasped the hospital door.

He bit his lip as he slide the door slowly. Not making a single noise. Hinata who sat on a chair which was faced outside to a window suddenly shifted slightly feeling someone's presence.

It seemed sketchy to her so once it got close enough she'd strike.

Naruto started walking to Hinata and ended up behind the chair about to touch her shoulder but Hinata suddenly shot up before gripping Naruto's hand holding it up.

"Who are you?"

Naruto felt completely confused.

"Ah! I-It's me Hinata, It's me Naruto!" Naruto yelled as he felt her grip start to hurt. She must have still been a little paranoid by the war and that mission. Through the bandages covering her eyes her eyebrows lifted before her cheeks flushed in embarrassment before letting go.

Naruto scratched the back of his head.

"I-I'm so sorry Naruto-kun! I didn't know what came over me, y-you! Um you didn't say anything so I just-" she bowed her head.

"It's fine Hinata," Naruto put his hand on her shoulder before helping her sit down. He then kneed down standing on his toes where he soon gripped her right hand showing her where he was.

"I should apologize for scaring you." Naruto said grinning. Naruto didn't notice the gesture but to Hinata she felt flustered, why was he still holding her hand? She thought.

The more she thought of it the more she feared the thought of sweating.

Naruto looked up to her. For some reason it was so weird not seeing her eyes. He simply looked at the bandages. His eyes suddenly lowered.

"U-Um-" Hinata began trying to start conversation.

"Hinata do your..eyes hurt?" Naruto asked. Hinata heard the tone of his voice.

"Uh no, not really just a little of a sting when I open my eyes." Hinata said. Slightly telling the truth It stung a lot when she opened her eyes..

Naruto was silent.

"You..didn't uh." Naruto looked at her before rubbing his thumb slightly.

"You didn't over use your byakugan just to get back to me did you?" Naruto asked, Hinata flushed embarrassed. But Naruto wasn't thinking the same as she did.

"Well yes kind of." Hinata admitted as she moved her head to look to the side. Naruto felt like a bunch of blocks fell on him.

His face looked at the ground. He felt guilty.

"I'm sorry." Naruto said, Hinata turned her head back confused.


"I've been a burden to you, huh?" Naruto said. Hinata wasn't sure what was happening this was different, Naruto was acting different. Her eyebrows furrowed.

"You've been coming to see me and helping me so much that you got worried about me, You don't have to do that for my sake." Naruto felt selfish.

"I'm just being selfish I guess." Naruto finished.

Hinata suddenly stood up making Naruto fall on his butt, their hands disconnected.

"You haven't been a burden at all! And I don't have to come I want to come. I don't know what you're talking about, I just wanted to get back to the village so I could be with you!" Hinata yelled, but realization soon kicked in and her eyes shot open and her whole face turned red.

Naruto's eyes widened.

"You want to-?"

"Ah!" Hinata suddenly gripped her eyes. Naruto stood up quickly before gripping her shoulder again.

"Hinata! Are you okay!?" Naruto asked, Hinata nodded but her eyes stung once again where she then let out another cry. Naruto quickly helped her sit. Worried all over his face.

"I'll be right back I'll go get Sakura-chan!" He yelled before running out of the room.

Hinata sighed deeply.

"I'm such an idiot, I shouldn't have opened my eye." Hinata moaned as she cover her eyes with her hands. Pink still on cheeks.

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