Chapter |6|

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Naruto and Hinata sat there, as all you could hear was the boiling of the ramen. Naruto had a grin on his face as he just sat there looking at Hinata.

Hinata feeling awkward because they weren't talking, but Naruto didn't mind at all. He had a lot of energy and was jumpy. Hinata slowly turned to him.

Lifting her eyebrows slightly. Naruto simply smiled with his eyes closed, causing Hinata to blush from thinking how cute he was.

"So..Naruto-kun.." She said softly. Naruto's eyes opened.

"Yes?" He said, he voice even had energy.

She smiled slightly as she looked at him. She really like the fact he could be so happy that he even shined in her eyes.

"Your arm?" She said. Naruto suddenly slammed his arm, causing Hinata's eyes to widened for a second. But Naruto simply laughed before jumping off his chair and punched the air a few times.

"My arm is almost as good as it use to!" He said before smiling more. Hinata soon giggled.

"You seem very happy." She said. He couldn't agree more.

"I mean yeah! I've been waiting so long! And now.." he punched his left palm with his right fist , before holding it in front of him.

"The training is going to be amazing!" He said frowning with a smile.

Hinata laughed again.

"What's even better is that I no longer need to stay locked up in that hospital room!"

Suddenly Hinata looked down sadly as she realized, Naruto no longer needed her. He had his arm back, the only reason why she got closer to him in the first place was because he didn't have it back. It felt as if she had gone on a mission with Naruto, but when it ended there wasn't really a reason for them to be together.

She felt sad now, knowing she put bad thoughts in her head. Knowing she should be happy that he is happy. But snapping out of her thoughts was Naruto, who put his hand on her forehead.

Hinata blushed after realizing how close they were, if she was like before, she would have passed out by now.

"N-Naruto-kun? W-What are you doing?" She asked as he was bent over facing her.

"You suddenly zoned out and suddenly had gloomy thoughts in your chakra." He said. Hinata's eyes widened, she forgot that now that he had the Kyuubi unlocked he had more abilities.

"Are you sick?" He asked. She took a deep breath out before reaching for his hand. His right hand. She then pulled it down to simply then hold it in her hands.

Naruto suddenly blushed, feeling strange from her contact back.

"H-Hinata?" He asked, his voice cracking. Hinata simply observed his hand in hers.

"You're hand almost feels like it did before," she said, pausing. Naruto suddenly felt his eyes widened, realizing she meant the time they held hands after Neji died.

"It was big and comforting, almost like this one." Naruto suddenly furrowed a eyebrow, slightly feeling jealous of his old hand.

But snapping him out of thought was when Hinata's pearl eyes soon looked up to him and he felt his face burn up completely. He pulled his hand out of her grasped before scratching the back of his head.

"I-I mean of course it won't be completely the same, I-I mean it's not my real hand." He said. Looking to the side. Hinata simply looked to the ground.


Soon the food came out and they ate in silence for a time. Naruto didn't understand how comfortable silence turned into awkward.

"You've really changed Hinata," he said with a put on smile, trying to start conversation. She turned to him curiously.

"I mean, back then if you simply just saw me you'd pass out, even worse if you touched me, but now you suddenly touch me and I'm the one almost passing out." He said with a laugh. Hinata looked at him shocked as she blushed embarrassed.

Before she smiled. Naruto began eating again. Enjoying the fact he could finally eat normally.

"Man this is great old man!" He yelled. The old ramen man groaned in thankfulness.

Hinata smiled. Thinking it was fine as long as he was happy she would too, something she always told herself.

When they finished Hinata was really ready to pay but was stopped by Naruto.

"Don't worry about it, it's on me." Naruto said pulling out his wallet, he didn't let her disagree as he already had payed. Hinata has thanked him. The two then walked out to suddenly be stopped by Kiba and Shino.

"Ah! So this is where you were Hinata, you suddenly disappeared on us." Kiba said grinning.

"Hey Kiba, Shino." Naruto said lifting his arm. Kiba's eyes widened.

"W-Wow! Your arm looks awesome!" Kiba Yelled, Naruto closed his eyes cockly.

"I know right!" He said.

"So what were you two doing here?" Kiba asked smirking at Hinata.

"Are you guys on a date?" He asked, Hinata instantly turned red. Before stepping away from Naruto, waving her hands.

"N-No! We aren't on a d-d, Kiba-kuunn!" She cries as he simply laughed at her. Naruto didn't know why he thought Kiba thought they were on a date but he felt slightly offended that Hinata reacted like that.

Him thinking she was slightly disgusted by that thought. He pout. Before letting himself talk without thought.

"Yeah, it was a date." He said. Both Hinata and Kiba paused and looked at him shocked.

"E-Ehhh???" The two asked. Naruto soon realized what he said before scratching the back of his head.

"I mean a friend date, because Hinata and I are friends." Naruto said. Embarrassed. Kiba soon quickly changed the subject taking everyone on a walk around the village. Kiba and Naruto mostly talked, while Hinata simply giggled at times, while Shino was silent.

Hinata ignoring the fact she felt slightly hurt from thinking she'd always be friends with Naruto, but she was happy she was at least that close to him.

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