Chapter |9|

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Naruto and Shikamaru made their way to the village. After spending the night at the Hot Springs Inn, the two were able to get a nice night sleep. Soon the two arrived. Both slightly tired now. They reported back to Kakashi. Kakashi complimented them, but suddenly he put his book on his desk.

"You know, One day you two will find love. This book will carry all the answers." Kakashi said. Shikamaru and Naruto just rolled their eyes. Naruto and Shikamaru excused themselves before splitting ways. Shikamaru had some business to take care of with studying in the interrogation building.

Naruto walked out before lifting his hand to cover the sun from his eyes. He wondered what he'd do now. An obvious idea popped up in his head. Training. He made his way to the normal training ground. As he arrived he was surprised to see a younger girl there. Her eyes were ones he recognized.

"Oi!" He yelled out. Suddenly the younger girl looked in his direction.

"You are.. Uzumaki Naruto?" Hanabi said. Naruto nodded. He got closer. He for some reason found her feature similar to someone, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"Hmmm you look awfully familar." He said as he rubbed his chin with fingers. Hanabi smiled.

"Hm Hm! He recognizes me off Onee-san." She thought to herself. Naruto suddenly was struck with an idea.

"You're a Hyuga! That's where I've seen you." Naruto said dense. Hanabi rolled her eyes. Wondering what her sister saw in her.

"I'm not just any Hyuga! I'm the next Heir!" She said proudly. Naruto simply watched her. Hinata soon came to his mind.

"Hey, Do you know Hinata?" He asked with a smile. Hanabi again sweat dropped. But she didn't want to give up yet, and tell him that she was related to Hinata.

"Of course I know her! I beat her for the Heir title." She said crossing her arms cockily. Hanabi always liked to bring it up, not because she thought she was much stronger than Hinata. More that she was proud that she could have beaten the strong and beautiful Hyuga Hinata, that was her sister, at least once.

Naruto suddenly burst out laughing.

"You..Beat Hinata? What kinda joke is that!?" Naruto continued obliviously. Hanabi frowned.

"What makes you think it's a joke?" Hanabi asked angrily.   Naruto stopped laughing. He looked up remembering Hinata from fighting pain and her actions in the war. He looked back at Hanabi.

"Because Hinata is strong. Hinata is really strong." He said with a soft smile. Hanabi widened her eyes as she watched him. The warmth in his tone, and eyes were something obvious. Naruto suddenly gripped his sweater with his right hand. Tightly.He looked down in thought.

"Hinata saved me many times. So.." Naruto suddenly snapped himself out of his thoughts. He chuckled.

"Just what am I saying haha you probably think I'm weird for speaking like this." He said. Hanabi quickly shook her head.

"I like the way you speak of my onee-chan." Hanabi said nonchalantly. Naruto smiled but he suddenly took in her words.

"Onee-chan?" Naruto repeated. Suddenly a branch Hyuga member called for Hanabi.Hanabi reached for her training stuff.

"The next time we meet, I'll show you just how strong I am. My Onee-chan has surpassed me easily now, but I'll get even stronger!" Hanabi said. She ran to her instructor.

"Until then, continue watching over her!Ok?" She lifted her hand, as a goodbye. Naruto lifted it back. He was confused now. That was Hinata's sister Naruto thought to himself.

Soon Hanabi arrived home. She found Hinata shuffling with knitting supplies. Hanabi suddenly creeped up behind her.

"I'm home!" Hinata jumped. Turning around quickly.

"Hanabi, you scared me!" Hinata said, gripping the big ball of yarn.

"I'm home. " Hanabi repeated smiling. Hinata simply giggled.

"Welcome home." Hinata said. "How was training?" She asked.

Hanabi walked around Hinata.

"It was fine. I even encountered someone!" She said smirking. Hinata smiled with eyebrows quirked. She felt nervous by what Hanabi was scheming.

"Oh really? Who was it?" Hinata asked. Hanabi laughed out.

"The one and only Uzumaki Naruto!" Hanabi said smiling from ear to ear. Hinata suddenly blushed slightly. She quickly looked away.

"O-Oh really?" Hinata said. "What did you two speak about?"

Hanabi put her finger to her lips.

"It's a secret!" Hanabi teased. Hinata frowned, still blushing.

"Hanabi." Hinata said pouting. Hanabi laughed again. She began walking away from her. Hinata simply watched her.

Hanabi suddenly turned to her.

"He said..that you were really strong."Hanabi said with a soft smile. Hinata's eyes widened, before her face flushed brightly. She suddenly put her ball of yarn down. Hanabi soon ran out.

"Waiiit! Hanabi!!" Hinata yelled after her. She soon followed Hanabi, eager to find out more. The last thing you could hear was the two of them laughing.

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