12 Grimmauld Place

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Luckily, McGonagall came back soon, though, on second thought, Medea wasn't sure if she wanted to hear about Ron's dad's state since he could also be in a dying condition. It was quiet when the Professor entered again, her hair messy and all over the place and by her eyes you could tell she was as well churned as pitying the Weasleys. She intended to just get the red-headed kids but when she saw the three of them sit there she sighed.

"Mr Weasley's condition is still unclear, we cannot tell if he's going to make it," she said and she sounded like she had seen too many deaths to witness yet another.

Medea felt horrible, especially when Professor McGonagall came downstairs with all the Weasleys again. None of them seemed to understand what was going on, they couldn't believe it. She had never had any serious contact to the Weasleys except for Ron, and the twins weren't exactly a role model of kindness with her, but she still couldn't stand to see them all so confused and worried. Ginny grabbed George's hand when she heard about it. He hugged her tightly.

The following day was the most exhausting trial of her patience she had ever been through. Along with Hermione, she feared for McGonagall to come and tell them that Mr Weasley had died. Her heart weighed heavy in her chest and she couldn't concentrate on anything.

Every time the Professor approached, she held her breath unintentionally. Hermione's reactions were comparable to hers, while Dean and Seamus, even though being good friends with Ron, had not that much of a problem.

At the afternoon, they still hadn't heard a thing about his condition and Medea couldn't stand the tension anymore.

"Professor," she said after the bell rang their class to an end, "I don't mean to be intrusive, but Hermione and I wonder how Mr Weasley is doing?"

Hermione had stayed behind, pretending to pack her things. Medea could feel her convulse.

"I am deeply sorry, Ms Lane, Ms Granger, but due to privacy issues I cannot tell you anything concerning this matter."

Medea hung her head, "I understand. - But couldn't you at least tell us if he's still in mortal danger?" Speaking the words made her even more afraid.

"I am not allowed to tell you. - But he's not. - Now shush, break's begun, leave the classroom."

Even though she refused to tell the girls anything else, they knew he was not going to die. Both of them knew that the Professor had broken important privacy rules and they were grateful for it. Medea later wondered what she would have done if McGonagall didn't tell them. She figured she'd probably have flown to St. Mungo with a broom.

The following few days were still hard, not hearing from Ron or Harry. Hermione got in contact with Sirius though and arranged their stay at 'Headquarters' over the holidays. Medea had been told about Sirius one evening when they all got very excited over a letter by some 'Snuffles'.

At the last evening in Hogwarts, a man picked them up from the Great Hall. He was scarred over and had a magical eye, as blue as a summer sky.

When the girls followed him outside, Hermione whispered to her that this was Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody. Medea had already heard of him. He was one of the most famous Aurors Great Britain had ever had. Even though he had a metal leg, he was moving fast and Medea had to fall into a kind-of-run to keep pace with him.

After they had left Hogwarts' grounds, the Auror offered them his hand and apparated with them as soon as their skin touched his. It was a nasty feeling, apparating. There was not enough space and not enough air.

The next second, they stood in front of a battled door with a twisted serpent as the knocker. There were no keyholes or handles or anything else indicating this as a door. Moody whipped out his wand and murmured something, causing the heavy door to creak open.

It revealed a dark floor, it was dusty and silent. Behind another door, she could hear worried voices, talking across each other. She wanted to enter, but before she could, Moody pushed himself in front of her. He forced her back with his one hand, opening the door with the other, but just so far he could pass.

She caught a glimpse of Mrs Weasley. She had dark shadows under her eyes. She looked worried, her glance couldn't stay at one place for long. Medea hadn't known her before, but she was sure her hair was greyer than her kids'.

"You stay outside," he whispered, both of his eyes staring at her. She gulped and nodded. Then the Auror was gone behind the heavy door.

"Come." Hermione took her sleeve and pulled her away. While walking through the house, Medea noticed several odd things, including an umbrella stand that seemed to be a troll's foot and some elves' heads on salvers. She shivered, the house was intimidating.

Hermione didn't turn for any of those things though, and her quick-paced stride suggested this was not her first time here. 

"Hermione, Medea!" Ron burst out of a room, hugging Hermione tightly, "He's going to make it, he's okay." He looked so happy, though it was clear he couldn't sleep the last few days. He had dark shadows under his eyes and he was pale.

Harry followed him his best friend, as well as George, Fred and Ginny. All of them looked tired and harassed. That's what made Medea suspicious. Why would they all be in one room if they were upset enough to need hours of sleep?

Then she noticed that this room must be right above the one Moody stopped her from entering. She passed Ginny and found herself in a rather dark room, bursting at the seams with objects of dark magic.

She recognized a Hand of Glory, the object's use was thaught to her by her former teacher at Durmstrang. There were also a lot of things stained with blood, as well as many tiny phials, filled with dark liquid. The floor was full of dust and every footstep was clearly visible. She noticed that more than half of the room wasn't stepped in at all.

But she soon saw what she was looking for: one of the twins' Extendable Ears. George had shown her one of them on their train ride to Hogwarts, those things were incredibly useful, Medea was sure. The one end was hanging through the floor, using a tiny hole between the floorboards as passage. Ginny followed her and saw what she was looking at. She smirked.

"The Order is having any super-secret meeting down there and we thought we'd listen to it a bit."

"The Order?"

"The Order of the Pheonix, obviously," she replied, frowning at her.

"The Order of the...what?" Medea replied, confused.

"Um...Hermione!" Ginny left the room, "She doesn't know about the Order?"

Hermione nodded, somehow confirming Medea's idiocy.

"She's not been told about it yet, but Sirius and the others know she's here, I guess they'll tell her today," she said calmly, causing Ginny tense shoulders to calm.

Medea was about to ask, when Harry came and patted her shoulder, whispering, "They'll tell you."


Phew, another difficult chapter is written!

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