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 third person's p.o.v, enjoy my lovelies. 

 — — — 

Everyone thought that they're the perfect couple and they'll last until the end. Everything was perfect despite of all the struggles that they had. Almost everyone adored their love and relationship because of how strong they were.

They tried to make things work out, they really did — but we need to face the truth, there'll always be an end for everything and that is something inevitable.

Five years had already passed. 

Five long years after Taehyung ran away from Jungkook. Five years without any sort of communication. Five years of separate memories and unsettled hearts.

Jungkook waited for messages but the older didn't even send him any birthday or holiday greetings through written letter, e-mail or text in the past five years. Where in fact, Jungkook tried. It ended up that Taehyung changed his number, leaving Jungkook in deep sadness.

Jeon Jungkook became worse

His depression and anxiety came back the night where Taehyung left. He questioned himself of what he lacked in and insecurities took him over. The flaws that he temporarily forgot came back and his past hunted him again.

Self-loathing became one of his routine along with skipping meals and hurting himself. But it's a good thing that it didn't last that long, all thanks to Namjoon and all the other hyungs that he had. 

At first, the hyungs except for Namjoon grew mad because of what Taehyung did —  because of course, who wouldn't get mad of being left without any reasons, right? 

Namjoon explained and they understood even though it's really hard at first because Taehyung became one of their closest friends ever since. They never thought that Taehyung can do that even Namjoon himself. 

Namjoon also told Jungkook the reasons behind but it didn't changed the fact that he's still badly hurt. He accepted it but still wanted Taehyung to explain. He wants to get angry at Taehyung for leaving him like that, but that's something that he cannot do no matter what. 

He loves Taehyung too much to the point he can't hate him even just for a bit. 

There's a lot of happenings in the five years that passed. 

They graduated, got their own jobs, and had their own lives.

Jungkook left the dormitory, leaving Mrs. Kang who became emotional but he promised that he'll pay a visit whenever he's free.

He also separated from his aunt and settled himself in an old yet still comfy house that his aunt lent him as he entered the life of being an adult while working in a craft shop that his aunt's husband gave him. 

He is really grateful that his aunt gave him care and love despite of being abused back then when he was young.

Jimin and Yoongi ended up being together — staying strong at their fourth year of being a happy couple. 

The said couple opened up a music store together and Yoongi already released some of his own music that he kept for years, all thanks to Jimin who insisted him to make it a profitable hobby.

Yoongi is also accepting some gigs and most of the times, he'll bring Jimin with him for them to become a lovely duet and every time they sing together — they just fall in love even deeper. 

On the other hand, Namjoon and Seokjin are getting married.

Namjoon is a part-time music producer while Jin is a chef in a well-known restaurant. Their wedding is still on hold as Jin said that they're still getting ready for that beautiful day. 

While Hoseok is still single... single but really happy and contented. Hoseok told himself that he'll focus to his career first as a dance instructor and sometimes, he'll attend some rap gigs. Since dancing and rapping are basically a part of his life. 

Every other day, all of them will hang-out and eat together. Their friendship grew stronger despite of Taehyung leaving them behind. 

In fact, they became closer and happier. They never thought that they'll end up being like that. 

They thought that Jungkook will hate them for being Taehyung's friends — but to their surprise, he didn't. He is indeed too kind to despise others. 

In the past five years, Jungkook didn't have any lovers after that. 

Still, his hyungs helped him and arranged some blind dates for him but he rejected and dumped those — he told them that he's scared of falling in love again which they eventually understood.

But believe it or not — his heart still belongs to Kim Taehyung. 

He tried to move on, he really did, but he just cannot forget Taehyung no matter what he do. 

Everyday, he'll wake up with Taehyung in his mind. Wondering how he already was, asking in mind if he's eating or if he's still alive. He even tried to visit him at home, hoping that he'll find him their, but it turns out that all of them migrated and left home. 

Jeon Jungkook is still waiting for him to come back. 

He'd be lying if he said he is not. He still got his hopes high until now, even if his hyungs are telling him to stop and give up but he didn't. 

He's still imagining what if Taehyung is with him until now — for sure, he can finally call his house a "home"

Jungkook miss everything about the older. 

He miss the sweet nicknames. 

He miss being treated so special.

He miss the hugs, kisses, laughter, and little sweet moments. 

He miss the way he looks at him with so much love.

Until now, he still got their pictures together inside of a box. He keep it as a secret and sometimes, he'll look at the pictures — resulting for him to miss Taehyung even more.

He just wanted to be Taehyung's again but maybe that'll be too much to ask for that to happen again. 

Jungkook is happy — but not as happy as before. There's something big missing and that is Kim Taehyung. 


"Is this for sale, mister?" Jungkook stopped in re-stacking the poster paints to look at the customer who just spoke.

Jungkook smiled and shook his head a bit, "I'm sorry, that painting is isn't for sale." 

The lady frowned, "Why? This painting is marvelous! I'll buy this no matter how much it is." 

Jungkook walked towards the lady who is currently standing in front of the painting that hanged on the white wall, "No cost can match the value of this painting. If you don't mind, I have other paintings for sale." 

The old lady just smiled and agreed to buy one of the paintings for sale. 

By the time the customer left, Jungkook flipped the open sign to close because he still have a dinner to attend with his hyungs. 

He checked if everything's already in place and fixed. He stopped by again in front of the painting and he found himself holding it. 

It's the painting that he painted back then during their art class. 

The one that explains his love to Taehyung. 

"I miss you so much." He said in a whisper and before he can even cry, he exited his craft shop and left. 

Every time he says the words he wanted to tell Taehyung under his breath, he's secretly wishing that the younger can hear it even though it's impossible to happen. Funny but that's what he wants. 

He brought out his phone from his pocket when he heard it rang, Seokjin is calling him. He answered the call immediately while walking down the streets. 

"Hyung, I'm already walking. Why are you in hurry? Alright, alright. Don't start eating without me!" After that he put the phone back into his pockets and hurried to the restaurant. 

A smile appeared on his face when he saw his hyungs from outside the window. He walked inside while waving to his hyungs. 

"Finally, you're here! I thought you're gonna take forever walking." Hoseok laughed as Jungkook took his seat. 

"I'm sorry, I just finished re-stacking the new orders I bought." 

They started eating as they talked about the latest happenings in their lives, asking about if their businesses are running well or not. Fortunately, all of them are doing fine. Until their talk shifted into the engaged couple's marriage. 

"Anyway, it's already settled that the theme will be Super Mario since it's my wife's favorite- What the heck, Seokjin!" Namjoon got cut in midsentence when Seokjin slapped him in the arm which made the others laugh. 

Seokjin rolled his eyes, "I told you not to call me wife in public!" 

Namjoon chuckled, "Whatever, you're going to be my wife soon so I don't care." 

"Enough cheesiness," Yoongi snorted, "Just make sure that I'm the one who'll play the piano, alright?" 

Seokjin nodded his head, "Of course, Yoongi. Who else will play the piano aside from you? And oh, wait a second." 

Seokjin looked at Namjoon before whispering something to him which made Namjoon remembered something very important. 

"Jungkook," Namjoon cleared his throat which made everyone shut up, "I nearly forgot to give you something." 

The younger raised his brows in curiousness, "What is it?" 

Namjoon brought out an envelope from his pocket before lending it to Jungkook. With so much confusion, Jungkook looked at it and his eyes immediately widen when read the sender's name. 

There he saw a penmanship he memorized ever since he first read it couple of years ago. 

"H... how?" Jungkook said, stuttering because he cannot believe what he's currently holding. 

The others smiled and they immediately knew what is on. 

Jimin faked coughed, "Mind reading it aloud for us to know? Since it's only us who can hear." 

Jungkook looked around and noticed that they practically look like they own the restaurant because there aren't customers aside from them. 

Jungkook looked at them with hesitant eyes but Seokjin mouthed, "You can do it" which made him smile a bit before opening the brown envelope. Jungkook took a deep breath before reading the letter quietly but enough for them to hear.


I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. If only I can write thousand of papers of sorry's, I will. But I don't want to feel bad even more. I know it's been years since the last time I talked to you and I swear, I don't even know what to write. I want to say tons of things to you but god, my hand is trembling. 

I miss you so much... so much, princess. I tried sending you letters, mails, and texts. But you know my situation, right? I cannot. They're controlling me these past few years. Too bad, no matter what they do - you're still inside my mind no matter what.

I know it's impossible for you to forgive me but I just wanted you to know that I never stopped loving you, Jeon Jungkook. 

Five years is enough, I told them I had enough.

That's why I am writing this for you to read and to know that... I'm getting married. 

- Kim Taehyung.

Jungkook didn't know what to feel when he said the last sentence out loud. He froze as he tried to read the last sentence all over again. He thought that it's a letter for reconciling but it's a letter telling him that the one he truly loved is getting married. 

"Jungkook?" Seokjin called him and Jungkook looked at him with so much sadness and hurt in his eyes. 

"H-hyung... Taehyung is getting ma.. married.." Jungkook choked out in between his tears and all he wanted to do is to run away but he can't even stand up from his chair. 

"Jungkook, calm down. Listen." Namjoon said and hold his shoulder. Jungkook did what his hyung said and tried his best not to cry. 

"Why don't you stand up and look at your back?" Namjoon said, a smile playing on his lips. 

Jungkook creased his brows because of so much confusion, he feels like he's being fooled by his hyungs. 

"If this one is a joke, I'm gonna sue all of you and I'm gonna hate each and every-"

"Jeon Jungkook." 

Jungkook literally became glued and stuck at where he's standing after he heard that voice. He's not really sure if he is dreaming or not. It's too good to be true that he's really hearing that voice after five long years. 

"Jeon Jungkook, look at me. Please? My hands are going to break..." 

With all his might, he mentally slapped himself and took a deep breath to turn around. 

In that very moment, he thought he's inside a dream and if it's really a dream — he do not want to wake up anymore and just stay in that very scenario. 

Right in front of him is where Kim Taehyung stands, wearing a suit and looks like a handsome businessman, while holding a banner up in the air that says: "I'm really sorry, Kook." 

"I won't put this down until you speak to me, Jeon Jungkook! I will keep on shouting that I'M SORRY! I'M REALLY REALLY REALLY SORRY! I'M SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY! I'M SO-" 

"Taehyung!" Jungkook scolded him when he composed himself but he cannot keep the smile on his face. 

The older grinned and drop the banner on the floor then he opened his arms to Jungkook, "Come here, love. I miss you... so much.

Jungkook didn't think twice, instead he run towards Taehyung and crashed him into a tight hug — the kind of hug that says how much he missed Taehyung, the kind of hug that he longed for so long. 

He just can't believe that he is once again in the arms of his safe haven. 

Jungkook pulled back when he remembered something and tears dwell into his eyes again, "But you said you're... getting married.. right?" 

Taehyung didn't say anything instead he removed his arms around Jungkook and stepped back, but not too far away from him. 

"I know that I left you and didn't communicate for five fuc- oh wait, I shouldn't cuss," He chuckled, "For five years. Five years became a torture for the both of us. I know that. Again, I'm sorry. I know that Namjoon hyung explained but those explanations aren't enough. Before anything else, I know that I'm getting married but.." 

He paused for awhile, making Jungkook creased his brows again.

Taehyung brought something black with a hint of red and white, all of Jungkook's favorite colors, out of his pocket. He smiled before walking closer to Jungkook and the younger can feel that his own heart is running like a fast horse. 

"I didn't mention any name of whom I am going to marry and it's because the person that I'm going to spend the rest of my life is... standing so beautifully, right in front of my very own eyes. And right now, at this very moment, is I'm going to ask the question that I've kept for five years." Taehyung got down on one knee. 

Jungkook can't help it anymore. The tears are running down on his cheeks, but those tears aren't sad tears anymore. Those are genuinely happy tears. 

Taehyung opened the small box in front of Jungkook and gets the simple silver ring with a little diamond encrusted in the middle before getting Jungkook's hand. 

"Jeon Jungkook... will you marry and live forever with me?" 

Jungkook bit his lip because he's already sobbing. 

He pulled Taehyung up into a tight hug again and he whispers, "Yes, Taehyung. Jeon Jungkook will marry and live forever with you.

Kim Taehyung cannot help himself but to shout a loud 'yes' as he put the ring into Jungkook's delicate finger. 

The hyungs in the back interrupted their moment with a loud cheer and for a short time, the both of them nearly forgot that they had their friends in the back but their eyes are focused to one another and that's what really matters right now. 

After five long years without communication, after years of pain and sadness — it's all worth it. 

"I love you so much, Kim Taehyung."

"And I love you so damn much, Jeon Jungkook." And they shared an ecstatic kiss that bloomed inside of their hearts. 

And finally, the both of them can say that they fulfilled the blank space in their hearts. 

 — — —


this book is one of a heck roller coaster.

thank you for reading, i love you so much my angel.

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