space eleven。

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It's been a day since I confessed my feelings to Jungkook - my weekend went well, I didn't attend my Saturday Classes because of a reason. Remember, Jungkook was sick right? I took care of him until he's okay that night. To sum it up, I spent my whole day there. 

He told me that he had no roommate. So, yeah - he's really living alone. We talked about random stuffs and he became more clingy which I kinda like. I was a bit off at first but liked it, anyway. 

I sighed as I looked outside the window while listening to the teacher. Jungkook is currently at the library, he was excused by one of the superiors here in school. I don't know why. Maybe someone asked for his assistance or so. I took a glance at the wall clock. 

Few more minutes, Taehyung. Few more minutes till this freaking, boring last subject ends.

I shut my notebook and put it in my backpack - then just right after I zipped my backpack closed, the bell ringed which got me excited. Finally, this day ended well and no homeworks! Last subjects can bore me a lot and make me want to jump out of the window then rush to home.  

"Okay, class dismissed." Our teacher said and the class shouted in glee, as expected. That was the most awaited moment everyday at school; it's either dismissal or break time.

I immediately grab my backpack and shot up from my chair. I texted Jungkook that I will be there in a minute. I wonder what this kid is doing? Is he doing fine? Or is there someone who's bullying him at this moment? Or is he still alive? Okay, being exaggerated again. You can't blame me, okay? He's inside my mind all the time!  

He's just too adorable and squishy and... fuck why did I suddenly go obsessed with that kid?! 

I walked down the aisle to the library. I'm surprised that it's kinda full so expect that it is quiet warm which is uncomfortable but anyway - at least, I'm going to see my Jungkook in a bit.  

My phone vibrated in my pocket so I took it out and Jungkook's name appeared in the sender. I smiled immediately after seeing his name. See, just looking at his name can make me smile. I'm really in love with this Jungkook, aye. 

"Tae-Tae! I'm at the fiction section, meet me here. Hurry & i love yooouuu!" 

My smile went wide after reading his text. I tighten my grip to my phone as I walked to the fiction section with a wide grin on my face. Some are giving me looks then they're going to whisper... because I know the reason why. I don't smile like this in public especially when I'm not with my hyungs. This is new to them. 

Speaking of my hyungs, they are still clueless about my confession. I don't know if I should tell them or nah. Because for sure, they will tease me about it every second we are together. For now, I will let them find out by themselves. But hey, don't get me wrong. I will tell them soon. 

I was about to go left to the fiction section when someone called my name out.

"Taehyung-ssi!" I looked at the direction where the voice came and found Eunji noona, waving at me.

"Noona!" I called back as she walks towards with me, carrying books.

She smiled and poke my arm with her free hand, "Hey~"

My brows creased because of that, "Hm? Why, noona?"

"You look so happy," She grinned teasingly, "Hm, is there someone who made my dongsaeng this happy? This is my very first time seeing you smile this wide in public. This is so not you, Taehyung!"

I laugh at her remark, "Well, yeah. There is someone already. So, expect to see me smile more in public."

"Jinjja?!" Her voice raised a bit so she covered her mouth to surpassed her excitement.

I nodded, "Yup and I am about to meet him now but met you halfway."

"Oh! Oh! My bad! You should go see him now. I just called you to catch up for a bit. But looks like you're in a hurry. Glad to see you this happy again, dongsaeng. I gotta go, too. Thesis!" A meaningful smile plastered in her face before she bid her good bye and walk away.

I am glad that I am this happy again, too - thought that I can never bring my happiness back. But guess Jungkook was an angel sent from heaven to make me regain myself back. He's an angel in disguise. 

I proceed to the fiction section and saw him, busy searching book with a list in his hands. His eyes are focused on the books. I crossed my arms and lean at the shelf where he is searching.

"Hey, there." I said and he looked at me then a sweet smile appeared on his face.

"Oh, you're already here." He said and walks closer to me then pecks a kiss on my cheeks which made me blushed a bit.

I look down and rub the back of my neck, "Uhm, seems like you're busy."

I heard him chuckled, so I raised my head to look at him. He put the books at the table near us and motioned me to sit in front of him which I followed, of course.

"You're really cute when I kiss you unexpectedly, Tae." He said which made me more redder. The effect of this kid to me is surreal. 

I just laugh it off, "Well, yeah . . . hehe."

"Tae-tae~ can you help me with these? I really need to finish this off because you know, I wanted to go home as soon as possible. I want to eat, too. Pleaseu?" He pouts and looked at me with those puppy eyes - doing some aegyo in front of me! 


I get one of those books in front of him then flipped it open, "Okay, okay. What are we going to do? Let's do this and finish this shit together."

He glared at me, "Your language, Mr. Kim."

"Oh, yeah," I raised my hand like surrendering, "Sorry, my bad!"

We shared a laugh together. Yes, he doesn't like it when I curse. I remember one time when I said a cuss so loud accidentally - he lectured me like a kid who broke his mom's favorite vase. And yeah... Jungkook is the mom in what I said. 

I listened to his explanation on how are we going to do this. This is a task that Mr. Song asked him to do. He'll write the info that Mr. Song asked on the list. I don't know why the hell he needs Jungkook to do this.

Oh wait, I know! Our literature teacher loves Jungkook a lot. Like literally, he is her favorite. Well, I don't doubt it. This Kookie really puts his attention most and answer attentively during literature subject. Maybe our teacher suggested him to Mr. Song to do this stuff for him. 

While doing this, I cannot restrain myself to steal glances from him. I smiled a bit to see how focused he was. He really wants to finish this so that he can already eat. I can tell that he is hungry by the way he sigh in frustration every time he made a mistake when writing. 

"Staring is rude." His gaze from the books went to meet mine, a mischievous smile plastered in his face.

I faked cough, "O-oh, what. I'm not staring at you."

He just laugh, "Whatever you silly hyung. Let's just get this done, look. 5 more and then it's over."

I just nod and continue the work without stealing glances. That was kinda embarrassing. I don't know if he's joking or really caught me, but how?! He's focused on the freaking book!

Without any further, we finished! Heck yeah! I can feel the hunger, too. He slumped the book closed and stretched.

"I'm just gonna put this back to its shelves and gonna give this notes to Mr. Song then we're off, alright?" He said and carried the books.

I carried some to help him off then nodded. We put those books back to its own home and then left the library.

"Wooh, I nearly fall asleep. The library is so quiet." I said and yawned.

He looked at me with raised brows, "Seriously, Tae? Duh, of course. Library is quiet because it is a library."

Wait, I just realized what I said. Is there a noisy library? Maybe this is hunger. I really, no we really need to stuff foods in our stomach as soon as possible. Or else, my sanity will go away. 

"What do you want to eat later?" I asked him as we entered the office building.

He shrugs, "Anything will do. But I wanted a bimbimbap, kimchi rice... Oh! I wanted to try the newly opened shop five, blocks away from here. They said that they sell really good bulgogi. Hmm~"

"Oh! Yes! That YeonJi Food Shop. Yeah, yeah. Let's try it out." I said while nodding my head at his suggestion. I heard that food shop sells good food which got me thinking when I can try that. Good thing, Jungkook knew it too and we'll try it together!

He knocks at Mr. Song's door three times before opening it. We found Mr. Song, sitting behind his desk with those paperwork and laptop on the top. What a busy man he is. I understand now why he needs Jungkook to do it for him.

"Mr. Song, here are the list and notes you needed." Jungkook said, using a respectful tone.

Mr. Song looks at us and smiled, "Oh, come in."

We obeyed him. Welp, I will just enjoy the comfortable and cold aircon inside his office. The aircon in the library sucks, it is warm. I don't like it. 

Jungkook put the notes and list on his table.

"Thank you, Jungkook," Mr. Song shifted his gaze to me then back to Kook, "Oh, did Mr. Kim helped you?"

Jungkook nodded, "Yes, sir. He helped me finished the work."

Mr. Song smiled, "Ah, it's nice to hear that this rebel helps. You know that Mr. Kim had a lot of records at the detention."

I can't help to crack a laugh but bowed to say thanks, "Yes, Mr. Song. Even though, I am a rebel. I do help, too. Especially if Jungkook needs it."

I looked at Jungkook and saw a crimson blush on his cheeks.

"Hm, looks like there's something going on between the two of you huh?" Mr. Song said, a hint of teasing in his voice.

We both looked at him with wide eyes.

"Sir!" Me and Jungkook said in unison which made Mr. Song laugh.

"Aigoo, these teens really. It's okay, it's okay. Thanks for making me laugh and thanks for doing this. You may go now." He said with a sincere smile.

We bowed and bid our goodbye before leaving the office building and proceeding to the parking lot. I still can't over the fact that Mr. Song just teased the two of us recently - that cheeky smile on his face when he looked at us. 

"Whoa, never thought Mr. Song can be that cheeky." I said and we both laugh again.

He nodded, "Yes. Me too, I thought he is that kind of superior whose scary. But guess we're wrong!"

We just talked about stuffs until we reach the shop that he's talking about. I parked the car and shut the engine off before getting out the car. We entered the shop and craved with the aroma that's inside the shop. It smelled so good and delicious!

"Hm, let's seat there." He pointed out the table for two and I agree with him.

"I want bulgogi and kimchi rice. How about you?" He looked at me after taking a look at the menu.

"Hm, I'll take bimbimbap and dumplings. Oh, wait. Let's just take two orders of bulgogi." He nodded his head in agreement and ordered right away.

As we wait our orders, he talks about what happened to his day. I just listen to him, I don't want to interrupt him - except when he is asking a question. Before, I hate it when someone talks a lot - but this guy is different. I just can't be annoyed at him. Too adorable to be annoyed at, right?

"Oh, wait!" He gets his phone out of his pocket, "Can we take a selca from my phone? Last time, we took it from your phone. And yah! I didn't get the chance to copy it to my phone! Hmp!"

I just laugh at his cute complain as I scoot closer to him.

"Okay, okay." I said and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I saw him widened his eyes a bit because of what I did. So, I chuckled by that. He positioned his phone and took the photo. I removed my hands around his neck and wrapped it now to his waist. He flinched by that and I chuckled at his initial reaction. 

"Yah!" He said, but blushed afterwards. I just grinned at his remark.

"Hmm, there," He show his phone into my face, "I made our selca my phone's wallpaper.

I smiled as I saw our two faces close and being his wallpaper. Oh, wait. I get my phone from my pocket and opened it then go to the gallery.

He looked at my phone, "What are you doing?"

I smiled cheekily and looked at him, "I also did our selca as my wallpaper. Both home screen and lock screen."

He grinned and hugged me tight. I was a bit shocked, but hug him back - not minding those people whose giving us looks. The hell they care, I don't give a damn.

"I really love you." He whispered, those words soothe me out.

"I love you too, Jungkook."

What have I done to deserve a sweet guy like this? Oh, I feel blessed. 


[author's note] vkook selca as jungkook's wallpaper at the multimedia above! 

this chapter is dedicated to kagayla. one of my precious readers, she convinced and restrained myself from deactivating my wattpad account. she made me realize there are still users on this site that support me. and yes, she made me regained myself and realize that i don't want to disappoint you guys. :)x

edited; 052016.  

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