space twenty-one。

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I was still in my deep slumber when I heard my phone rang. Ugh, please not now; I'm so sleepy. Without looking at the caller ID, I declined the call and tucked myself back into the blanket. I just wanted to sleep. 

I was about to go back to my deep slumber when my phone rings again. I think Jungkook is awake but because he's sore, he's not opening his eyes yet.

"Damn it," I groaned and grab my phone from the nightstand beside my bed. My eyes automatically widened when I saw the caller ID on the bright screen of my phone. 


Jungkook shot up from the bed when I made a loud thump on the floor because yes, I fell on the floor. 

"What happened?!" He inquired in a panicked tone.

I just made a 'hush' sign. He looked confused but he followed my instructions and just watched me answer the call. But I think he already had a hint by the way he gripped the blanket with white knuckles. 

"Hey, mom." I coughed, trying to make my voice clearer.

"Oh... what?! Oh nothing, nothing. Oh-kay? Uh, I gotta go mom! Tummy's aching!" I ended the call and quickly stood up, not caring that I was still naked. 


A cuss escaped his lips as a response and he stood up as fast as he could. He's still whining because of the soreness but despite that he still keeps on moving. What an amazing man. 

We both hurriedly pick up our clothes. Not taking a second glance. We're both guys so we definitely had the same style of clothes. Not a big deal. It only took a minute or two for us to finish getting dressed. 

"Aren't you feeling sticky or something?" I asked, looking at him worriedly. 

He rolled his eyes, "Duh. Your mom will be home in a bit and I don't have the time to use your bathroom." 

We rushed downstairs then to the door, still quiet because she might be there. But I hope not, especially that we are in front of the door. 

"Do you think you've forgotten anything?" I asked again, still worried as we were running out of time.

He checked his pocket and found his phone, "Nothing! I definitely gotta go now." 

I pecked his lips before opening the door, "I love you." 

"I love you to-- wait! The groceries and the pizza box!" He reminded me. Oh gosh, yes! I nearly forgot about those. 

"Don't worry, babe. I've got it all under control. Take care on your way home okay? Text me!" I kissed his forehead before closing the door and proceeding to the living room. The pizza box is still there. 

I carried it and bring it to the kitchen counter where I found the grocery items. Oh dear, how will I explain these groceries to my mom? I'm hardly the responsible type. I don't think she would believe me if I said I had bought these of my own free will!

Uh, okay fine! There's no other easy explanation so I guess I'll have to tell her something along those lines. 

I was about to arrange the grocery items into the cupboard and the refrigerator when I heard the door opening.

"Taehyung?" It's definitely my mom. Compose yourself, Kim Taehyung. Compose yourself! 

I ran my hand through my hair before walking towards my mom to greet her. 

"Hey, mom." I greeted with a smile.

"Hello there, son... why are you all dressed up?" She asked, taking a look from my head to toe. 

I glanced at the clothes that I am wearing, too. I just noticed that I am wearing my shirt and Jungkook's pants instead of my khaki ones. Explains the reason why it is too tight for me but I didn't mind, all I need to put in mind is how to deal with my mom.

"Hm?" My mom hummed, waiting for my answer, as she walks to the kitchen. 

"Oh.. and where are these grocery items from?" She added to her question before getting a glass of cold water. 

"Well you see, I had just got back from the supermarket when you called and I had a bit of stomach ache so I got myself home quickly to look after myself a bit." I bluffed with a nervous laugh, hoping she'll believe me. 

She eyed me for a bit which made me more nervous. 

"Hmm... okay then. I didn't think you'd have the money. This is a first!" A wide, happy smile appeared her face. She really believed my reason, oh thank the heavens! 

I chuckled, "Yeah. I thought of buying some groceries because I just noticed... that uh, the cupboards were looking a bit bare."

"Really?" She checked the cupboard then gasps, "Oh, you're right! Good thing, you already brought some. What a sweet kid you are!" 

I just smiled at her. Not until her eyes landed on the box of pizza. 

"What about this box of pizza? You also brought this, too?" 

I raised my brows, "Hm, yep! I ordered it for my breakfast. It was great." 

...what a lame reason, Taehyung. 

She just nodded her head and walked to the stairs, "I'll just fix myself then rest for a bit. Go arrange the grocery items for me, darling. And change your clothes, it's already wrinkled. Okay?" 

I nodded repeatedly and watch her walks upstairs. 

A sigh of relief escaped my lips. 

I glance at the clock hanging up on the wall. It's just 7 in the evening. My mom got home earlier than before, that's why. I started arranging the grocery items into the cupboards and some inside the refrigerator. This is a quiet a lot tho. 

Jungkook bought sorta lot of stuffs. Like ramen noodles, cheese, milk, chips, and other necessary (and random items). I don't know what came in his mind to spend money for me. This is really unusual. 

By the time I finished fixing the stuffs, I went back to my room to fix the bed and all of the mess. 

Oh, damn. The bed is really a mess. I guess that we really had a good time. 

In the middle of fixing the bed, my phone beeped. 

It was a message from Jungkook. He texted me that he's already back at his dorm and he forgot his pants plus he's still really sore. I laughed as I read his text. Silly Jungkook. 

After fixing the bed, I went to the bathroom so that I can bathe myself. The sticky feeling isn't that good to the feeling.  I took a quick, cold shower before settling myself into some comfortable clothes then jumping into my bed. 

Just right in the middle of typing a reply to Jungkook, I heard the voice of my mom downstairs. She's calling me. I groaned and leave my phone at my bed before walking downstairs. I found my mom sitting at the sofa.  

"Yes, mom?" I asked. 

"Can I have a talk with you?" She asked. 

I took a seat at the bean bag, "Uh sure." 

A talk? A sudden talk? With mom? Wait, I don't think that this will be good. The last talk that I had with my mom didn't turn out very well. 

"So...? What it is all about?" I asked. 

She looks away before looking back into my eyes, "Taehyung, please. You lied to me recently right? I know that you don't have enough money to buy those." 

My eyes widened for a bit and I froze. I wanted to defend myself and answer 'no' but I just can't. 

You really can't fool your mother. 

"Uhm..." I trailed off and looks down, "I'm sorry." 

"Who's Jungkook?" 


[author's note] this story is already (and will be) translated into five different languages since five of my international angels asked my permission to translate this. i am so happy and grateful!

 edited; 052016.

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