space twenty-six。

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third person's pov ((yes, finally an update)) 


It's Sunday and it's raining hard. The loud rain outside made Jimin wake up earlier than his usual system during weekends. Even though he doesn't want to get up, he cannot get his sleep anymore which made jolt up from his comfortable sleeping position.

"Geez, the rain is surely annoying this time." He said as he rub his nape in a frustrated way. 

Slipping his feet inside the fluffy slippers that he bought way back Christmas, he stands up from his bed to cook some breakfast for himself. Jimin is currently staying at the small yet convenient condo room that his parents got him before they work overseas. 

If you'll ask him if he liked it, he'll answer no. It is because Park Jimin doesn't fancy being alone. 

As soon as he finished cooking an omelette meal for himself, he took a seat at the couch found in the mini living room and turned on the television before consuming the meal. 

He brought out his phone from the pocket of his sweatpants and immediately tapped the name of the person he's always talking to about almost everything. 

He pressed his phone against his ear and patiently waits for the person to pick up his call. Until finally...

"Hobi hyung!" He exclaimed too loud which responded a hissed from Hoseok. 

"Why are you up so early?" 

Jimin chuckled before shoving a spoonful of omelette, "It's raining so hard, hyung. Hehe, mianhae~ Good morning to you hobi hyung!" 

Their chitchat continues and it's always like this. They always talk on the phone whenever they aren't together with the group or whenever one of them is in the mood to talk. 

Even though Hoseok is getting annoyed by Jimin's childish attitude, he's already used to it. 

They are so close that even their own friends doubt their closeness. They thought they are in a relationship but in reality, they aren't. 

There's a reason for everything, they said. That's why there's a reason why they are so close. 

Hoseok is an underground rapper. He met Yoongi and Namjoon while performing. They've been good friends even before they meet the others. 

Jimin, on the other hard, noticed Yoongi at first. He told himself that there is something about that grumpy guy that he cannot get tired of and that is his whole existence. 

However, Hoseok being the happy pill of the group, Jimin liked his attitude and approached him. Until they became really close and he became Jimin's favorite hyung to annoy. 

At first, Hoseok doesn't know that Jimin grew fond of Yoongi not until he caught him taking pictures of Yoongi secretly while the older one is sleeping on his desk. 

And that explains why Hoseok became the hyung that Jimin talked to when he wants to know something about Yoongi (his ultimate crush) or simply tell his 'feels' about that person. 

Hoseok already pushed him to confess a hundred of times already but Jimin ended up saying none. Of course, Jimin being the careful one cannot risk the friendship. The fact that him and Yoongi isn't that close is too risky. 

He also noticed that there are something going on between Yoongi and Namjoon. That's why he chose to continue on adoring him secretly than confessing. 

"Hyung," Jimin paused and Hoseok responded with a hum, "I need to go to the mart. My fridge is running out of foods." 

"Okay, then. Shop well!" And with that, Jimin ended the almost 2 hours call. 

He shut the television off before standing up from the couch. He washed the dishes first before taking a warm shower since it's raining, but it's calmer now. 

Suiting himself with a black shirt, black jeans, denim jacket, along with a red cap - he makes sure that he had his wallet and phone in his pocket before exiting the condo. 

It's a good thing that he hailed a cab before he gets wet from the rain. He usually walk from his condo to the mart but since it's raining, he had no choice but to take a cab instead. 

Jimin reached the mart within ten minutes. Adjusting his cap, he entered the mart and didn't expect to see more people than the usual. 

"Ah, Sunday." He told to himself as he gets his own cart. 

Shopping list isn't his thing. He already had his own mental list of things he need to put in his own stockpile. Of course, the basics and some junks. 

Buying groceries just took him 30 minutes to get all that he needs for at least a month. Or maybe weeks if he gets extra hungry these coming days, who knows. 

He pushed the cart to one of the free cash counters but stopped when he noticed a familiar figure struggling and the cashier looks impatient by the way she shut her thin, red lips. He turned his cart towards that counter. 

"I'm sorry, here you go miss." He handed some bills to the cashier after he found out who the person is. 

The cashier sighs in relief, "Thank you for saving your friend. Please, remind him to bring enough money when buying groceries. No offense." 

Jimin tapped the person's shoulder when he noticed that he clenched his fist so hard. He carried the bags and handled it to the person. 

"I will." Jimin said politely before looking at the person, "Wait, let's get out of here together. I'll just pay for this." 

Even though that person looked very baffled about what he did, he obeyed and stayed quiet as they patiently wait for the cashier to finish putting those inside the bags. 

Jimin carried the bags and before he turn his back away from the counter - he speaks, "And miss, next time try to be more patient and understanding. Or just quit your job instead if you cannot do that one. I'm nice so I will not tell this one to your supervisor. So rude, tsk."

With that, he practically pulled the person that he helped out of the mart. The rain already stopped so no worries. He released his arm and waited for him to speak. 

"Thank you... Jimin."

Jimin eye smiled, "That's nothing, Yoongi hyung!"

 Yoongi chuckled awkwardly, "Maybe uh... I should go. I'll just pay you tomorrow." 

Before Yoongi disappear from Jimin's sight, Jimin finally gathered all the courage he wanted to have ever since. He wouldn't want to slip this moment away.

"Yah, Yoongi hyung!" He shouted before running towards him. Yoongi just stopped in his tracks and turn around to find Jimin running towards him. 

"What?" Yoongi raised his brows because of confusion at the younger's sudden act. 

Jimin pursed his lips and took a deep breath, "I just wanted to know if you want to uhm you know, grab some coffee and talk." 

Yoongi eyed him for a bit. He is quite unsure whether he'll say yes or not. He's having an inner conflict at it is because of the fact that this one is a first and they aren't that close for the record. 

But he thought that he basically saved his life recently, he should say yes. It would be very rude for him to say no. Addition to that, he doesn't have anything to do at home aside from producing some music that he'll keep. 

"Sure." At that moment, Yoongi didn't notice himself that he's currently smiling. 

If only Jimin can bring out his phone and take a photo of the view in front of him, he'll definitely going to do it. But he was too captivated, he's falling more deeper because of that too beautiful smile and it's because of his little offer. 

"J-jinjja?" Jimin mentally face palmed himself for stuttering, "If that's the case, I don't have a car you know. Let me hail a cab." 

Yoongi just let him hail a cab and was surprised when it didn't took him so long to hail one. 

The ride to the coffee shop is quiet. But surprisingly, the silence isn't that awkward as expected. Jimin didn't bother to be talkative towards him because he knows that Yoongi likes quietness. He thought that if he'll act quiet, there'll be a chance of Yoongi liking him back. 

It didn't take long for them to arrived at Jimin's favorite cafe downtown. Of course, Jimin paid the fair and they both entered the cafe. 

Scent of brewed coffee and sweet pastries welcomed them, luckily there is still an available table for two. 

"Here," Jimin said and put the bags at his chair, "Just wait for me. I'll make an order."

Yoongi just hummed in response but he's confused why he didn't even bother to ask him what he wanted. Too bad, he wanted some croissant along with a Cappuccino since those are his personal favorite. He puts the paper bags under the table and look outside the window. 

"So it's true that Jimin-ssi is really kind," he said in his thoughts. 

Even before he gets impatient, Jimin went back to their table while carrying a tray. 

"Croissant and cappuccino for you. Cinnamon Roll and iced coffee for me." He puts the food at the table before settling the bags beside his chair so that he can take his seat. 

Yoongi eyed the food he got at awe.

"How come he knows what I wanted?" He thought to himself again, "Ah maybe just a random guess." 

"Thank you very much, Jimin-ah! These are my favorite!" Yoongi exclaimed in delight before taking a bite of his croissant. 

Jimin smiled because he got his information right from Hoseok. This is his first time seeing Yoongi, in front of him, being blissful instead of grumpy. He's already used that he's always mad and annoyed. Sometimes, really harsh. 

"Yah, maybe you're already spending too much money on me. You don't have to treat me because-" 

"Nah," Jimin cut him off in midsentence, "It's fine, really." 

Yoongi can't help but to smile back at Jimin. Jimin's smile is too bright and somewhat... charming for Yoongi. 

"You know what? What you said to the cashier recently is really cool! Damn, I want to punch that lady for being so rude. I'll come back there and slap her with my money." Yoongi spilled out before taking a sip at his cappuccino.

Jimin can't help but to laugh at Yoongi's sudden remark. There he goes. He's still the Yoongi that he know. 

"I know, I know. I would love to do that too. Too bad, I'm nice." Jimin said in between his laughter.

Yoongi nods his head, "Yes! You are really nice. How can you do that?"

"Molla?" Jimin stopped laughing because of Yoongi's sudden weird question.

Their conversation went on and they didn't notice that little by little, they are getting comfortable to each other. 

They talk about Yoongi's produced songs, their favorite music, school, friends, own interests, and much more.

They have their own little word at the spot inside Jimin's favorite cafe to the point they forgot about the time. 

"It isn't fair! I'm the only one who's asking questions! Ask me some, ppali!" Yoongi said and chuckled. 

Jimin never thought that he can be this happy. He's too beautiful whenever he laugh or smile. Too much for him to handle but as much as possible, he's trying to stop himself from kissing the older. 

"Hm, me?" Jimin thinks for something to ask until finally there's something that popped inside his mind. 

He's too scared to ask him that question but he thought to himself that this is the moment so why would he waste it? In fact, Yoongi asked him to ask some question.

Jimin looked directly at Yoongi's eyes, "Do you.. do you currently like someone? Or dating someone?"

Yoongi got puzzled at the unanticipated question that he got. That question got his heart pumping in extra speed, he thought that he's having some palpitations because of the coffee. But it is just the way Jimin looked at him and looking for some answer. 

Yoongi looked away and chuckled, "Molla. But I'm currently not dating or seeing someone nowadays. I am too busy producing some songs." 

Jimin mentally sighed in relief because of that answer. He got the answer that he wanted to hear. 

"It's getting late," Yoongi stands up - not waiting for Jimin's respond to his answer, "I better get going now. I still need to put these groceries inside our cupboards." 

Jimin stands up too and take a look at his phone's clock, "Oh right! I'm sorry. Do you want me to walk you home?" 

Yoongi would love to agree with that offer but he cannot take it anymore. His heart is beating too fast, he might faint on the way home if Jimin will walk him home. No this is just because of too much coffee, he said to himself in his mind. 

"It's alright! I can walk home by myself. And you still have some arranging in your condo to do, right? You know, filling up your empty stockpile." Yoongi laughed for a bit. 

"Ah right," Jimin rubbed his nape and carried his bags, "Let's go then. I'll be walking home, too."

They both walk outside the cafe and when they finally reached outside, they both don't know what to say. It suddenly became a little bit of awkward for Yoongi because of this stupid palpitations. 

"See you tomorrow, Yoongi hyung! Don't pay me back. It's fine." Jimin eye smiled again and Yoongi swore that was the cutest thing that he ever saw in his life. 

This time, before Jimin disappear from Yoongi's sight - he shouted out his name to caught his attention. 

"Yah, Jimin-ah!" Yoongi shouted at him which made him stopped in tracks and turned around. 

"Wae?!" Jimin shouted back, since he's already a bit far from him. 

"I'll make you listen to my produced songs tomorrow. I swear. Thank you for this day." Yoongi said with a smile before walking away, not waiting for Jimin's answer again. 

Jimin is frozen on his spot. Because he remembered what Yoongi said to him recently:

"I'm the only one who listens to the music that I produce. But I'm planning to share it to the person that I like very much." 


[author's note] guess who's back after a hiatus break?! me! anyway, enough of vkook moments for a little bit while and let's give the other characters/members to shine. thank u for the 138k reads! ilysm angels!!!!! ( this is unedited, it's already 1am here. i want to sleep. :-( )

hello yoonmin shippers! 

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