Chapter Twenty Three

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I feel the hard bumps of the horse as it jumps over roots and rocks. The sun is shining barely. I was so tired. I was up all night spotting out for titans. So far so good. I was nervous about going home. What would they do to find out their friend was alive the whole time. I feel guilty. I hoped that Christa would look after Armin, considering he was my best friend. And Mikasa.............I knew could survive on because she was tough. Suddenly, I feel something in my legs. Pain. I can't feel them again. I begin to panic, holding the reins tighter. The horse runs faster. No...not again. The horse's hoof jams between a jagged rock. The horse falls forward and flings me off its back. I hit the ground and slide slowly to a stop. The horse slowly gets up again, its legs shaking.  Then it suddenly turns around and begins to walk away. "N-no no noooo" I panic. I quickly whistle to my horse. It doesn't notice. I do it louder.  The horse turns around and slowly walks up to me and sniffs at my hair. I sigh in relief and take hold of the reins. "C'mon legs" I groan. "work". I can't feel them. I begin to sob. "N-no......please work....please.....holy crap....please". I throw a punch at my thigh. It doesn't move. The horse stares at where I punched my leg and nudges it. "I-It won't work" I sigh. "Why am I even talking to horse?". I sob harder. "God da-". My horse neighs in fear and tries to run away. I tug at the reins and pull it back. The horse slightly calms down. Then I hear distant thumping. I begin to panic. "Titans". The horse nudges my head. I loosk at my legs. "C'MON WORK!!!" I scream. The titan draws near. I I grip the reins and drag myself closer to the horse with my arms. I see it. A third class titan, ugly red hair draped over it's smiling face. Then it happens. My leg twitches. I quickly stand up only to fall back down again. They felt as i they were on fire. No time. I force myself up just as the titan lunges forward. I jump onto my horse and quickly urge it forward. It rears up and gallops forward. The titan smiles at me and begins to slowly run after me. "Fu-". The titan's foot smashes down. I almost fall off, only to pull myself up again. I whip the reins, urging my horse faster. I see a clearing in the distance. I look back at the titan and urge my horse to go faster. The titan jumps forward, biting at us. I urge my horse to swerve to the left. The titan misses and falls forward. I run into the clearing. My stomach drops. In the field....are  five more titans. They meet my gaze and smile. "No..." I choke. A titan lunges forward. My horse flings me off and runs away. I dodge his grip. The titan tilts his head and grins wider. I rip open my backpack and pull out my swords and 3dm. I have to act quick. I clip on my fan section and hook up my swords. The titan's hand lunges forward. I cut it off in an instant. The titan screams. I quickly get up and begin to run. I knew I couldn't outrun them. Suddenly, I see a flash. Someone with a survey corps zooms by and slice's the titan's nape. The titan freezes. The other five stare at it. The titan falls dead in an instant. The figure lands in a tree. I grin. "I'm gonna drive you all out" I growl. The figure leaps back out from the tree. The person starts up the fan section and flies up. "I'LL DESTROY ALL OF YOU!" The figure screams. "I'LL DESTROY YOU, FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY FRIEND!". The figure slices the second titan's nape in a flash. Suddenly the third titan swats him down. The figure chokes as he hits the ground. I stare. Then I scream. "YOU KILL EVERYONE!" I yell. I start up my fan section and lunge forward. The titan was reaching for the figure. No....not on my watch. I I release my grappling hooks into it's arm and real in. I come down and slice off his hand. The titan screams. "HAVE MERCY ON MY SOUL!" I hear the figure scream. The titan backs away. "I'm not finished with you!" I smile. I jump up and release my grappling hooks into the titan's shoulder's. I pull myself in and touch down, slicing the nape of the neck. The screams and fall dead. I feel pain in my legs. I stutter and wobble. "Get a hold of yourself" I cough. The last titan was storming toward us. I run up to the figure. I gasp. It's Armin. Blood covers his face. I fall to my knees. The titan draws near. "NOOOO!!!" I scream. I grip my sword. The titan lunges for me. The world slows down. I scream and slash off its foot. The titan hits the ground. I run up to it and jump onto its back before it could recover. I stab down into the nape and keep stabbing. I know it was dead, but I kept going. Blood splatters onto my face. I throw down my sword and collapse off the titan. I crawl over to Armin and hoist him onto my back.  I stand up and slowly walk back into the forest. I felt as if I were gonna collapse at any moment. I see a small creek. I throw Armin down and drag myself to the creek. I cup my hands and retrieve water. I throw it onto Armin's face.  I take my cape and wipe his face. "Y-y-you're gonna b-be okay buddy" I choke. I take a bandage from my backpack and wrap it around Armin's head. He was still breathing. I throw my cape over him and collapse, exhausted. "It's okay" I whisper. "You're okay now"

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