🎵Walking Like A Blonde Sasquatch🎵

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Here's the first chapter......
Please enjoy........

Autism, and premature birth is mentioned, and premature birth can cause you be born with a small pelvic floor into adulthood.
This is to spread awareness because I was born with a small pelvic floor due to how I was born early.
And she has neuropathy.
Neuropathy can be awful, the pain, since I'm going through it.
Also degenerative bone disease runs in my family.
This character is not based off me, but has these issues.
This character is based off an old friend I met in middle school.
Her name started with a K.

Fernguly is above......

It is wasn't long when I walked into work, did things heat up, meaning drunks were acting like jackasses, because since I have big boobs that they would pinch my tiny ass, because my butt is tiny, due to I was born over two months early, and I have a tiny pelvic floor, and I was born autistic, because it runs in my family, and I have neuropathy, which I take cymbalta for.
I take it every morning before I go to work; or I cannot handle the pain in my feet, and legs as I work, and since I'm disabled, and still able bodied, I work like everyone else.
Autism is technically considered a disability.
I used to date; but I never truly had sex with my ex boyfriend, because I was too afraid it would hurt like hell, due to I was born with a small pelvic floor, a deformity.
My ex boyfriend was abusive; I'd wake up to him trying to rape me, but I'd kick him off in time, and run out of our shared home, and run next door to the neighbor's home, which the middle aged woman always took me in, and never let him in the home of hers I escaped to.
I refuse to marry a man; because my mother was forced to marry her rapist twice, thanks to her father, and she finally escaped her rapist husband, by him croaking from diabetes, her finding him dead when he didn't take his diabetes meds one morning.
I was relieved when he was gone; because since then, my mother has been more bubbly and happy, she even quit smoking.
She lives in Maryland; while I live here in Bon Temps in Louisiana, me moving here to escape my ex Josh.

Fernguly; my cat, I had to put him in his play room while I'm working with extra food and water.
I know it's wrong to do so, but he gets anxious when I leave, but he is an absolute sweetie, he's five years old, which my Mom got him for me as a birthday gift when I was twenty-five, and it was the best gift ever.
I love Fernguly.
He wasn't named yet, so I named him after my favorite childhood movie, Fernguly.
He is just a fuzzball of orange love.
He's my only kiddo I've ever had, and I choose not to have kids; for a good reason, because my pelvic floor is too small, that a pregnancy would truly kill me, like it can kill a child of ten years old.
The Obgyn I go to says my pelvic floor is that of a child of ten at thirty, which I knew that already, and he said it was a severe deformity, due to I was born so early, which I'm not surprised at.
A pregnancy would kill me that's that; so I am child free, so I will not die.
But Louisiana has an abortion ban that has no exceptions for rape or incest, and since I have a face of a teen, I get hit on alot, and have unwanted advances alot by men, to where I fear I could be sexually assaulted, and be forced to carry a fetus, that could end up killing me by me carrying it.
Sam often kicks out many men from his bar; who touch me in unwanted ways, which I'm glad he does.

Today was no different; some unruly teenagers were grabbing my ass alot, making me yelp, and I yelp like a dog, because I grew up around them alot, since my mother rescued them alot, including cats, so as an autistic person, overtime I mimicked things, including dogs, and I do hiss like a cat when I don't want to be touched, but I don't always hiss at times, and this time I didn't, and men think it's sexy, and to me it's something that I can't control, I'll yelp if I get hurt instead of crying, or if I'm touched wrong as well or hiss too, depending on how my brain wants to react, like a dog and cat as I mentioned, and the group of teenagers were grabbing my butt everytime I serve them, meaning checking on them, and Sam wasn't watching, because he was bringing in shipments of food we need stocked up, but Sookie noticed it, cause I kept yelping, and the teenagers were laughing each time, them getting a kick out of it.

Jason was sitting with Hoyt across the way from these teenagers; and I look over to Jason, me giving him a look to help, and he gets up, walking over to the teenagers.
"I would stop touching her ass if I were you boys."

One of the teenagers wearing a football coat says to Jason.
"And who's gonna stop us?
If she wants to be a dog then she can do me like a dog."

Jason then started wailing on the boy; making me gasp in shock as the other teenagers quicky scattered, and watched as their ring leader was being beaten in the face easily, and overpowered by Jason.
"Jason you'll kill him!"
I shout at Jason; and grab his fist to stop him from punching the boy more, the boy's face now had a swollen eye, and a bloody nose.

Jason looked up at me over his shoulder; him breathing hard, he stands up, wiping the blood on his knuckles on his gray Bon Temps shirt, and I give him a guilty look, and he ruffles my short dark brown hair that I have cut boy short, the bangs very short barely over my forehead.
My green brown eyes watched Jason turn to the other boys, who were helping their ring leader up.
"Get the fuck outta here and don't come back!"
They nod at him; and left out of the bar, just as Sam rushed over to us from the back of the bar.

"What happened?"
Sam asked Jason.

"The dumbfucks couldn't keep their hands off her, and then one of them threatened to rape her, calling her a dog.
I couldn't control my anger."
Jason showed Sam his bloody knuckle.

Sam sighs; him looking at me.
"I'm sorry Kara; I should've been in the bar, because I know men are drawn to your looks."

"It's fine.
I couldn't help I kept yelping when they grabbed me, cause I mimic dogs, cause I grew up around them."
I stare at Sam's boots.

Sam then pats my shoulder, and I look up at him with a guilty look, and he smiled warmly at me.
"It's not your fault sweetheart."

Sookie walked over to me and asked me.
"You okay?"

"Yeah; just startled because Jason was you know."
I tell her.

She hugged me and she smelled like peaches; and she says.
"It's okay; we are here for you.
You can come over later if you want to hang out?"

"Thank you Sookie."
I smile at her as she pulled away.

"Let's get back to work.
I'll have a bus boy clean up their plates for you."
Sam says to me.

"Jason go wash up your hand."
Sookie guided Jason away towards the bathroom.

"Are you hungry?"
Sam asked me.

I don't think I can eat after what happened."
I tell Sam.

"Well I'll have you be fixed a snack for later.
A salad with eggs and ranch; since you are the vegetarian that eats dairy and eggs."
Sam says to me, and I nod to him.

"Thank you Sam.
Usually an employer would fire me if I caused something like this."
I say to him, me giving him a thankful look upon my face.

"It's not your fault men are perverts."
Sam replied.
"Let's get back to work."
I nod to him.

I got back to work immediately and helped the bus boy clean up the plates that the teenagers left; so I could keep my mind of of what happened, and I heard the bell ring, me bent over, and now wiping the table clean, and I heard Sookie exclaim.
What are you doing here?!"

I turn towards Sookie's voice; and what I saw floored me.
A really tall hot as hell blonde man with striking ocean blue eyes, he had slicked back blonde hair, thick muscular arms, his black tank top showed his six pack abdomen, and he wore black jeans, black leather boots, and wore a leather black jacket, and he I guess felt my stare, and turned his head towards me, his blue eyes looking at me, which I get flustered, my heart started racing a tattoo of rhythms, and I got butterflies in my stomach, rampaging butterflies, and I immediately turned around, to finish wiping my table I was cleaning, but I listened in on Sookie talking to him as he says.
"I've come for a favor."
His voice was deep, and had an accent.

"A favor?
You still haven't even paid me so I can fix my road at my home!"
She spat out at him.

"Then if you will not help me; then the girl over there will."
I perk up at that, me stopping in wiping the table down.

You want her to help?!
She's too fragile to help you!"
Sookie fumed.

"Take your pick Sookie.
Come by my bar with her tomorrow night.
She can help you for what I have planned for the favor."
The blonde she called Eric; I heard him leave the bar, and I heard Sookie groan.

Sookie walked up and stood by me; which I looked up at her.
"Who was that Sookie?"
I ask her, as I left the rag on the table.

She looked at me; and says to me, with a look on her face she's upset.
"That's Eric Northman; he's a vampire who runs a vampire bar in Shreveport.
He always asks me to help him with vampire business; but for him to ask you to come this time, it must be because he's using you as collateral, that if I don't do what he wants, he could hurt you, so I have no choice, but to help him, same with you, or he could find out where you live, and kill you anyways, if we both don't help him."

I gape at her in shock; me unnerved by that, because he's so hot, and looked nice to me, that was all shattered when she told me this.
I've never met a vampire until Sookie introduced me to Bill, and Bill is so damn nice, warm, and kind, so it was hard for me to believe that this blonde vampire was so mean.
"B...but that's mean!
I didn't know that vampires could be mean like that!
I mean Bill is so nice."
I tell her.

"Not all vampires are nice honey."
She pats my shoulder.
"We'll have to ask Sam for time off.

I give her a look I was guilty I was pulled into vampire business, because now my life is on the line.

"Honey it's not your fault; so don't look so down."
She then hugs me.
"It's getting late, so we should clock out soon after you eat, so we can go to his bar tomorrow.
We need all the sleep we can get."

"Okay Sookie."
I tell her.

"But who will watch Fernguly?"
I then ask her.

"I can have Jason do it."
She winked at me.

"Thank you Sookie."
I smile warmly at her, me glad Fernguly will have somebody watching him while I'm gone on vampire business.


To be continued.......

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