Chapter 8: Fight For Your Right to Party

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"The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love."
Meister Eckhart



  When I walked into Ray's house, I was greeted by my cousin Allan.

  I was surprised to find him here. But then again, I knew he liked to go to house parties and drink. Myself, and a few of his friends—like Charlie Briggs—only knew that.

  "So Cuz," he said to me casually, with his red solo cup in hand, "You decided to show up?"

  I nodded. "Yeah, Will and a couple of other guys were supposed to meet me here."

  Allan slung his arm around my shoulder, and put his head close to mine. I think he was about to tell me a secret or something. "Well, I heard that a couple guys from Warner are coming to the party."

  I gave him a look that said you gotta be kidding me?

  He shook his head. "I ain't."

  Warner High's sports team was a rival to Wayward's. Whether it was football, basketball, wrestling, baseball- anything! Just know that they were our rivals. And that perhaps meant that a couple fights would be breaking out tonight.

  Before leaving my cousin I said hi to Charlie, his friend, who didn't look like he wanted to be at the party. That could only mean that Allan forced him to come.

  While I was enjoying a Sprite, I felt someone give me a monster punch right in the fucking arm. I knew it could only be Will.

  "So, you decided to show?!" he said this in a kind of off way I didn't catch in time.

  "Yeah," I responded with a bit of annoyance in my voice. "What made you think I wouldn't?"

  He shook his head. "It's cool man, it's just that you've been acting weird lately."

  "I haven't been acting weird..."

He scratched his neck and gave me a look that meant he wasn't convinced. "You haven't really talked to anybody today, and someone said they saw you in the hallway talking to yourself."

  "I wasn't talking to my- " I began, but Will interrupted me.

  "It's cool man." He patted me on the back quickly and reassuringly. "I mean, I'm sure you could get meds for that. I have ADHD, so, I feel ya."

  I couldn't explain to my friend that I was talking to Zanna. He probably didn't even know who she was. If I mentioned anything about talking to a ghost he'd really think I was cuckoo.

  Speaking of which, where were the weirdos? (Did weirdos come to these parties?). I needed to talk to one of them. I'm sure they could find out why the heck I was the only one who could see Zanna, who was barely even a ghost for that matter. She wasn't dead.

  Or was she? Now that I thought about it, I hadn't seen her for awhile. If she were to die after we had that huge argument, Damn it, I don't think I could live with myself.

  Where was Zanna?

  Even if I were to go to the hospital or even call, there was a chance I'd still run into, or have to talk to Dad.

  Oh well, he'd probably tell me once I got home—already grounded and inside my room—that she died. Shit. It'd still be pitiful just finding out that way. Before I could think anymore about wether or not Zanna was still living.

  Will handed me a blunt.

  This again? I wanted to refuse it, and give it back to him, but I wanted to stop thinking about Zanna and my parents, and all the fucked up-tedness I may have been exhibiting right now. I wanted to feel mellow; be more chill.

  So I took a hit and handed it back to Will, whose good graces I seemed to be back in.

  I ate a couple pizza rolls that were on the counter in the kitchen, and I drank some more soda. If I didn't regularly exercise and do all that shit. I swear I would've gained some weight and been too out of shape for sports.

  During this mellifluous moment I heard my favourite song playing by MGMT.

  The party had started. Allan, I think, hadn't been too impressed towards the fact that I was a little under the influence of MJ. But who was he to feel that way? He drank, and sipped on beer and vodka. He was wrecking more than I was.

  I didn't know what time it was. It may have been 8:30pm or 9. I wasn't sure.

  But at this point I was making out with Julie Tatherson, we were in one of the bedrooms, on the bed. She was a good kisser, and her lip gloss tasted really nice. I was thinking, maybe, just maybe I'd strike out.

  But that wasn't going to happen. Because at that very moment, Zanna made an appearance.

  "So, you're at a party!" I was still kissing Julie. But I turned my head, and I saw her standing their with shock written all over her face. "Oh, sorry!" She said looking uncomfortable. She then disappeared.

  I stopped making out with Julie and got up from the bed. I swear at that moment, from just seeing Zanna, the effects wore off.

  Julie wasn't as beautiful as before. If all, I realised that this was one of Hailey's friends who had supposedly like/hated me, and I didn't feel too good about making out with her anymore. She was trying to pull me towards her, so that we could continue to make out, but I couldn't handle it.

  Besides, I didn't like the look I saw on Zanna's face. Though, I was glad she wasn't taken off life support or anything yet. But she just had to dissappear on me again, didn't she?


  Ignoring Julie who kept trying to coax me, I put back on my jacket and walked back into the main room.

  Right now, a fight was taking place and it looked like Allan was trying to pull his friend Charlie off of someone. Boy, did Charlie look angry.

  I needed to leave, even if it meant having to face my parents.


  I was grounded.

  Once I got home, my parents were on my ass. They saw that my eyes were dilated, and they probably smelt a little bit of the alcohol I had had a cup of back at the party.

  Dad didn't really react in an angry manner. He frowned at me, and told me he was disappointed in me. I shrugged, and didn't really say anything. I may have snickered. Anyway, my parents didn't like my reaction.

  So they started telling me how much of a disappointment it was to see me that way. And they said that I was going to be grounded for a whole year, and that I was going to start taking the bus instead of using the car.

  That pissed me off.

  Eventually, it turned into a shouting match between me and my parents.

  When I was finally allowed to go to my room, Zanna was sitting on my bed with her arms crossed. This time she wore a humored smile. "So, you really fucked up this time didn't you?"

  I smiled meekly. I wanted to be angry at her.

  For everything.

  For seeing me for who I really was. For her being the cause of why my friends thought I was weird. For making me feel a certain way.

  But I couldn't. There wasn't even a small frustration. Instead, there was relief and contentedness. Yet, even those words didn't do a good job of explaining how I felt.

  "So, did the cops end up showing?" She asked me. I realized she wasn't making eye contact with me.

  I shut my bedroom door and scratched my neck. "No. But after my cousin's friend and this one dude from our rival school got into it. The party kinda stopped. But I don't even know why my cousin's friend got into with that guy, cuz he doesn't play any cousin doesn't either. Anyway, it was probably about some girl."

  She nodded and folded her hands in her lap, still not looking at me. "So, you have a girlfriend now? Uh, you seemed to be really into her."

  I didn't really know what she was talking about at first. Oh, then I remembered when she walked in on me and Julie making out. I blushed, and scratched my neck again. Damn, why did Zanna make me feel uncomfortable, and flustered?

  "No," I answered, "We didn't end up doing anything. I just wasn't into it. Or...uh...ya know....I..."

  Zanna giggled as she shook her head. Out eyes met.

  "You don't have to say anything. I just find it surprising that you and her didn't do anything."

  I raised my eyebrow. "You don't think I'm that way, do you?"

"What way?"

  "Uh, like..." I didn't look at her. "Some man whore, right?"

  Before she could say anything, afraid of the answer, I decided to change the subject.

  "Why am I the only who can see you?" I asked Zanna, suddenly. The question had been eating at me, ever since we both founded ourselves in this situation together; she didn't seem to have much of an answer to my question. She remained speechless, surprised by my question, I guess.

  Staring at her, I saw that her large brown eyes were filled with such depth, thought, and wonder as she stared back at me.

  She then began to shoe-gaze; staring down on the floor at her feet, adverting her gaze away from mine.

  From the much time we've been spending together, I realized that she did that a lot, when she was in reverie.

  Therefore, I never thought I'd be alone in a room with a girl like Zanna Purgeth.

  I was now on my bed, with my back pressed against the headboard, while Zanna sat at the foot of my bed.

  If my mom happened to knock on my bedroom door at this moment, and open it, she wouldn't find a teenage girl sitting at the edge of my bed.

  She would only see me.

  "I don't know," Zanna finally answered, looking straight at me.

  I didn't say anything right away. It was as if she seemed slightly taken aback by my silence.

  Even before this, I hadn't noticed Zanna, much less knew her name. She was a quiet girl that everyone really didn't know. I still needed to ask people about her, to see if anyone really knew her.

  But how was it that, I could see Zanna and no one else could? Her mother couldn't see her. Zanna had told me her sister Tish was back home. She'd seen her at the hospital, and her sister couldn't see her.

  What was it?

  I probably could guess that even when she'd been visible to everyone at school (before the accident), no one had seen her then.

  It was all coming back to me.

  I could remember that one time; it had been a couple weeks after Labor Day, when I'd noticed her for the very first time. It had been the beginning of school; everyone was waiting in the lobby for school to start.

  I was hanging out with Mark, Will, and Gunther near the office window. We were talking about the usual stuff; football and girls.

  That was when Mark and Gunther started debating over football strategies, while Will on the otherhand was texting his girlfriend Jennifer. Then there was me. I was kinda listening to Mark and Gunther's debate.

  That was when I had noticed her.

  The girl seemed to be observing the room, almost as if she were looking for someone. She was sitting in the far corner of the room. Her hair, this strawberry blond was put into a ponytail. The clothes she had on were modest; a black shirt with a flower scarf, and pair of dark jeans. I didn't know what had me so transfixed by her. Was it her beauty or likeliness?

  She must've felt me staring at her, because her eyes, this beautiful brown, met mine.

  I didn't look away.

  Why hadn't I noticed her until now? Was she new here? I never saw her before. Before I could bring up the courage to acknowledge her with a wave of my hand, I saw her advert her attention to Julie Tatherson who, a few feet away from her, was staring at... me.

  Julie Tatherson was an annoyance and Hailey's friend, sure she was interested in me, but I wasn't interested in dating her. She was Hailey's friend and it just seemed weird.

  Switching my attention back to the girl, I saw the she wasn't there anymore. Where did she go?

  "Man, the bell rang," Gunther said, trying to get my attention. My eyes tried searching for where the girl could've gone, but I couldn't find her. I then followed my friends.

  Zanna had been the girl that day. And it was weird how I remembered that somehow. Did it have to do with me seeing her that day, when she was yet visible to those around her, but invisible to those who chose not to see her? No, that couldn't be.

  Therefore I told Zanna the story, I wasn't sure if she'd remember it or not. Her being a ghost and everything made her forget some of the memories she had, when she'd been alive.

  When I got done telling her the memory, she didn't say anything for a little bit. Did she remember?

  "That's it Blayze," she said suddenly, her eyes brightening at the revelation. "You seeing me that day, before the accident... It means something." She did remember.

  I nodded, but I didn't really know what was she was trying to get at.

  "What do you mean?"

  She sighed, "It means, you saw me when no one else did... You saw me when I was invisible."

A/N: Here ya go!

Why do you think Blayze stopped making out with Julie?

Tell me what you think!

Blayze and Zanna made quite the revelation, didn't they?

This chapter lead up to the blurb.

  This story is finished and completed. However I'm going to be posting new chapters up every Monday and Wednesday and Friday.

I won't be offended if you don't follow or comment. It won't stop me from updating.

I do reply to all feedback/comments.

I do know how much you readers matter.

Thank you!

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