Chapter Ten

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"This is Zanixa. As she has no family that we know of, we are taking care of her for the time being, until we can find a more suitable place," Oscen explained. His words punched me in the gut, once more reminding me that momma hadn't come. I'd been out for days now. She would have had enough time to find me.

The crowd exploded into noise. Someone called out, "Is it true that she cost you several gold pieces?"

"That was money we worked hard for!"

"The fox doesn't belong - we're werewolves!"

The Alpha raised his hand, and they all fell silent at once. "Yes, it is true. However, it enhanced our relationship with the Vesmai. Each of you knows they could decide to enslave us at any moment, and that we're balancing on a very small thread here. Keeping up relations with them is of utmost importance."

I looked up at him. Was that really why he bought me? To appease the ones that had captured me in the first place? I didn't know why, but my tail swished in agitation at the thought.

For the first time, Sila spoke up. "On top of that, just look at her. She is but a pup - a parentless, traumatised pup. Would you throw a defenseless wolf pup out? No. And I will not throw a fox kit out either, especially not in winter."

The crowd muttered between themselves. Mainly the women seemed to agree, giving me looks of sympathy, as well as something else that I wasn't sure about.

"Now, as she is not a werewolf, she cannot join the pack officially. She will be an honorary member, like Thoysal is. I expect you to treat her like you would treat any other pack member," Oscen said. Some still murmured unhappily, but the majority of the crowd nodded. "That is all. May we shine in the goddess' light."

"May we shine in the goddess' light," they repeated, fist on their heart. I quickly scampered down the rock. They wandered off, some glancing back at me. Thoysal's legs seemed the perfect hiding place.

'Shh... It's okay now,' he murmured to me.

My ears were still flat against my head, tail low to the ground. 'Didn't you see some looking? They wanted to kill me!'

'They'll get over that soon enough. They have a natural dislike of anything not werewolf. It helps that you are still a kit, as that reaches out to the protective tendencies of the mother wolves,' Thoysal said.

Sila walked over and kneeled next to me. "You did well, Zanixa."

I gave a disbelieving snort. She sighed and continued, "They will grow to love you. It'll be alright."

'I just want back in the fire,' I said to the vampire, who relayed my message to the Ira.

"You can go. You've earned it." She gave me a comforting smile - not that it worked. I wanted out of here, and fast.

Thoysal nodded at Sila. "I'll teleport her back, as I promised to do that. I will see you later."

He reached out, and I figured he was going to stroke my back like he did earlier. Instead, everything went dark. Less than a second later, we were back in our home.

The fire called to me, and I wasted no time going right in. There had been far too many people. I now began to understand why momma had avoided villages and cities. That many other beings near was not pleasant in the least.

'Are you happy now?' I grudgingly asked.

He sat down on the chair he had moved to the corner. 'Yes. Very. Now they'll most likely let us be, at least until winter has passed. And when that time has come, we can seek a quiet place in Todas.'

I perked up a little at the mention of the large forest that covered the entire northern part of the continent. It was where I had lived all my life. 'Could my momma still live there...?'

Thoysal watched me for a moment before replying, 'Yes, it may be possible. But she is most likely holed up for winter, just like you are.'

He probably thought I was about to run out and search the entirety of Todas for her. Even though I wanted to see her, I knew that if I would just run there in the beginning of winter, I'd slowly freeze to death. Winters were harsh, with snow that was as high as me, but then with five more me's on top.

Then again, waiting for months... It was a very long time. But two centuries were even longer, and she hadn't found me either. I huffed uncomfortably and shifted slightly in my spot, nibbling on a glowing coal.

'I'm going to search for her in spring,' I stated resolutely. If I had waited for centuries, she could wait for a few months, right? And then I'd finally be able to see her again. If she still wanted me, at least...

The vampire nodded. 'That's alright. Would I be allowed to accompany you if the time comes? I have been holed up in this territory for far too long regardless.'

'Yes! You could protect me from the Vesmai if they hunt me again. You're far bigger and stronger than me,' I said. Maybe they'd fear him. I doubted it, though, knowing just how powerful they were. I had heard them speak many times as they watched us, discussing how they could be the most vital in a battle to capture the Moon God. They all seemed to want the biggest part in it, to get the most honor. If they dared to even speak about crossing a god, they wouldn't hesitate to destroy someone like Thoysal.

"Hold up," the vampire said. "They are planning on capturing the god of darkness?"

'Yes. They've been talking about it for as long as I've been in the bottle. Never in the presence of non-Vesmai, though,' I replied. 'It's not likely to happen for another few centuries.'

Although clearly disturbed, he let it go. I moved around a little bit to get more comfy and stayed in the fire.

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